00:00:54 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51213&oldid=51209 00:34:18 Update for the SVTPlay save; saving all videos as a low resolution & bitrate which is more than plausible and already a long way through with 1.7 k series/films saved (But none verified nor uploaded to IA) (many items in the sitemap are empty due to the fact that, well, they've been deleted as is the point of saving the ones left) 00:51:57 who is this bear 🤔 03:55:11 https://mastodon.tz.is/@khaost/111474560954962900 03:59:11 > Unity made their visionOS beta forum public as part of PolySpatial rollout with the content from private beta period, resulting a few developers with Vision Pro DK violating their NDAs 03:59:22 That would be https://forum.unity.com/forums/visionos.968/ I guess? 04:00:57 seems so 04:01:22 but I see so few threads that I wonder if they already did some cleanup 04:01:38 Yeah 04:02:23 If they did, it happened already a few days ago given Google's cache from the 21st has the same threads listed. 04:02:43 oh maybe it's https://discussions.unity.com/c/visionos-beta/16 04:02:46 why two forums x_x 04:03:15 "As part of the announcement, we have made this Discussions space publicly available to welcome new developers. If you are concerned about confidentiality, please note that you can anonymize your username via Unity ID 8 and/or remove prior posts." 04:06:23 Ah, ugh 04:10:27 JAA: is Discourse a special pain? 04:12:57 nicolas17: To do a particular category, yes. In general, it works okay. 04:13:15 Although playback is a bit wonky and sometimes requires disabling JS. 04:13:39 discourse seems to be totally broken in my oldish firefox :P 04:14:01 I load the forum, the page loads normally and works fine, and it installs a serviceworker for caching stuff 04:14:12 Works fine here with JS disabled. 04:14:24 next time I load that particular forum, that serviceworker breaks and it doesn't even load CSS correctly 04:14:37 I have to open firefox dev tools and remove the worker and reload 04:14:47 same happens on *several* discourse instances 04:15:50 So just disable JS on these sites so there can't be a service worker in the first place. 04:16:44 foreheadtap.gif 04:19:14 I'm building a list for AB. 04:27:06 Running now 04:27:34 For the record, the atrocities I committed were this: 04:27:38 { for page in {1..11}; do archiveteam/dev/little-things/curl-ua firefox -s https://discussions.unity.com/c/visionos-beta/16?page=$page; sleep 2; done; } | grep -Po 'data-preloaded="\K[^"]+' | sed 's,",",g; '"s,',',g" | jq -r .topic_list | jq -r '.topic_list.topics[] | "https://discussions.unity.com/t/\(.slug)/\(.id) \(.posts_count)"' 04:27:53 python3 -c 'import math, sys; {print(topicurl + (f"?page={page}" if page > 1 else "")) for topicurl, postscount in map(str.split, map(str.strip, sys.stdin)) for page in range(1, math.ceil(int(postscount) / 20) + 1)}' 04:28:10 Yes, they put a JSON string in JSON in an HTML attribute. 04:28:47 yo. dawg. 04:29:29 Oh, I missed a page of topics, because while topic pagination starts with page=1, categories start with page=0. 04:29:34 (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ 04:30:59 also, someone in a post shared this https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/shex1c7p9f6vdcy3mp2fb/Unity_HandTracking_LatencyTest.MP4?rlkey=u6t9is11f0xt6ps3a40stw42c&dl=0 04:31:16 the way they tried to embed it didn't work, so they re-posted it here https://app.box.com/s/z1y4basi5ur7y3vhum5j6splatunj47m 04:31:42 both of which probably won't Just Work in AB? 04:32:59 Definitely not, but that's a *weird* Dropbox URL. 04:33:26 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/shex1c7p9f6vdcy3mp2fb/Unity_HandTracking_LatencyTest.MP4 says I need to login to access the shared folder 04:33:39 the rlkey makes it work 04:34:49 Yeah 04:37:22 And the 'download' button makes a POST request to fetch a download link with tokens etc. 04:37:40 Not at all like normal files where you can just do dl=1. 04:39:07 well can't you use dl=1 here? :) 04:39:14 this one has an explicit dl=0 04:39:49 Oh, huh, now it does work, weird. 04:39:55 Earlier, I just got redirected to dl=0 again. 04:40:16 actually with a curl user agent it seems to download even with dl=0 huh 04:41:41 Looks like it worked in AB with dl=1. 04:42:23 Can confirm, nice. 05:32:58 JustAnotherArchivist moved The YouTube coin flip to User:Bear/The YouTube coin flip (This essay does not belong in the Main namespace): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=User%3ABear/The%20YouTube%20coin%20flip 05:34:58 JustAnotherArchivist edited YouTube (-224, Undo revision 51205 by…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51215&oldid=51205 05:50:46 I took another look at https://dotup.org/ (shutting down on the 30th). Turns out they only store a few thousand files at any time and delete old things. Homepage claims 1024, but from the pagination, it looks more like 5000. 05:51:06 I'll run it through AB another time, there won't be overlap with the grab from a couple weeks ago since that already got cycled out. 06:12:05 Sepro edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+26, Add http://www.rcaston.com/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51216&oldid=51213 06:38:02 https://x.com/darkviperau/status/1728524750866268596?s=12 06:38:02 nitter: https://nitter.net/darkviperau/status/1728524750866268596 06:38:14 xQc’s YT channel taken down 06:38:24 … wrong tweet, but right one is embedded 06:52:48 from another channel: "I noticed today that my own "user-generated content" on slideshare.net is now behind a paywall. I'm sure I agreed to that in some Terms of Use somewhere." 07:00:16 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51217&oldid=51216 13:46:05 from a recent HN thread: "By end of 2025, ArchiveTeam should also archive Flutter SDKs. I don't have a good feeling about it." https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38411703 22:11:11 https://www.gdcvault.com/ seems to be currently broken (and I noticed it was broken a little while back too). If I recall correctly it's in the archivebot global ignoreset due to large videos, but we might want to do a full save when the site works again 22:12:34 TIL there's something in the global igset for that, but it seems to be only for some nested directory mess.