00:00:37 friends, considering that google drive is also at risk from google's inactive account purge, is #googlecrash functional enough to be revived on a submitted-items basis? 00:01:44 (alternatively, can archivebot be made to work with google drive links? i thought not--but some remarks on the wiki suggest otherwise--but they're old) 00:04:41 AB can sort of grab individual files but not their metadata and I believe WBM playback sucks. Also, it doesn't work for some files, e.g. large ones that trigger a prompt due to Google not running a malware scan on them. 00:04:57 But yeah, getting #googlecrash back running would be great. 00:18:30 AB does work fine for larger files, I'm pretty sure 00:19:32 but on the other hand, I've seen AB get rate-limited once when downloading too many files (I don't remember the exact parameters that led to it though - I think it was related to the learnwithportals.com AB job?) 00:22:17 For larger files the uc URL does show a prompt, but it's a link to another URL with a query parameter and AB handles that properly (I remember save page now having issues with that in the past though). I think you previously said it was implemented differently in the past and didn't work then though 00:22:46 but I've definitely done files on the order of a few hundred megabytes which definitely give that scanning prompt and they successfully save (which can be seen in the size on the AB dashboard) 00:22:52 I'll sort through my urls again. I know Google drive creates drive.google.com, docs.google.com, and sites.google.com links. Are there any others? 00:24:20 jamboard.google.com, script.google.com 00:25:01 What I'm talking about is only for files on drive.google.com - docs.google.com is different and much more scripty, and I don't know how it can be handled; sites.google.com is static and is perfectly fine for AB. I don't know anything about the other two 00:25:31 pokechu22: Ah, but you need to know the verification token to find it again in the WBM, I guess. 00:25:58 docs is discussed at https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Google#Google_Docs_Editors but i have no idea how much of that information is still accurate 00:25:58 No, I'm pretty sure you can use the original uc URL to get the link to the new URL... will dig up an example 00:26:11 Here's a random one: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B8zhxvoYK3WTVHNpTjNMUzRtTWM&export=download 00:26:40 There's a random UUID in the prompt confirmation URL. 00:27:12 Right, but the link to that random UUID will be saved in an archivebot job for that URL 00:27:30 so you can follow that link on web.archive.org just as you would on the original site 00:28:03 Right, if it stays alive long enough to wait for the WARC appearing on IA and extract the URL there, that'd work, I guess. 00:28:28 Oh, or an !a would work, right. 00:28:33 Yeah 00:28:44 I was thinking !ao the whole time. :-) 00:29:24 I *think* at one point there was a button that used a script to generate the confirmation link, in which case an !a wouldn't work, but it hasn't been that way for a few years 00:31:35 And the other thing about doing an !a is that it loads the sitemap and starts loading a bunch of other junk (there's also an infinite loop where it keeps adding share_facebook or something like that to the URL) 00:32:05 Yeah, I was going to say, probably needs some ignores to make it not go nuts. 00:32:14 ok, here's an example: https://web.archive.org/web/20230617223758/https://drive.google.com/uc?id=10wcVXgR8t64kWrrpbNHRDx2M8X-zOF-y&export=download 00:32:51 The easiest approach is just to add ^ as an ignore once it's downloaded a large-looking file so that everything at that point gets ignored 00:36:33 Heh, yeah, that works. Unless the download fails, at least. 00:40:15 For the blogger job, how many warrior jobs should/can/is useful to run? 00:40:23 → #frogger 00:44:04 https://twitter.com/kogekidogso/status/1726622453424906649 Came across randomly, will stop operation on 12/3 and be deleted some time in the future. I don't know if this has anything worth saving or if its just ordinary personal account 00:44:04 nitter: https://nitter.net/kogekidogso/status/1726622453424906649 00:48:26 is it just this one twitter account? 00:59:01 In the post, they say the account's goal was to tell the situations of soccer rules and refereeing 01:00:46 There's also them answering various questions which you can find through the tag # querie_kogekidogso and separately from https://querie.me/user/r1OYTzyfrTY0Fn4ZIBXI4nEJPs63/recent 01:01:28 They have a link to their note account (https://note.com/goodcall_dogso/), but it seems defunct and unarchived so I don't know what that could have been 01:03:18 I don't know this person, so I don't know the situation 01:06:22 Same name https://www.youtube.com/@user-ym7rm6vy4l/featured 01:07:18 Ah, they are also a writer of this newsletter https://die-acht.theletter.jp/ 01:11:02 Another Q&A site they seem to be on https://peing.net/ja/18kogekisoccer 01:28:23 rewby: some stuff in #frogger for ya (|backup isn’t there) 03:01:29 Naruyoko5: Are you sure it will stay online for some time after they 'stop operation'? 04:10:23 Is Miraheze dying? 04:10:38 Their static content subdomain seems to be... failing? 04:14:39 502 bad Gateway... 05:00:52 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+2): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51177&oldid=51172 15:00:59 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (-2): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51178&oldid=51177 18:30:50 +rss- Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao Agrees to Step Down, Plead Guilty: https://www.wsj.com/finance/currencies/binance-ceo-changpeng-zhao-step-down-plead-guilty-01f72a40 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38366729 20:05:49 JAA: did you fix grab-site-docker yet? 20:11:01 nicolas17: No, got stuck last night and was getting tired. I might just do a stupid fix and include the `pip freeze` output from my working image as a requirements.txt for the time being. 20:11:14 But I'd like to fix this 'properly'. 21:12:50 Could someone grab https://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/ at somepoint 21:18:27 Mainly for the sake of archival, but he did also do the thing you don't currently do and commented on the israel sizuation, but that is most likely not going to cause anything but a small uproar in the comments 22:58:52 that'd be igset singletumblr yeah? 22:59:18 it was!