01:19:44 LAPD had their YT channel pulled: https://twitter.com/LAPDHQ/status/1718337754176889261 "We have appealed the suspension and have been denied." ; their website just returns 'Blocked by the WAF' for me: https://www.lapdonline.org/office-of-the-chief-of-police/professional-standards-bureau/critical-incident-videos/ -- not sure if it's just limited to 01:19:44 nitter: https://nitter.net/LAPDHQ/status/1718337754176889261 01:19:44 US viewers now? (via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38054531) 01:20:39 interesting to consider if other police/etc channels might be 'at risk' 01:21:20 (this should probably be in #down-the-tube; though the website being inaccessible idk) 02:50:56 https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/1718422660412260747 02:50:56 nitter: https://nitter.net/TMZ/status/1718422660412260747 08:24:27 fireonlinve: funny, i had my VPN set to France and also got the "Blocked by the WAF" message. when I set it to Germany, I get the website 08:25:40 it’s even more specific than that. the frankfurt endpoints seem to work, dusseldorf doesn’t 08:27:49 I also can see the youtube channel. the maybe the temporary suspension has been lifted? 08:45:13 the video in question seems to be removed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEBAn36ljsk (via https://www.lapdonline.org/newsroom/brutal-assault-caught-on-video-nr23725rc-dm/) 08:53:13 only the metadata got grabbed apparently 09:36:54 Manu edited Chaos Computer Club (+174, Group event stuff together): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51071&oldid=51070 09:39:54 Manu edited Chaos Computer Club (+78, /* Regional Subgroups (“Erfas”) */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51072&oldid=51071 10:14:00 Manu edited Elections (+275, Add upcoming European Parliament election): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51073&oldid=51043 13:22:54 i'm curious to know what kind of method we can trace an archive.org url back to a specific AB job. It could be a domain, it could be an outlink. I'm not so sure what the de-facto method to get this information. 13:44:39 Well, archive.org does provide the item that it came from in the "About this capture" box, so there's that 13:49:27 mhh, there's the organization and collection info, but i cant link this to a specific AB job. 13:49:32 am I too stupid? :P 15:53:16 is there a way we can send instagram accounts into the WBM at this moment? 16:57:37 Barto: The x-archive-src HTTP header contains the item and WARC file where the snapshot is loaded from. 16:59:10 oh, now you're talking 18:49:16 i was a bit less available the last few days 18:49:25 back now 19:12:53 thanks arkiver 21:38:22 TheTechRobo edited Gopher (+210, Mention Gopher+): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51074&oldid=46075 21:46:23 Reece2oo9 edited Nintendo (+50): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51075&oldid=49326 21:46:24 Reece2oo9 uploaded File:Nintendo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ANintendo.png