02:05:53 Pokechu22 edited DokuWiki (+1761, additional ignores): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50965&oldid=50782 02:11:54 Pokechu22 edited ISP Hosting (-5, orange FR saved): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50966&oldid=50909 02:17:55 Pokechu22 edited ISP Hosting (+174, + Tweak): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50967&oldid=50966 04:19:20 Exorcism edited DokuWiki (+345): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50968&oldid=50965 05:19:32 Pokechu22 edited DokuWiki (+68, mention WikiBot in prose; remove leftover fragment): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50969&oldid=50968 08:15:25 heya, idk if y'all have any way of fixing this, but on the web archive, a background resource seems to be stuck in a redirect loop; 08:15:26 http://web.archive.org/web/20231012080256oe_/https://mastodon.art/sounds/boop.ogg 08:16:13 seems to constantly go back and forth between /web/20231011210704oe_/https://mastodon.art/sounds/boop.ogg and /web/20231011190358oe_/https://mastodon.art/sounds/boop.ogg 08:16:30 i dont know if there's been some purging recently, but apparantly something broke, and i dont know how to signal to fix it 08:25:22 see https://help.archive.org/help/problems-or-errors/ 08:37:58 ah nvm it seems that mastodon in general has broken web archive stuff 15:29:23 In early 2024 the small dutch isp tweak will be shut down. this is there website: https://www.tweak.nl/ 15:30:48 Here is a background article about the history of tweak and why they are bought by t-mobile now odido and odido decided to take the brandname down: https://tweakers.net/reviews/11520/van-begin-tot-eind-tweakers-eigen-internetprovider-tweak.html 15:31:02 What can we do to preseve this? 15:31:18 i think #archivebot is archiving that website 15:31:41 katia I will look it up 15:32:50 katia you are right it is in the dataset 19:34:33 Pokechu22 edited ISP Hosting (+96, Tweak saved): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50970&oldid=50967 19:47:34 pokechu22: not much to save for tweak? 19:48:05 Yeah, only 100 subdomains ever were found by IA in the past and most of those are dead now 19:48:10 alright 19:48:26 err, actually, I haven't dealt with stuff like http://82-197-193-203.fiber.tweak.nl/ since that's numeric IPs 19:48:31 I've only dealt with user pages 19:49:07 The most annoying one was http://kreelekamp.tweak.nl/Site_12 since it's some kind of mac site that's JS-based entirely off of stuff like http://kreelekamp.tweak.nl/Site_12/feed.xml and http://kreelekamp.tweak.nl/Site_12/Dakkapel_fotos_1_files/rss.xml 19:57:06 pokechu22: no custom project needed here right? 19:57:21 (near-sure that the answer is no but just confirming) 19:57:27 Just wondering if anyone knows of a Lemmy or KBin archiver? 19:57:33 Right 19:57:39 it's small enough that archivebot is definitely fine 19:57:50 (we've done bigger ISPs via archivebot too) 19:59:15 I can't seem to find any for lemmy and kbin. Since they're both federated services, I have to figure there's some kind of fediverse archive tool that supports it, but not finding anything... 19:59:16 Gooshka did want a project to archive Yandex questions (https://yandex.ru/q/) which has been read-only since June 28, 2023 (https://yandex.ru/q/museum/) - an archivebot job was attempted but the site ended up being too big (and messy because of jank involving archivebot's javascript extraction). I don't think there's a specific deadline for that though 20:00:29 pokechu22: ah 20:00:34 any news about a shut down date? 20:01:16 i see the read-only message on Deathwatch indeed 20:02:56 nice site 20:05:29 None that I'm aware of, but I can't read Russian 20:05:38 Sepro edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+41, Add assetshare.netflixstudios.com): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50971&oldid=50930 20:05:39 LegitSi edited Deathwatch (-135, Miraheze has stated that they will not shut…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50973&oldid=50962 20:28:44 we can leave a !tell for Gooshka somewhere, they seem to usually frequent telegrab the most? 20:32:01 fireonlive: good point, i just !told (!tell'ed?) him in #telegrab 20:32:25 hmm !told of !tell'ed 20:33:09 i'm leaning towards !tell'ed 20:33:44 if we ignore the relation between "!tell" and "tell" and we treat "!tell" as an entirely separate "word" on its own 21:00:49 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50974&oldid=50971 21:52:36 alright im making an architveteam account 22:38:23 hmmm i think !tell’ed sounds most correct :) 22:39:31 beg to differ: if you're going to use the apostrophe it should be !tell'd 22:42:16 hmm ye that works 22:49:33 fireonlive: 36 deleted Yandex projects (as of May 2019) https://vc.ru/services/69824-kladbishche-yandeksa-36-proektov-kotorye-zakryli-prodali-ili-zamenili-drugimi 22:50:08 And this list https://www.ph4.ru/closed_yaclosed.php 23:03:39 thanks! 23:06:32 (related links, copied from #telegrab: https://rg.ru/2014/04/18/yandex-blogs-site.html, https://www.rbc.ru/society/26/06/2014/57041eb59a794760d3d3f99b)