00:36:00 Peroniko: ArchiveBot doesn't use IA IPs, so might be feasible to save via that if the site isn't massive 00:36:22 although if they are blocking IA, they would probably just request removal of the site IA too 00:36:40 I would say it's at least 5 million links 00:37:09 probably doable, what about in GB? 00:37:14 because they add releases of published music, labels, artist... 00:38:20 I would say pictures would be largest part, they don't allow cover pictures above 10MB, other parts of the site are light, because site still has the spirit of 2005 with some modern tech 00:40:20 I think i undersold it, checking now and only releases are coming up to 10 million pages, so 20 million should be closer to the end number of pages 00:43:01 there are AB jobs running right now that got more requests than that, 47 million is the largest 00:43:29 page requisites might be a problem though? 00:43:41 assuming 20 million doesn't include them 00:47:47 no, but it seems that only third party one are googletagmanager and their image CDN. Some of their CSS links are on the same CDN and but they seem to use inline style, so that should reduce number of links. 02:29:39 fireonlive arkiver: I found two more, YV-003900000-003999999.tar YV-009900000-009999999.tar YV-003200000-003213887.tar are all friendster stuff rather than yahoo videos 03:00:51 TheTechRobo edited Current Projects (-121, Remove Ownlog from upcoming projects as it is dead): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50777&oldid=50759 04:06:46 did we ever get anything for ownlog, or should the status be changed to "lost"? 05:09:15 VoynichCr edited Svalbard Global Seed Vault (+50): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50778&oldid=47903 10:12:11 pokechu22: thanks 10:30:16 OI SOMEONE GIVE THE GITHUB PROJECT A TARGET 10:30:53 Trying target rsync://optane9.targets.atinfra.net:8892/ateam-airsync/:downloader/. 10:30:53 Could not find a target. 10:30:53 Could not get rsync target. 10:30:53 Failed to upload, retrying... 20:22:45 nicolas17: Do you have any idea when all the file lists will be done and will you be uploading them to IA? 20:23:18 I finished all that I could do with the fast script that skips data 20:23:49 now I still have to do a few .tar.bz2, and one of the .tar that actually has friendster data 20:24:10 (the files inside are small so there's almost no benefit to doing range requests) 20:25:42 Alright, do any of them have videos from user id 375869? 20:27:25 not seeing any 20:27:50 but those friendster tars makes me think something got mixed up when uploading, and maybe the "correct" yahoo videos tar with that name still exists somewhere? 20:29:54 Who would be the person to ask about those though 20:47:52 probably the people listed here, if you can track them down https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Yahoo!_Video_Warroom 21:00:58 Have you checked whether there's perhaps something in the Friendster data? 21:02:13 what do we know about FOIAonline? i see in the PDF that people need to contact the "Partners" to see where documents will be accessible 21:02:24 what do we know about that? is there a new central data repository? 21:03:32 JAA: My program didn't find a single video file in the one of those that I checked, idk about the other ones 21:40:49 SketchCow: You're the one who packaged/uploaded the Yahoo Video archives right?