02:49:54 soooo where do we need more workers? I tried youtube and I'm getting rate-limited so it seems you don't need more there :P 02:51:16 nicolas17 the 100 + million Telegram items may need some help because due to how we are doing it now its going up rather than down 02:51:55 URLs and Telegram pretty much always need workers and urlteam if there is literally nothing else you can run 02:53:04 i believe telegram is also rate-limited 02:53:07 running telegram locally now, but it seems a bit heavy on the CPU for my poor smol VPS 02:53:36 not the CPU-disaster it used to be but still 02:53:52 (also, todo recently broke even and is now going down) 02:54:06 I am just running it on concurrency 1 on my home connection so 02:54:37 thuban that means I need to feed it more /j 02:55:08 I kid of course we have lots stashed away if it comes to it and we need to prioritize these news things 02:55:33 right this instant telegram seems to be growing, but I'll let it avg a few minutes 03:06:54 yeah it's borderline, jumping between queue growing and queue shrinking; idk yet if the average is "breaking even" 03:10:01 adding more workers won't necessarily help because that will speed up item discovery too :P 07:56:37 Warning with Urls (#//) is it's very much a project that will get you sent abuse reports 10:40:47 Join us for the Ulrs recieve abuse report any% speedruns 10:40:57 s/ulrs/Urls 12:20:07 codingforum.net is reprieved: https://www.codingforum.net/forum/other-forums/forum-feedback-and-announcements/2437218-codingforum-will-tentatively-shut-down-for-good-on-october-22-2023#post2437418 12:21:49 however, minimal details + "new direction" may still make it a good candidate for archival 12:29:50 if no one says otherwise by tomorrow, i will contact the current operators. JAA, could you pm me a pipeline ip i can suggest they whitelist for cloudflare? 12:48:30 thuban: Yeah 12:48:55 thanks! 23:26:59 JustAnotherArchivist edited Template:Datetime (+217, Default to UTC when no time zone is specified): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51013&oldid=50677 23:27:44 One time zone to rule them all. 23:27:52 Cc fireonlive ^ 23:32:07 :D awesome 23:32:16 UTC best tz 23:32:59 yes :)