00:01:20 nicolas17: What yv archives have the mixed up friendster data? 00:03:26 YV-003100001-003199999.tar YV-003200000-003213887.tar YV-003900000-003999999.tar YV-009900000-009999999.tar 00:03:45 those are pure friendster eh? 00:03:47 I think it's just those 4 00:04:00 Ok thanks 00:04:01 the file listings are disproportionately larger than the rest 00:04:18 since the files inside are small (no large .flv's) 00:44:44 Is there a CLI tool that takes a single CSS selector and just crawls into urls extracted with it while recursively outputting the crawled pages to stdout? Possibly with multiple connections at once 00:46:55 Would be convenient for writing quick and dirty crawlers and scrapers 00:50:23 PaulWise edited ArchiveBot (+245, better info for folks w/o AB perms): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50876&oldid=50251 01:24:48 with AB, is there no way to extract links from 404 pages? 01:28:10 There isn't to my understanding 01:31:01 Nope 01:32:37 There's this related ancient open issue: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/wpull/issues/202 01:32:53 nicolas17: i'll get those moved to the friendster collection 01:33:06 won't change the identifiers though - they may be referenced in various places 01:42:58 thanks arkiver 01:44:47 this is what I was seeing https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/wpull/issues/444 01:45:22 something like that, there was no sitemap though 03:10:50 has there ever been an attempt to archive the steam workshop? 03:11:58 Not in the past few years at least, as far as I'm aware. I'd like to see it happen though. 04:09:34 would also be cool to get the steam community 04:09:48 though theres no pressing need for that 07:08:34 is it just me or does subdomain enumeration no longer work in bing? 07:47:12 https://forum.unity.com/threads/unity-plan-pricing-and-packaging-updates.1482750/ that thread should be captured, dumpster fire that might escalate. 10:07:21 https://pep.foundation/ is bankrupt apparently 10:14:16 link kpcyrd ? 10:15:03 pabs: oftc/#sequoia 10:15:14 not sure if the channel has public logs 10:15:57 ah the folks who were reimplementing pgp? 10:17:34 hmm, their gitea died already? 10:19:27 https://pep.community/ gone too 10:20:16 Get archiving then 10:42:29 pep.security also gone 10:42:39 did archiving on what remains 10:42:57 pabs: https://pep.community is live now. 10:45:33 pabs: also https://gitea.pep.foundation/explore/repos looks live as well. 10:45:40 and gitea too, weird 10:46:07 all the other domains too, I'll start again I guess :) 10:48:51 also might be worth joining #pEp and asking. 11:00:48 from hackint #pEp Where did you read that? It is unfortunately true though. 11:57:01 tech seems to be going downhill lately 12:16:47 https://twitter.com/mtruslowstorey/status/1703781076689121556 12:16:48 nitter: https://nitter.net/mtruslowstorey/status/1703781076689121556 12:55:56 Hi, I'm trying to archive the whole of an older recipe site (https://homemadebymary.blogspot.com/), but I can't use the !archive command myself 14:16:03 kpcyrd, murb: more details from #pEp https://paste.debian.net/hidden/6e9a8956/ 14:18:22 Thank you 14:20:57 pabs: thanks for looking into it 14:40:10 pabs: ta for the link. 14:48:56 masterx244|m: AB job for it is running. 18:09:41 ETA 42 hours to get the last yahoovideos file listing ugh 18:09:48 43* 19:59:16 -+rss- MariaDB to be acquired by Runa Cap?: https://investors.mariadb.com/news/news-details/2023/Announcement-Regarding-Possible-Offer/default.aspx https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37573999 20:06:45 any updates on ia uploads? 20:07:38 Not really, still limited. 20:07:39 btw last four days for wowturkey could revive in its original hosting provider - its hosting expires on the 23th 20:08:06 JAA: same in the downloads sadly 21:41:35 This is kind of annoying but it seems ANY BlueSky post needs a fking account to see it 21:42:17 bsky.app I mean 21:42:22 i don't know if blueskyapp.xyz is the same 21:42:30 seems like archiving it will require an account... 21:44:55 there was a way to see one post w/o context/replies/etc but I seem to have lost the URL 21:45:07 (also without embedded media IIRC) 21:45:23 ah no, embedded media works 21:45:26 rktk: https://skeeet.xyz/?url=https://bsky.app/profile/archive.org/post/3k564fpkchh2x 21:45:32 (credit to JAA) 21:45:38 yeah embedded media works 21:45:47 psky.app is another url I've observed that people have on shared links 21:45:51 ahh ok 21:45:57 skeeet lmao 21:46:03 xD 21:46:20 i do remember something about staff asking their users to please not call them skeets 21:46:40 why that name 21:46:50 well that's a workable archival solution 21:46:51 SKy + tweet? 21:47:38 skeeet 21:47:43 .xyz that link 21:48:07 works to archive single links at least which is normally what I do for twitter... although snscrape has been busted for a while now (thought they claim that nitter works, i can't get it going) 21:48:10 I meant in response to fireonlive, why were users calling them skeets 21:48:19 Bibliogram is kind of starting to fall apart as well btw, it's unmaintained but still mildly usable 21:50:10 nicolas17: looks like it's a portmanteau of 'sky' and 'tweet' 21:50:45 (and it's also funny, because cum) 21:51:08 :thinking: where is cum 21:51:44 skeet: to ejaculate, cum, get there. 21:52:03 (or skeets) 21:52:22 uhhh 21:52:25 wow 21:54:07 TIL lmao! 21:54:07 indeed! 21:54:18 x3 21:56:31 there are a few nitter workarounds, but between the api being a moving target right now and public instances that do get something up being hammered, things aren't super stable 21:58:57 if they shake out, might be worth running an archiveteam nitter just to point archivebot at 22:19:08 Ljcool2006 edited YouTube (+34, /* Music Comment Removal */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50877&oldid=50615 22:19:09 Adrmcr edited URLTeam (+216, note about capital letters for the other…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50878&oldid=50719 22:35:12 and soon X will be a pay-to-use service! 22:35:20 https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/18/elon-musk-says-x-will-charge-users-a-small-monthly-payment-to-use-its-service/ 23:07:25 rktk: download your favourite cat pictures now! 23:20:59 and soon X will be a pay-to-use service! 23:21:14 About time someone puts it out of its misery 23:22:11 I see no other future than active users falling off a cliff 23:30:07 That's phase 1 23:30:22 Phase 2 it turns into Parler 2.0 23:30:38 Assuming it survives long enough to reach that phase 23:34:14 ah yes :( 23:34:22 better back up my favourite creators while i still can