02:33:07 hi all! 02:33:10 the IRC bot is back up 02:33:22 also we're working on hard on getting various project back up! 02:33:45 i expect #// to be running again some time this weekend, need to do some sorting of items 02:34:33 situation is not yet to what is used to be, but it's getting better as this month progresses, and hopefully all is back to normal at the end of this month (if *everything* goes exactly as planned...) 02:38:19 thanks for the update :) 02:39:23 slowly getting back to normal! 03:34:37 thanks! :) 08:46:59 Hi, I'm the one wanting to archive the TaleWorlds forum, the one full of mods of the Mount&Blade game series before they "restructure" it. 08:48:08 Good news, one of the admins helpfully whitelisted the pipeline IP address pair given to me by JAA. So it should be working. 08:48:56 But that's not all, also whitelisted the whole AS7941 Archive.org ASN. So the Wayback Machine bypasses Cloudflare. 08:49:37 > An acceptable request rate as far as I'm concerned for constant scraping would be max 2 simultaneous connections, at up to say... 10 requests per second each. 08:50:28 So all's well that ends well. 08:52:20 Hope you guys have everything you need to save the threads in there. It's a big forum that has been running since 2005-2006. 10:54:51 israel got into war with palestine 11:02:36 werent they already? :-) 11:07:48 Not officially 11:31:58 https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67037895 17:19:17 mountainbladder: Lovely, thanks. And that's a very decent rate. :-)