02:32:19 JustAnotherArchivist edited Political parties/Switzerland (+1619): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51033&oldid=51026 02:37:10 TIL Switzerland has a fuckton of political parties 02:38:15 including the pirate party 😎 02:51:33 pepehands Pirate Party of Canada / Deregistered federal party 17:13:30 06:32:57 am just heard that Sifive (risc-v) is doing layoffs like for all of the company :( 17:13:30 06:33:46 am https://morethanmoore.substack.com/p/the-risk-of-risc-v-whats-going-on 17:17:27 so... i already posted this somewhere else, but this looks more like the right place^^ i have no experience with IRC. so I try again: I am a german speaking historian who also collects Star Wars figures. today, one of the oldest (or even the oldest) german Star Wars collectors forum "lichtgeschwindigkeit.de" announced that it may shut down as the 17:17:28 two admins decide to retire. right now they look for a successor but as the german collectors mostly moved to facebook or international forums, its future is very uncertain. I am a rather new collector and found so many artifacts of former collectors websites, which had brilliant knowledge but only survive in screenshots, mentions and rarely a few 17:17:28 pages on the webarchive, so I don't want to lose another. Is there any capacity to archive the forum? It has around 435'000 entries since 2003 and is a unique german source for the transition of the star wars collectors hobby from offline to online and also documents the slow "scientification" of the hobby, where people started to question 17:17:29 reproductions or bootlegs and were able to match figures to vendors and production factories. Even tho I understand it is quite niche^^ 17:18:57 polduran: yes, definitely! 17:19:16 it looks like a good candidate for archivebot 17:19:19 Howdy folks, I'd appreciate it if someone could give me voice in #archivebot so I can archive https://gotroot.ca/rigol/eevblog/ which using Wayback Machine's web interface only archived some of the 1814 (small) tarballs 17:22:16 There is waybackpy's WaybackMachineSaveAPI but I suspect I'd just be quickly rate limited especially since it doesn't seem to support auth. If someone could point me to a way to generate my own WARCs (preferably using Python) and submit them myself (preferably under my archive.org account) to the Wayback Machine I'd appreciate that as well. 17:25:34 jevinskie: you can upload warcs to the internet archive, but only whitelisted accounts' warcs will be visible in the wayback machine (due to provenance concerns). 17:26:40 Yes, I was wondering precisely about proof of provenance. How could archive.org cheaply get a proof without archiving it themselves... 17:26:47 (if you're still interested in generating your own warcs, see https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/The_WARC_Ecosystem, especially wget-at, grab-site, and warcprox.) 17:26:48 It'd be pretty easy for archivebot to do that, but it might be worth saving the rest of the site as well 17:28:50 pokechu22: I suspect most or all of https://gotroot.ca/rigol/ (not including subdirs) is already on WB since they're quite old and I manually checked a few. Its just the newer eevblog discussions that haven't been archived yet until I got a few through the WB web interface 17:30:17 Whoops, wrong channel. repeated here: mmmm I want one https://www.testunlimited.com/pdf/RS_CMU300_Datasheet.pdf 17:31:12 https://gotroot.ca/rigol/rigol-plugins.zip isn't saved and it's from 2018 17:31:25 I... don't really get everything that is going on and how you guys work, but what I read in the archivebot channel lichtgeschwindigkeit.de has been queued? is that all that has to be done? if yes, thanks a lot (y) '=D '=D 17:31:52 polduran: Yep. It should appear on web.archive.org in a day or two 17:33:25 polduran: if you want, you can watch the job run at http://archivebot.com/?initialFilter=lichtgeschwindigkeit 17:33:52 jevinskie: the main challenge with saving the whole site again with AB is that I'm not sure it would discover everything - https://gotroot.ca/ doesn't link anywhere. If I can find all the open directories as starting points I can save everything though. Space probably isn't a concern as long as individual files are small 17:34:09 thats great. really appreciate what you do! 17:34:13 pokechu22: yep lets archivebot all the listing dirs we can find then 17:37:16 polduran: thanks, we appreciate the report! 17:45:37 http://audio.gotroot.ca/datasheets/ exists but has an HSTS error. (Archivebot ignores that but it does make looking through it in a browser annoying) 17:46:25 (and more importantly seems to have distinct content, unlike zero.gotroot.ca which seems to be identical to the main site) 17:58:30 pokechu22: nice, thanks! 17:59:01 Thanks for letting us know about this - seems like interesting content 18:01:14 An JS version of a Rigol unlocker was what led me there ;) https://gotroot.ca/rigol/riglol/ 18:03:58 💖 hacked rigol scopes 18:11:19 i love browsing through the seemingly random stuff archivebot is processing :) even if it may contain bad news 18:28:18 * fireonlive scopes project10 22:43:11 project10: There are a few, yeah. For the purpose of listing and archiving them all, Germany is worse: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Political_parties/Germany 22:44:39 can't you see the two- or three-party system works wonders here in the west?!?!? 22:50:16 hey we have our fringe parties here sometimes :p 23:04:03 That reminds me that I need to go through and extract candidate websites from the PDFs on https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/depts/elections/how-to-vote/voters-pamphlet again - I did the primary election, but now there's the general election (and there are _more_ candidates in the general election it seems? there were only 2 pamphlet editions last time and now there's 4, maybe 23:04:06 because some places didn't have primaries?) 23:06:16 ... and the state-wide ones, which aren't actually state wide it seems :| https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/voters/2023-general-election-voters-guide/2023-voters-pamphlet-pdfs 23:09:48 JustAnotherArchivist edited Political parties/Switzerland (+4553, More overhaul to make it more betterer): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51034&oldid=51033 23:10:20 #vooterbooter for election stuff :-)