00:00:07 does anyone know if the AB job viewer has an API? 00:03:50 https://xkcd.com/1481/ 00:05:29 Looks like there is actually https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/api/v1/search.json?q=example - https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/ArchiveBot/blob/b22627e4cd94784d970a2555e071840536af71e1/viewer/archivebotviewer/web.py#L63-L75 - but I don't think there's anything else 00:06:08 getting the list of WARCs for a job isn't possible as far as I can tell 00:21:29 https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/costs < lol 00:21:48 you win, Ryz! 00:30:16 Hmm, is $2000/TiB the current number? 00:31:12 hm not sure; but it sounds familiar 00:31:16 oh, I guess I should also note that the code I linked might not be the currently deployed code - no idea who actually manages it or what code they're using, and the site *has* changed more recently than https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/ArchiveBot/tree/master/viewer has 00:31:36 The number in https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/ArchiveBot/blob/b22627e4cd94784d970a2555e071840536af71e1/viewer/archivebotviewer/templates/cost_leaderboard.html is from 9 years ago -- hopefully costs have gone down a bit at least 00:57:52 fireonlive, pokechu22, yeah, I archived...like a lot since I debuted years ago <#>; 00:58:48 A bunch of my own stuff I wanna archive, but also a lot of important stuff along with it too, most notable being acquisitions and websites related to people who were deceased 00:59:29 And well, inactive since 3 months, but then just went to proactive on archiving anything I find just interesting since even the ones that are seemingly active...just go poof ><; 01:03:01 :) not saying it's a bad thing 01:03:18 but yeah stuff tends to poof a lot >_< 01:16:12 fireonlive, I still have, like, a ton of websites I wanna archive even after all of that oO; 01:16:52 archive away :D 01:17:02 the 'shame' on there is a misnomer I feel 01:35:49 if AB voiced/opped folks have got spare archiving time, instances for obsolete/old software: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Bugzilla https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Mailman2 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/IRC/Logs https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/MoinMoin https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Trac (need to create this last one) 01:36:46 I'm planning on creating an article for JIRA on there (but as far as I can tell, it's only possible to get 100% completeness with an !a < list job followed by extracting missed onsite URLs from the DB :|) 01:47:06 I just got an email that http://codingforum.net/ will be shutting down on Oct. 22. I'm not member of the site, but it looks to have been around for over 20 years. (I'm happy to post the full email here, but don't want to spam the channel with a wall of text if it isn't helpful.) 01:51:31 Flash: maybe upload either a screenshot or the text to https://transfer.archivete.am/ ? 01:52:02 I don't see any announcement on the site itself (https://www.codingforum.net/forum/other-forums/forum-feedback-and-announcements/2436195-~-codingforum-needs-your-help-~ links to a different smaller forum) 01:52:52 1,407,676 posts is a fairly large number but is doable 01:53:26 Here is the text of the email: https://transfer.archivete.am/XpJ0N/CodingForum.net.txt 01:54:06 So they are looking for someone to take over, but baring that they will shutdown they say. 01:55:53 Thanks for letting us know - it should be possible to save it, and it definitely sounds like something that needs to be saved (though I'm not going to start anything myself right now since I need to head out for a bit) 01:57:00 Sure thing. 03:23:04 Pokechu22 edited Deathwatch (+172, /* 2023 */ +http://codingforum.net per email…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50934&oldid=50933 03:44:35 https://www.codingforum.net/ is behind cloudflare too - will need admin contact probably :| 04:32:18 Pokechu22 edited Deathwatch (+0, typos): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50935&oldid=50934 05:45:33 Pokechu22 created Jira (+2216, basic overview of how I'm handling these): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Jira 05:48:50 pokechu22: is JIRA out of fashion? maybe Confluence wikis too 05:49:18 * pabs still sees it used a lot by Linux Foundation and other more enterprisey projects 05:50:44 They deprecated the less-comically-expensive self-hosted version 05:50:50 dunno if it affects confluence too 05:51:44 Sounds like confluence still has the self-hosted version 05:55:34 ahh 05:56:19 wow, saving these sounds tedious 05:56:46 AB does need some more features 05:58:28 I'm not sure how many public instances there are due to how their pricing works though 05:59:08 I found a bunch of confluence wikis linked here btw https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/start 06:00:56 I've got no idea how AB works with confluence - it feels like confluence is probably too JS-based but I don't think I've tested it 06:01:41 here's one that I know of: https://wiki.freepbx.org 06:03:46 works in a JS-only browser https://wiki.freepbx.org/display/PC/Telephony+Card+Load+Test 06:04:19 er non-JS 06:04:26 * pabs couldn't find how to enumerate pages in non-JS browsers... 06:04:35 ... and https://issues.freepbx.org/ too - OK, there probably are a decent number of public JIRA instances :| 06:04:55 ah right their issue tracker 06:05:00 the uh 06:05:08 utter confusion of navigating that must have blocked it from my memory 06:05:19 btw, its a good idea to put the terms for search engine based Jira site discovery in the wiki 06:05:53 https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/ < europa sure has a bunch 06:06:05 "Powered by a free Atlassian Confluence Open Source Project License granted to European Commission - DIGIT/A3" 06:06:48 uh.. huh 06:06:53 https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/PWC+Issue+v3 06:07:07 does that render weirdly for y'all? 06:07:24 i wonder if it's being used like some sort of database 06:07:35 works ok 06:07:37 (or it's just messed up) 06:08:19 ah there we go 06:08:23 :) 07:25:20 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/02/arts/music/the-nid-tapes-electronic-music-from-india.html 07:25:21 https://state51.bandcamp.com/album/the-nid-tapes-electronic-music-from-india-1969-1972 07:29:55 anyone know how easy it is to save bandcamp? 07:37:43 https://www.engadget.com/nintendo-will-take-3ds-and-wii-u-services-offline-in-early-april-2024-091001733.html 14:39:19 Switchnode edited Pages Perso Orange (-5, it's over): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50937&oldid=50928 15:00:23 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (-17): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50938&oldid=50902 15:07:24 Imer edited Pages Perso Orange (+10, saved date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50939&oldid=50937 15:12:25 Imer edited Gfycat (-10, saved date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50940&oldid=50683 15:13:20 partiallysaved doesn't seem to support the |date=YEAR thingy 15:13:25 Imer edited Wysp (+10, saved date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50941&oldid=50439 15:13:29 not sure how that magic works :D 15:15:23 pabs: bandcamp is pretty trivial to save, there are multiple programs for it such as https://github.com/iheanyi/bandcamp-dl 15:18:29 to the WBM though? 15:19:39 imer: includeonly https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Template:Rescued 15:23:03 I see, not going to mess with that for the time being 16:27:35 edsu is now an automoderated user 16:27:40 Edsu edited Talk:FOIAonline (+75): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50942&oldid=50925 16:27:41 Arkiver changed the user rights of User:Edsu 16:29:08 good, it's reported here anyway :) 16:31:40 Pokechu22 edited Jira (+255, from https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/start…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50943&oldid=50936 17:02:49 so.... 17:03:09 hi' 17:05:36 hi‘ 17:06:54 wassup 17:07:02 what are yall doing right now 18:08:19 a little bit of everything all of the time 18:08:25 (ikhesgone) 18:08:29 (theyregone) 18:18:49 -+rss- Booking.com makes a fortune – so why is it leaving its bills to hotels unpaid?: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/oct/03/bookingcom-makes-a-fortune-so-why-is-it-leaving-its-bills-to-small-hotels-unpaid https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37781022 18:18:53 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 18:19:30 might be good to get a sanity 💩 of them 19:29:37 katia: where for you se the 2.26 TB number for upload.systems? 19:29:58 oh front page nevermind 19:30:00 thanks :) 19:33:38 i sent them an email 20:06:00 looks like that's a private file sharing thingy, so unless we crawl public links probably not much that can be done? 20:07:59 maybe, i asked in the email 20:12:40 yeah seems like a puu.sh or so 20:13:40 so urlteam is default project again. I probably need to add more URLs shorteners to it again then.