00:35:32 The record page requests the same data three times. Brilliant engineering. 00:43:48 oh lord lol 00:44:03 ”why is our load so high” 01:11:49 "size": "5.4583", 01:12:20 They return the file size as a string in MiB (mislabeled as MB). 01:12:30 That's on the API. 01:14:25 :( 12:07:03 fireonlive: remember when elon blocked everyone from using twitter to reduce load, then the front end would keep retrying every 0.5 seconds 12:14:08 https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/18/elon-musk-says-x-will-charge-users-a-small-monthly-payment-to-use-its-service/ 12:14:23 #archiveteam-ot for continued discussion of twitter 12:14:26 (aka shitter) 13:51:52 &G f1 14:02:56 Rough FOIAonline estimate based on a 1‰ sample: 8.5 TiB 14:03:27 But the size varies wildly between requests, so might be pretty far off depending on how many of the large ones I hit. 19:33:25 hi, archive team 19:33:35 This url can't be archived because the company doesn't want it's words to be used against it later in court: 19:33:46 https://grsecurity.net/setting_the_record_straight_on_oss_v_perens_part1 19:33:54 can you please archive it? they have your ip's black listed 19:34:01 any other user can look at it 19:34:07 they make certain admissions they don't want to keep for posterity 19:34:24 Saving page https://grsecurity.net/setting_the_record_straight_on_oss_v_perens_part1 19:34:25 Save Page Now browser crashed on https://grsecurity.net/setting_the_record_straight_on_oss_v_perens_part1. 19:34:25 Return to Save Page Now 19:34:26 19:34:48 dxrt, Fusl HCross hook54321 JAA kallsyms OrIdow6 rewby Sanqui 19:35:24 Do not mass-ping people. Someone will look at it when they have time. 19:35:30 aGerman, aismallard Ajay AK akaibu|m alexshpilkin AmAnd0A anarcat andrew Aoede apache2 19:35:30 Also, we are not the Internet Archive. 19:35:47 please don't ping random people in a channel 19:35:52 that will make such people just angry 19:36:04 anarcat, can you please just archive it somewhere: 19:36:10 https://grsecurity.net/setting_the_record_straight_on_oss_v_perens_part1 19:36:19 * rewby|backup >:[ 19:36:28 they don't want an independent 3rd party to archive what they are saying 19:36:53 they are blatantly violating the GPL, and make admissions (they don't know that tho) in that document 19:36:55 We saw your request, now be patient. 19:37:04 r00t: https://archive.ph/t1592 19:37:09 JAA, ok, so can I go? 19:37:11 that was archived 3 years ago 19:37:31 anarcat, can you do it on wikipedia too please 19:37:42 There are also 9 snapshots in the Wayback Machine. 19:37:49 im not sure archive.ph will be up when the lawsuits occur 19:37:51 furthermore, the internet archive's policy is to exclude sites from the wayback machine on request, so it is not a good way to preserve pages against the owners' wishes 19:38:14 thuban, that is not how the wayback machine is used in the legal system 19:38:16 r00t: what the heck are you even talking about 19:38:24 it's used as a neutral 3rd party 19:38:36 Those two things have nothing to do with each other. 19:38:39 anarcat, Grsecurity's blatant copyright violation vs Linux and GCC 19:38:57 JAA, they did in the GRSecurity vs Bruce Perens case 19:39:06 The IA will exclude websites from public access when the site owner requests it. 19:39:18 That means nothing about whether snapshots can or can't be used in legal cases. 19:39:19 yes: but it will still be in the private cache 19:39:26 which can be supenoaed. 19:39:32 and it is in the private cache 19:39:39 but you do not seem to be actually listening to what we say here 19:39:42 so good bye 19:39:58 anarcat, the archive bot crashes when it tries to archive it, 19:40:07 probably has a "403" cached 19:40:08 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://grsecurity.net/setting_the_record_straight_on_oss_v_perens_part1 19:40:20 /help ignore 19:40:23 Again, it has been archived at least 9 times before. 19:40:54 JAA: i admire your patience 19:40:56 JAA, im looking but they never come up 19:41:08 also I'm the one that submitted it many times 19:41:13 always crashes their bot 19:41:44 The Wayback Machine has problems today. But the latest snapshot from June loads just fine here after a few attempts. 19:42:09 JAA, you see the part where they acknowlege Linus' stipulation that all patches "come back to him" ? 19:42:14 half way donw 19:42:27 that's the important part: shows they know about his modification 19:42:34 which he can do as the original copyright owner 19:42:45 it's a codicil essentially, to use a term 19:43:11 The text is complete and identical to the live site as far as I can tell. There's no occurrence of 'come back' in it. 19:43:19 JAA, : 19:43:35 even those regarded as leaders. Linus Torvalds has been consistent over many years that the GPL to him says that "If you make changes, you have to send the changes back to me." These statements of his have been publicized widely, and he's repeated them many times at conferences. 19:43:39 :D 19:43:42 important part is there 19:43:53 here is where grsecurity shows it doesn't understand copyright 19:44:05 the original copyright owner can set the terms as he sees fit 19:44:07 Yes, that's in the June snapshot as well. 19:44:10 licensees cannot 19:44:16 We don't need to debate copyright or licences here. 19:44:30 it's simple US copyright law 19:44:36 It's irrelevant to this channel. 19:44:39 well they made an admission there 19:44:49 You asked about archival, we're telling you it's been archived many times. 19:44:54 and someday they might edit it out once they realise it 19:44:56 thanks JAA 19:45:17 JAA, should I now delete my home copies of this? 19:45:26 since the internet safely has it? 19:45:44 I always recommend keeping your own copies of anything you might care about. 19:45:54 I want Grsec sued 19:46:13 Whether your copy would be admissible in court I have no idea. 19:46:15 JAA: you're a linux kernel hacker right? 19:46:25 JAA, I'm a lawyer: it would be fine 19:46:36 but the archive is better 19:46:49 seems like i put my -timeout too low 19:46:55 JAA, as a linux hacker: please sue GRSec :D 19:47:07 seriously 19:47:20 anarcat, JAA might be a linux hacker 19:47:35 and linux kernel hackers do not sign over their copyrights 19:47:46 so he, being a copyright holder, has standing to sue 19:48:11 JAA: the benifits of suing are: you win in 10 years 19:48:12 :D 19:48:25 anyway thanks 19:48:39 see you 19:48:49 Bye 19:48:56 anarcat, you should also sue: as your 30 years of linux hacking give you standing 19:49:02 perhaps a joint action? 19:49:13 see you 19:49:27 or should I say... C you (linux hacker) 19:49:43 i have a sneaking suspicion that that fellow was not in fact a lawyer 19:50:00 You think someone would go on the internet and tell lies‽ 19:54:27 Looks like I missed some fun 19:54:37 Who are we suing boys? 19:58:18 (https://www.americanbar.org/groups/intellectual_property_law/publications/landslide/2013-14/january-february/wayback-future/) 20:53:28 Hello guys, i get the following error: "Starting RsyncUpload for Item v2:2ZV41Pj1ZPM@ERROR: max connections (-1) reached -- try again laterrsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1817) [sender=3.2.3]Process RsyncUpload returned exit code 5 for Item v2:2ZV41Pj1ZPMFailed RsyncUpload for Item v2:2ZV41Pj1ZPMRetrying after 20:53:29 60 seconds...Uploading with Rsync to rsync://optane9.targets.atinfra.net:8895/ateam-airsync/gggg/Starting RsyncUpload for Item v2:2ZV41Pj1ZPM@ERROR: max connections (-1) reached -- try again laterrsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1817) [sender=3.2.3]Process RsyncUpload returned exit code 5 for Item 20:53:29 v2:2ZV41Pj1ZPMFailed RsyncUpload for Item v2:2ZV41Pj1ZPMRetrying after 60 seconds..." 20:53:33 is this bad? 20:55:12 breadhunter: that's fine, targets are a bit slow currently - nothing on your end, just keep it running and it should get an upload slot eventually 20:55:47 thanks! Anything i could do to help at the other end? 20:58:40 nothing I am aware of currently, just a bit of a bad situation currently with IA having limited ingest capacity and us switching to temp storage for most things. hopefully get better soonish 20:59:09 no concrete eta though for the IA stuff, so just gotta sight tight and wait :( 20:59:52 is there a newsticker about this stuff? 21:05:17 generally it's just idling in irc or the topics in channels or the logs on https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw (but logs can be a slog to read though for one bit of info); but no blogs/tickers/etc that i'm aware of 21:05:48 the #archiveteam channel at that link is reserved for announcements, though 21:05:52 (and on here) 21:07:07 thanks 21:08:16 :) 22:56:56 More FOIAonline fuckery: among the triplicate fetches of request information, part of the URL gets lowercased on one but not the other two; there's a separate API endpoint for request attachments, and it also returns the size in MiB but as a float rather than a string as on the records endpoint. 22:58:27 Also, that attachment endpoint has pagination but it isn't used by the JS. 23:18:26 Also, the isAttachmentsAvailToPublic flag being does not actually mean there are attachments available to the public. That'd be too easy. 23:19:44 being true*