00:04:39 -+rss- “Most notorious” illegal shadow library (LibGen) sued by textbook publishers: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/09/most-notorious-illegal-shadow-library-sued-by-textbook-publishers/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37529666 00:05:53 Since it worked so well last time, let's sue them again! 00:06:08 yep! :D 00:08:19 the suings will continue until morale improves 00:15:21 Does anyone know of a better way to contact Underscor than through github (which has no pm function)? Seems like that would be my only hope of getting the videos I'm looking for 00:18:12 david golumbia has died https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2023/09/15/david-golumbia-1963-2023/ 00:37:09 Rootliam: what are you seeking from them? 00:49:45 fireonlive: yahoovideos files 00:53:37 ah, actual data 00:53:58 wonder if they'd have it after all this time 00:54:45 seems almost quaint that all of Y! Videos was only 20TB 00:56:58 yeah lol 01:06:21 Rootliam: he's actually still idling in archiveteam channels on efnet, so i shot him a message over there 01:06:35 but i suspect it's a forgotten bouncer or something 01:10:29 fireonlive: there's like 4 tarballs that are actually friendster data 01:10:59 https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/north-american-airspace-defense-getting-cloud-based-backbone-next-month Cloud-based NORAD? 01:11:26 I do remember pinging underscor a few years ago about something on EFnet and getting a reply. But who knows if they didn't notice the migration. 01:11:57 erps this isn't #ot 01:12:50 (i also turned up an apparently-current work email, but that might not be, like, appropriate) 01:14:15 (is not current) 01:14:33 (the cytracom one?) 01:14:38 (oh that one is) 01:14:44 (:3) 01:14:53 (why are we whispering?) 02:22:36 (🤐) 02:41:05 ) 02:59:29 targets are really dead, huh. haven't seen a successful rsync upload in many hours 03:00:40 🔥 🐶☕ 🔥 04:57:51 https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/ff8db6377b9cac41/image.png sorry my warrior isnt doing much atm 05:14:18 PaulWise edited Finding subdomains (+54, add new subdomain service): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50779&oldid=50340 05:15:18 PaulWise edited Finding subdomains (+51, Sublist3r): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50780&oldid=50779 05:16:18 PaulWise edited Finding subdomains (+44, DNSdumpster): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50781&oldid=50780 05:18:27 -rss/#hackernews- Subdomain.center – discover all subdomains for a domain: https://www.subdomain.center/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37531801 05:36:22 Pokechu22 edited DokuWiki (+137, doku.php ignore example): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50782&oldid=50746 05:59:58 Does the trying to rsync or whatever prioritise people that have been trying to connect for longer? or is it first come first serve or what? because this github item has been looking for a target for over a day now 06:02:49 pretty sure it's first come first serve, it doesn't know who you are or how many times you tried to connect, it only knows if it has enough space the instant you try to upload 06:03:18 well if you lot could let me in lmfao 06:03:42 we could pause all projects! 06:03:58 YEAH FOR 5 MINUTES SO FLASHFIRE CAN GET HIS DAY OLD JOB DONE 06:04:04 no 06:04:15 for hours until everyone gets their hours-old jobs done 06:04:49 seems reddit and telegram have both been stalled for hours anyway 06:04:54 Ok but is that as stupid as it sounds? 06:04:58 did we fill 'em up? 06:05:03 I dont know maybe we did 06:05:18 if so then we actually should pause things ._. 06:14:31 🔥 🐶☕ 🔥 07:20:05 re. wowturkey archival: wowturkey's owner joined one of the a forum that's the spiritual successor of wowturkey and is apparently an active member of it 07:20:23 we may have a chance to reach him and convince him to reverse the shutdown 07:50:25 the uploading part of ArchiveBot still doesnt seem to be fixed :thinking: 07:53:12 yeah i know 07:53:18 downloading is slow too 07:53:26 abt isdn speeds 07:53:57 it's broken in the ia side, archivebot does properly what it's supposed to do 09:11:06 Bzc6p edited MoinMoin (+34, what is this): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50783&oldid=50772 14:39:21 ShadowJonathan: No, it isn't. I'm offloading data to a spare server to keep things running, but the uploads to IA via the normal route are stuck. 14:59:15 TheTechRobo edited V Live (+39, Add link to IA collection): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50784&oldid=49509 15:18:18 TheTechRobo edited Frequently Asked Questions (-12, /* halp pls halp */ User account doesn't matter…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50785&oldid=50590 18:32:20 I've heard that something's up with IA 18:32:27 Can someone give me a TL;DR? 18:32:32 Long upload queue? 18:35:52 IA's ingress machinery is sad and has greatly reduced capacity. 18:49:12 twinsies 19:58:57 http://s3.us.archive.org/?check_limit=1 19:59:26 "total_global_limit": 11999, "total_tasks_queued": 11932 20:00:13 queue is full💀 20:22:32 "rationing_level": 9999 feels about right 21:26:59 Yay things are flowing again. Thanks rewby! 21:31:05 rewby++ 21:31:05 -eggdrop- [karma] 'rewby' now has 1 karma! 21:45:29 yzqzss: oohhhh thanks for that link 21:47:15 thuban: Did you get any response from underscor? 21:47:58 nstrom|m: or not 21:49:14 Rootliam: unfortunately, no. fireonlive did find a personal email, which might be worth trying? 21:51:01 I guess I should try a github issue first then email as a last ditch effort 21:53:15 an email might be more appropriate than a drive-by github issue on an unrelated repo 21:54:15 https://github.com/ab2525/ia-archiveteam-yahoovideo I think this counts as related :P 21:54:54 nstrom|m: It won't last long. 21:55:26 oh! i didn't realize that existed. i think you're correct d: 22:07:58 boo. oh well, thanks for trying :) your efforts are still greatly appreciated 22:55:13 02:34:36 pm -+rss- Lodash just declared issue bankruptcy and closed every issue and open PR: https://twitter.com/danielcroe/status/1703127430523703432 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37538426 22:55:13 nitter: https://nitter.net/danielcroe/status/1703127430523703432 22:59:36 Website into AB, GitHub into #gitgud, not sure if there's anything else. 23:00:11 As jwz put it 23:00:12 > This is, I think, the most common way for my bug reports to open source software projects to ever become closed. I report bugs; they go unread for a year, sometimes two; and then (surprise!) that module is rewritten from scratch—and the new maintainer can’t be bothered to check whether his new version has actually solved any of the known problems that existed in the previous version. 23:07:53 I find that that sort of thing usually happens with maintainers who view issues as nagging, rather than as contributions 23:14:42 Aren't those the ones that set up stalebot and ignore issues until they get closed by it?