01:39:47 The Walt Disney Company to Purchase Remaining Stake in Hulu from Comcast: https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-hulu/ 08:44:09 https://mint.intuit.com/blog/mint-app-news/intuit-credit-karma-welcomes-minters/ 17:12:47 JaEff: Any particular reason you want http://folkblogg.blogspot.com/ archived? 20:32:30 what happened :o 20:32:35 we're stalled 20:33:45 someone mentioned optane9 was unreacheable 20:34:06 ark!vr confirmed 20:42:31 ye, rsync probs 20:43:53 i’m sure IA is breathing a sigh of relief :p 21:14:32 bot and back-end are down on most topics. any solution in sight? 21:14:35 (i missed any previous messages because i had cut down om the monitored channels beacuse the IRC client was acting up. Turned out to be a faulty port on my switch) 21:14:49 What do you mean by 'bot' and 'back-end'? 21:16:24 oh sorry see the bot (here in the channeels) is working. misinterpreted flashfire's comment 21:16:38 with the back-end: the rsync uploads 21:17:08 Yeah, everything but the rsync targets is working as far as I know. 21:17:49 I updated the main channel topic. The rsync problems were announced there earlier. 21:17:52 The grafana dashboard is showing all 'no data' 21:18:14 That thing is unofficial and not to be relied on. 21:18:43 But yes, since nobody can upload, the projects are stuck. 21:20:01 OK, that's clear. Missed the message, I know where to look now. Thanks 21:20:19 BornOn420: try setting grafana to show last 24 hours or something like that 21:20:51 when nothing is uploaded, and nothing moves in eg. https://tracker.archiveteam.org/telegram/, then there's also no stats sent to grafana 21:21:57 (There's no stats 'sent to' Grafana at other times either. Rather, it reads from the WebSocket like anyone having the tracker page open would.) 21:23:04 there's a thing reading from the websocket and "sending to" grafana :D 21:24:00 Technically no, because Grafana is just the frontend, and the data goes into InfluxDB or similar instead. :-P 21:29:03 There are things movie just super slowly from what I can tell thete is a bottleneck somewhere 21:58:11 all active projects have been updated 21:58:28 ooh new toys? 21:59:46 new fixes 22:00:01 :) 22:01:05 arkiver does this mean I have to restart my warrior? 22:02:41 it'll update if you have stuff setup correctly 22:02:46 as in with watchtower 22:02:55 if you mean warrior-dockerfile, it'll be fine 22:03:35 And the warrior VM is just a wrapper around the warrior container, so that's also fine. 22:03:52 It's just a regular project code update, nothing fancy. 22:05:14 Ok will just leave my 12 hour telegram item to keep retrying then. Appreciate the prompt explanation 22:17:16 :)