01:05:26 Exorcism: https://majasau.pagesperso-orange.fr/pageDEFILmrt22.htm (via #webroasting :p) 01:35:30 "Exorcism: https://majasau...." <- 😭 01:37:45 better back up my favourite creators while i still can 01:37:59 80% probability Elon just walks it back 01:40:57 true 01:41:17 line goes down -> oh shit -> please come back 02:36:18 I left myself this two years ago when I was trying to get something useful out of Fandom: 02:36:21 #TODO: Combine lists of wikis, upload to IA, run to the hills 02:36:28 :-) 02:45:54 x3 03:05:29 pokechu22: were you talking about radiolab? https://old.reddit.com/r/Radiolab/comments/j5r558/downloading_the_entire_radiolab_archive/g7xgypm/ 03:05:43 this person has a google drive w/ an archive of it supposedly 03:06:21 wait how the hell did i find that post 03:06:27 where am i 03:06:38 oh it was reposted 03:07:02 https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/16n6sbg/comment/k1d0uxn/ 04:22:40 fireonlive: it was HP_Archivist actually, but yeah, I saw that google drive (I think that same thread was linked). I've already done two archivebot jobs on the wnyc API so I might as well extract podcast and post links from that though 04:22:58 ah ok :) 10:23:55 rktk: fireonline: bluesky viewer https://twexit.nl 14:40:44 reddit and telegram stalled again ._. poor targets 15:07:10 success story: yesterday I searched for an image I knew I had posted on discord 15:07:20 and I found my message where I sent it... gfycat link, dead 15:07:52 and WBM had it ✨ 15:09:17 actually it was a video which is even more problematic, mp4 in giant.gfycat.com 15:09:29 nice 15:10:47 hm I should check if it came from the recent AT archival 15:12:24 it did! 15:13:08 https://web.archive.org/web/20230819171635/https://giant.gfycat.com/RingedUnsungGrosbeak.mp4 15:13:09 x-archive-src: archiveteam_gfycat_20230819172023_d362fbeb/gfycat_20230819172023_d362fbeb.1692288184.megawarc.warc.zst 15:15:05 So even more lucky because we only grabbed the giant MP4s at the start of the project. 15:24:49 ah no 15:24:53 seems this file has 3 captures 15:25:01 all from AT 15:31:40 JAA: that brings a queestion though, what if this file wasn't archived? 15:31:59 we archived a smaller version right? how do I change the URL? 15:32:00 Well, we'd have the lower-resolution one, just not the giant one. 15:32:14 I think their JS falls back to that automatically? Not sure. 17:02:43 fireonlive: Yeah, I'm the one who commented on that post; I downloaded all 9 zips and will try to get it all on IA this weekend, as soon as I figure out how to unpack and sort. 17:55:31 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+167, /* 2023 */ Add MojForum.si): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50879&oldid=50865 18:21:17 Looking into FOIAonline. It's very scripty. Individual request pages do a mixture of GET and POST. The search sends a JSON blob via POST. It definitely won't work well in the WBM. 18:24:21 At least the request info should be directly accessible though. 18:24:41 The records get listed via POST, and the download links include a CSRF token. 18:56:35 JAA: there are sequential IDs per year 18:56:42 arkiver: it isn’t, but I have fed a list of all of the forums into AB 18:56:51 It is; I added it earlier. 18:57:25 arkiver: ... per agency, too, so a bit more pain, but yeah. 18:57:43 Automating the advanced search to loop over dates is easy enough though. 18:59:18 Regarding MojForum.si, they have some shitty WAP thingy. If you access a forum's RSS feed with curl, you get banned. See my messages in #archivebot for more details. 18:59:20 JAA: yeah we could somewhat easily collect a list of possible IDs that way 20:46:59 that's surprising given that none of their forums even have https... if they're sending cleartext credentials all over the place they clearly don't care about security 21:13:21 nstrom|m: Which company/forums? 21:14:45 After a bit over two days, my Canucks forums grab is about a third done. So well on track to finish before the shutdown. 21:30:11 "nstrom: Which company/forums?" <- mojforum.si mentioned above 21:31:13 Mentioned before I joined 21:31:15 But ok 21:58:58 oops I accidentally started a reddit grabber >_< 22:00:14 I ^C'd it now... it will quit when targets finally let me in >_< 22:00:35 and there has been no successful upload in hours so that's gonna take a while 22:01:49 wap? :3 22:02:10 i’m surprised those interfaces still exist, but i guess if the site is old enough 22:02:28 oh. not that kind 22:04:08 Oh, s/WAP/WAF/ 22:04:12 ah he 22:04:15 ye* 22:04:24 wdym 22:04:33 i was thinking https://441il.com/en/wap.php -> https://wap.441il.com/ :) 22:04:57 oh I thought you were replying to me 22:05:08 Oh yeah, that abomination. 22:05:17 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Application_Protocol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Markup_Language 22:05:20 so much fun haha 22:05:55 when accidentally pressing the internet key on your phone meant you might almost be homeless 22:36:18 JustAnotherArchivist edited We-TeVe (+42, Add link to video list archive): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50881&oldid=50692 23:59:20 those were the days, WAP over GPRS while getting shafted by RoBelUs 23:59:28 like you say, nearly homeless >:|