01:01:00 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (-1): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51000&oldid=50996 03:03:13 hey i need some advice on some internet archive tricks 03:03:22 i know this is not our job but figured surely someone knows 03:03:31 how do i change the icon on https://archive.org/details/train-train-de-chansons ? 03:03:55 like right now it's that blue cassette thing, can i put the actual image of the tape there? 03:04:01 e.g. from https://www.discogs.com/fr/release/21612436-Francine-Pion-Mario-Loiselle-Pierre-Pilon-Train-Train-De-Chansons ? 03:04:51 I think you can but I don't know how you actually do it 03:06:17 i don't even remember how i uploaded those files in there, presumably i used the python-internetarchive package i maintain in debian :p 03:06:22 https://help.archive.org/help/file-formats/ says itemimage.png or itemimage.jpg "may appear adjacent to the audio player" 03:06:44 so that's probably it? 03:07:34 though it might just use any image it finds, not sure 03:08:22 Ah, https://help.archive.org/help/audio-and-music-items-a-basic-guide/#can-i-add-cover-art also says any image as long as it's more than 750 wide 03:09:16 okay, so i guess i just need to upload an image to the thing now 03:09:37 oh 750px wide? 03:09:42 https://i.discogs.com/AkZ75dlwvlHxbV01Ihd4XUkifj03I4Q9hZDllW9WQHY/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:392/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIxNjEy/NDM2LTE2NDEzODI3/NjYtNDk4MS5qcGVn.jpeg is 599 03:11:00 No idea if the 750 wide thing actually applies - it's probably worth trying with a smaller image if you have one 03:16:59 whoohoo it worked! 03:26:57 pokechu22: thanks! 06:21:08 Megame edited Deathwatch (+616, /* 2023 */ Atmos USA, Handshake marketplace and…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51001&oldid=50997 06:51:15 Exorcism uploaded File:Lindatube-logo.jpg: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ALindatube-logo.jpg 06:51:16 Exorcism uploaded File:Lindatube-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ALindatube-screenshot.png 06:58:16 Exorcism uploaded File:Bboard-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ABboard-screenshot.png 06:58:17 Exorcism edited BBoard.de (+32): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51005&oldid=50992 07:00:17 Exorcism uploaded File:Osu-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AOsu-screenshot.png 07:00:18 Exorcism edited Osu! (+29): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51007&oldid=50989 07:02:17 Exorcism created LindaTube (+346, Created page with "{{Infobox project | logo =…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=LindaTube 07:06:18 Exorcism uploaded File:Dokuwiki logo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ADokuwiki%20logo.png 07:06:19 Exorcism edited DokuWiki (+27): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51010&oldid=50969 08:28:53 Oh I'm so glad people switched to discord as a forum /s https://old.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/17a9y13/forum_posts_gone/ 08:29:18 (yes they're back but the experience is still stupid in discord vs a proper forum) 15:34:43 -_- 15:47:22 anarcat: usually it's IDENTIFIER_itemimage.ext 15:47:49 just itemimage.jpg worked 15:49:31 I can't help but consider that if a piece of actual forum software had a bug that caused all forum posts to be gone, the developer probably would not get away wit that 15:49:36 with* 18:17:39 Usernam edited Instagram (+192): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51011&oldid=50151 18:17:40 Nano412510 edited Alive... OR ARE THEY (+254, /* Endangered */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51012&oldid=50226 19:10:58 SO 19:11:01 re: bluesky stuff from -ot, is this bluesky thing going to be a dpos project or just something running? volume doesn't look huge at the moment if the firehose website is showing everything 19:11:12 running somewhere* 19:11:19 since our IRC person got angry 19:11:24 :P 19:11:28 continuing bluesky conversation here 19:11:52 imer: if they open up yes, but there is not public web pages yet to archive 19:12:13 let's hope they open up soon 19:12:36 You're keeping the data dumps though or are you just using it for outlinks? 19:13:26 i suppose the raw json could be cute to keep but eh 19:13:35 imer: will keep it 19:13:38 i wonder if images are accessible 19:13:40 and dump it on IA probably 19:13:41 they shluld be yeah? 19:13:45 perfect :) 19:13:47 yay arkiver 19:13:49 arkiver++ 19:13:50 -eggdrop- [karma] 'arkiver' now has 3 karma! 19:13:52 fireonlive: not completely sure yet 19:14:03 arkiver-- 19:14:05 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 19:14:08 :p 19:14:13 self negative karma too? 19:14:14 only others may take away 19:14:20 hmmm 19:14:34 arkiver++ 19:14:34 i have been noodling that :p 19:14:34 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 19:14:38 arkiver+ 19:14:44 should i allow self-flagelaton 19:15:11 i don't really know what this new karma thing is we have anyway so sure :P 19:15:16 :P 19:15:18 !ktop 19:15:23 !kbest 19:15:24 -eggdrop- [karma] fireonlive: 4 arkiver: 3 JAA: 2 ��: 2 test: 2 Exorcism: 2 IPFS: 2 yzqzss: 2 mojibake: 1 eggdrop: 1 19:15:32 ok i don't deserve 4 lol 19:15:37 of course fireonline has the most 19:15:38 haha 19:15:47 eggdrop++ 19:15:48 -eggdrop- [karma] 'eggdrop' now has 2 karma! 19:15:49 i didn't rig it i swear :D 19:15:50 eggdrop++ 19:15:53 -eggdrop- [karma] 'eggdrop' now has 3 karma! 19:15:54 eggdrop++ 19:15:54 eggdrop++ 19:15:55 eggdrop++ 19:15:56 eggdrop++ 19:16:02 !kworst 19:16:03 ah sad 19:16:04 -eggdrop- [karma] webrecorder: -2 OOM: -2 The Lounge: -1 iPhone: -1 eggdrop'); DROP TABLE karma;: -1 macOS: -1 Apple: -1 unpatched software: -1 The Lounge: 0 : 0 19:16:09 yeah there's anti-flooding in there 19:16:46 DPoS++ 19:16:52 i forsaw arkiver's antics :3 19:16:58 :P 19:17:04 DPoS++ 19:17:04 -eggdrop- [karma] 'DPoS' now has 1 karma! 19:21:38 EggplantN++ 19:21:38 -eggdrop- [karma] 'EggplantN' now has 1 karma! 19:21:40 rip 19:22:06 🍆++ 19:22:06 -eggdrop- [karma] '🍆' now has 2 karma! 19:23:07 arkiver++ 19:23:08 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 19:23:14 aww 19:23:15 lol 19:24:20 x3 19:25:53 JAA++ 19:25:55 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 19:26:13 hmm 19:26:20 arkiver++ 19:26:22 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 19:26:23 I guess it either does a substring search or uses the account info. 19:26:34 it found notark 19:26:38 yeah 19:26:49 It might track nick changes, too. 19:27:29 Is this on-topic? :P 19:27:34 arkiver++ 19:27:36 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 19:28:00 arkiver++ 19:28:02 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 19:28:05 what 19:28:33 Bye 19:28:33 xD 19:28:34 should have gone with test123 from the start 19:28:44 that one might be a bug 19:28:53 arkiver++ 19:28:54 -eggdrop- [karma] 'arkiver' now has 4 karma! 19:28:57 :P 19:29:13 you changing your nick though was intentional :3 19:29:22 i do nothing intentional 19:29:31 nah eggdrop not letting you 19:29:32 everything i do is pure chance 19:29:40 topic++ 19:29:40 -eggdrop- [karma] 'topic' now has 1 karma! 19:29:46 ontopic-- 19:29:46 -eggdrop- [karma] 'ontopic' now has -1 karma! 19:29:49 *rolls a d10000 for the day's events* 19:29:50 kekeke 19:29:59 JustAnotherArchivist++ 19:30:00 -eggdrop- [karma] 'JustAnotherArchivist' now has 1 karma! 19:30:10 JustAnotherArchivist++ 19:30:24 💩++ 19:30:26 -eggdrop- [karma] '💩' now has 1 karma! 19:30:45 ​++ 19:30:51 lol 19:30:53 Aw c'mon. 19:30:57 :P 19:31:01 :P 19:31:04 No zero-width spaces? 19:31:05 ++ 19:31:11 Sad 19:31:16 eggdrop-- 19:31:18 -eggdrop- [karma] 'eggdrop' now has 2 karma! 19:31:23 fireonline probably does a .strip() over that 19:31:29 fireonlive* 19:31:36 ++ 19:31:56 hmm lets see 19:32:09 JustAnotherArchivist++ 19:32:10 This thing is scarily Unicode-aware if so. 19:32:54 yeah string trim 19:33:11 Lame. 19:33:11 fireonlive-- 19:33:32 :P 19:33:35 Wait hwat 19:33:37 :p 19:33:42 Cheater 19:33:45 we see what you did there fireonlive 19:34:06 should allow that! 19:34:15 fireonlife-- 19:34:15 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlife' now has -1 karma! 19:34:23 fireonlive-- 19:34:23 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive' now has 3 karma! 19:34:27 hmm 19:34:34 TheTechRobo banned? 19:34:56 oh maybe 19:35:24 turns out i don't log throttled people 19:36:16 I've done like 3 in the past two minutes 19:36:17 :P 19:37:25 Oh eggdrop sent me a notice xD 19:39:23 xP 19:39:35 i've just added in 'ignored due to flooding' in my logs 20:02:08 was mastodon.lol saved? wiki page doesn't seem to be updated... 22:31:41 The Canucks forums are still online for some reason, but sometime yesterday, they changed the homepage in a way that broke my continuous archival. 22:34:36 o_O 22:41:19 They also removed the link to the forums on the website. 22:42:37 Actually, that may have happened much earlier, I didn't check myself previously. 22:52:44 Hi ! 23:20:25 one day I'll learn when to use urls and when to use archivebot >.> 23:24:53 so what's new 23:25:01 is IA ingestion back up and running? 23:43:43 ... to a degree 23:44:23 a little less fire 23:52:17 nicolas17: basic rule is: if it's spread across multiple hosts so as not to DDoS anyone, and you don't particularly care about whether the URLs is actually archived (you just want to try), and it's infeasible for ArchiveBot or a dedicated Warrior project, that's typically when it would go into URLs 23:52:23 otherwise, there are usually better options 23:53:39 URLs is best for "I have this list of random urls, just take them please"