00:40:22 hi 00:41:37 some discussion in #gitgud was reminding me of a few of my own archiving attempts where stylesheets got broken, leading to improper display, so I figured I'd give asking for help with them another try 00:42:54 most pressingly: https://github.com/cooljeanius/my_tweetback_archive/issues/1 00:43:54 and then the slightly-older: https://github.com/cooljeanius/mv_salvage/issues/2 04:42:55 For your Tweet archive, the HTML is trying to pull files from a /_site/ directory from the root of your GitHub Pages site, I assume that "_site" should actually be the directory for the project but whatever is generating the HTML is doing it wrong or is set incorrectly. 04:43:18 For example, https://cooljeanius.github.io/_site/assets/style.css should be https://cooljeanius.github.io/my_tweetback_archive/assets/style.css 04:44:47 Quick glance at the tweetback project, it looks like you're supposed to use this if you're using a subdir. https://www.11ty.dev/docs/config/#deploy-to-a-subdirectory-with-a-path-prefix 04:45:08 https://github.com/tweetback/tweetback#build-the-web-site 14:52:59 Hrm... 14:53:00 After careful consideration, we have decided to shut down the GameBattles platform and service as of January 15th, 2024. 14:53:08 I guess this needs to be added soon 14:54:29 kiska: Please add it to Deathwatch then. 14:57:26 Ah seems like it is already there :D 14:59:29 Ah :-) 16:36:27 https://chorus.fightthe.pw/ (an index of community content for the game _clone hero_) is "in the process of being replaced with a new and improved website" at https://enchor.us/ 16:37:28 i don't actually expect anything will get lost in the move, but it might be nice to !ao the front page for aesthetic history 16:37:56 JS hell 16:38:15 but it's new ... and improved! 16:38:40 JAA: lol yeah, i just now went to check that... 16:39:13 i guess i'll give spn a go 16:41:08 yep yep 16:42:15 surprising number of existing captures, actually 16:43:16 a few from #// and the like but almost all spn. weird. maybe a clone-hero fan has one of those submit-everything browser extensions 22:46:46 Soo, I tried to archive that Tesla Roadster 'totally entirely open source now' material. Their server returns random 403s on specific URLs that vary by IP... 22:48:14 For example, AB got a 403 on https://service.tesla.com/docs/Roadster/Owner/Roadster_2_Owners_Manual.pdf . That works fine if I grab-site it from somewhere else, but there I get a 403 on https://service.tesla.com/docs/Roadster/Owner/Roadster_2008_Touchscreen_Users_Manual.pdf , which worked fine on AB. 22:48:51 Getting this thing fully archived probably requires trying from at least two different connections and hoping for the best.