00:01:01 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+5): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50996&oldid=50995 01:18:46 Rite Aid files for bankruptcy amid opioid-related lawsuits and falling sales: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rite-aid-bankruptcy-opioids-lawsuits/ 02:11:30 fireonlive: yep I posted that one last night and pabs did the AB 🪄 02:12:05 * project10 misses fuckedcompany.com 02:22:40 ah :D 04:41:01 How should I submit ~250 blog post urls to be archived for the WBM? should I use a script to submit them to the spn2 api? or is there a way to queue them for archiveteam? 04:43:34 They can be run via archivebot - archivebot doesn't evaluate javascript but that should be fine for blog posts 04:43:49 if you upload a list of URLs to https://transfer.archivete.am/ I can run it 04:43:58 will do in a few hours, thanks 04:44:01 (or if they're all on the same site, I can just do a recursive archivebot job over the whole site) 05:00:49 audrooku|m: re SPN2, I find the email endpoint is better than the web one for sending lots of links, since the web API has relatively low limits. 05:01:06 but archivebot indeed is the best option 05:02:59 I'm not familiar with this email endpoint 05:04:07 mail HTML or plain text to savepagenow⊙ao and it goes through SPN2, you will get one or more mails in response, batches of 100 URLs IIRC 05:04:25 interesting 05:04:39 and if some of the URLs tempfail you can copy those into a new mail 05:05:13 I'd only use SPN2 for things that really need JS or otherwise don't work in archivebot tho 05:05:27 linkedin for eg does not like AB 05:05:38 but sometimes works in SPN2 05:06:41 noted 05:28:51 Oof, apparently Epic Games (former owner) laid off 50% of the staff of Bandcamp before being sold off: https://twitter.com/ethangach/status/1713970488257413600 05:28:52 nitter: https://nitter.net/ethangach/status/1713970488257413600 05:30:11 6mo severance tho 07:23:00 https://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2023/10/16/hacktivism-in-ukraine-and-gaza/ 07:23:14 hmm, meant for -ot channel, oops 07:55:31 https://blog.zarfhome.com/2023/10/microsoft-consumes-activision 09:29:59 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03191-3 - Argentina to shut down their national science org 09:31:11 er, one candidate wants to 16:31:58 Megame edited Deathwatch (+145, /* 2023 */ tensorboard.dev): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50997&oldid=50991 16:31:59 JustAnotherArchivist changed the user rights of User:Megame 16:38:17 https://knockout.chat/thread/32805 16:38:24 a bunch of source engine map archives 16:38:48 some of them are on arhive.org but one person said they had issues with uploading them 17:45:44 DogsRNice: I've started an archivebot job on https://ar.mevl2.duckdns.org/ which I believe is the main archive (https://maps.mevl2.duckdns.org/ links to it) 18:10:39 yeah, bandcamp is still one of those golden place of the internet 18:12:24 question, i know that !ao < https://transfer.archivete.am/... exists, does !a < https://transfer.archivete.am/... exists too? What are the quirks? Could it be used to save all main domain + subdomains all at once? 18:13:29 It exists, but you have to be very careful about what you throw into there because it can break recursion in entertaining ways. 18:13:43 (That's also why it isn't documented.) 18:14:12 It might recurse over things you don't want, or it might miss things you'd expect it to grab. 18:14:45 That depends on the contents of the initial list as well as timing. 18:14:49 It exists, but each URL tracks what URL it came from, which means that the notion of something being on site or offsite gets messy (especially when sites link to other subdomains; if a page on a subdomain is found by a different domain first, it'll be treated as offsite and things from that page won't be recursed over). Things get worse when you do multiple URLs on the same 18:14:52 site as the no-parent rule means that example.com/a/ linking to example.com/b/subpage will entirely skip example.com/b/subpage, even if that same link is discovered via example.com/b/ later 18:16:24 Basically, the only *safe* way of using it is to have a list of URLs that are all on the same host and which are all identical up to the last slash. 18:51:18 ok, as i understand my example is not the recommended way to do it. Indeed there's some weird behavior with it 18:51:31 thanks for the explanation 18:55:10 Yeah. We've still done it in the past for things where interlinking is unlikely to happen (mainly for ISP hosting with thousands of users) but it's not a good idea in most case 18:56:18 i was especially seeing it the way to "group" archiving jobs, so no way it's a good idea :D 20:20:56 Flashfire42 edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+33): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50998&oldid=50994 21:01:05 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50999&oldid=50998