02:00:18 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (-2): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51224&oldid=51223 02:05:49 Heya folks, is there a way to archive a Google Drive download link that has a resource key attached to it? 02:05:59 https://dqmusings.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html is where a bunch of these I'm trying to archive 02:06:42 There has been some archiving of those individual links from time to time in ArchiveBot but there seems to be no record of a successful download that has a resource key thingy? 04:44:51 Ryz: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=[ID]&export=download&resourcekey=[KEY] should work in ArchiveBot 06:35:29 Looks like Google has made progress on deleting classic Google sites on Google Workspace accounts, there used to be a handful of sites listed on this page, now only one appears https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/sites/system/app/pages/meta/dashboard/categories 06:40:18 Tech234a edited Google Sites (+198, Deletion progress update): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51225&oldid=50346 06:41:18 Tech234a edited Google Sites (+1, /* Google Sites Timeline */ Typo fix): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51226&oldid=51225 07:00:23 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+2): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51227&oldid=51224 13:49:45 I'm not sure if this has been archived yet, but http://kirbysrainbowresort.net seems to be on its last legs. The forum is completely dead, just leads to a white page. The news updates that were on the front page have also disappeared for some reason. It's a shame, really. Seems like the site was pretty cool back in its heyday. Now it's just a shell 13:49:45 of its former self that'll probably unceremoniously disappear one day in the next couple years. 13:50:19 I'm planning on adding it to Fire Drill, but I'm not sure if I should put it in Endangered or Alarm. 13:52:29 The domain's expiration date is currently listed as June 27th, 2024. Could be extended, but I doubt it'll happen. 13:54:09 But it does appear to have been renewed in May of this year so maybe the owner is still intent on keeping it up? It's not something I'd rely on though. 14:01:13 The site's oekiki imageboard seems to have gone down sometime during or after October of 2022, though that hasn't had any posts since 2015. 14:04:55 Oekaki* 14:42:31 Had to disconnect for a bit 14:42:37 Hopefully I didn't miss anything. 17:44:54 Thank you tzt for the valuable information; can confirm it works via ArchiveBot o: 17:53:34 blogger channel pls? 17:53:54 kaz: #frogger 17:54:02 thank 18:24:03 Sanqui: Yes 18:24:11 (Re #archiveteam) 18:25:00 we are seeking links matching https?://(www\.)?(ulozto.cz|uloz.to)/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+!.~#?&/=]+ 18:25:31 and next target would probably be webzdarma sites (most of my jobs are listed here https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Webzdarma) 18:25:49 IA CDX is blocked unfortunately 18:29:01 and yeah, IA download speeds here to europe are... incompatible with the friday deadline 18:29:35 Ack 18:29:43 I'll try to do something later. 18:30:06 OK, please PM so I won't miss it 18:30:10 ty 19:05:21 !tell ArcticCircleSys it appears an archive has already been made in https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/domain/kirbysrainbowresort.net which is before the forums became inaccessible according to the wayback machine https://web.archive.org/web/20220809015003/http://www.kirbysrainbowresort.net/forums/ has there been much, or well, any 19:05:21 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell ArcticCircleSys when they join next 19:05:21 more content since then (2018)? 19:05:57 !tell ArcticCircleSys more content since then (2018)? 19:05:58 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell ArcticCircleSys when they join next 19:06:49 ? 19:06:58 oh your message got split in two 19:07:10 IRC and it's 90's line limits :D 19:07:21 Oh, alright 19:07:25 :) 19:08:03 Pedrosso: https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/archiveteam-bs/20231128#c392228 19:08:28 Thank you 19:48:01 I think that would've fit in a single message, but some clients have ... interesting approaches to message splitting. 19:48:10 Yes, looking at you, The Lounge. 19:48:29 😅 19:48:37 !kfind The Lounge 19:48:37 -eggdrop- [karma] 1 matches for 'The Lounge': The Lounge: '0' 19:48:41 oof 19:48:50 The Lounge-- 19:48:51 -eggdrop- [karma] 'The Lounge' now has -1 karma! 19:49:07 well deserved haha 19:56:25 whats the hate for the lounge :P 19:58:27 i have to apply custom CSS for it to ignore the swipe bar on my phone running in PWA mode >:( 19:58:49 (which is jank cause it just adds bottom padding all the time haha) 20:38:54 [tell] ArcticCircleSys: [2023-11-28T19:05:21Z] it appears an archive has already been made in https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/domain/kirbysrainbowresort.net which is before the forums became inaccessible according to the wayback machine https://web.archive.org/web/20220809015003/http://www.kirbysrainbowresort.net/forums/ has there been much, or well, any 20:38:55 [tell] ArcticCircleSys: [2023-11-28T19:05:57Z] more content since then (2018)? 20:40:00 I'm noticing the forum archive isn't complete, likely due to posts after 2018 but before the shutdown, which is sad 20:55:56 Pedrosso Damn, that's a shame. I wonder if the owner still has any backups. I might have to get in contact with them, though I can't promise I'll be able to do it any time soon. 20:56:38 eggdrop Not much new content since then. I think there was a new mailbag post, but I didn't dig deep enough into the site to know if there was more. 20:56:55 I'm not sure if the Oekaki was ever archived though. 20:57:33 (eggdrop is a bot just passing on Pedrosso's message) 20:59:14 ohhhhh 21:00:11 I'd love to go through and archive some old fan sites that have been mostly abandoned. Is there any particular way to automate that? 21:01:16 Oh wait, I should check the wiki, shouldn't I? 21:07:26 Can I still help with stuff if I'm using college internet and my college has a firewall that blocks some stuff (mostly spam sites, but every once in a while I think it does block some legitimate sites but it's quite rare) 21:14:19 ArcticCircleSys: for projects that are targeted to a specific site that should be fine, but projects that could target any site might run into issues. (And if they block sites that might be porn or malicious, then that could run into issues since some of that is on blogspot as there is some spam on there that's included in our lists... but most of those are cases where they 21:14:22 create a bunch of small sites to direct people elsewhere, I think.) You'll probably want to get a second opinion though 21:17:59 pokechu22 I don't think they block subdomains, so I think Blogspot spam wouldn't be blocked? 21:21:47 Probably not, and *probably* the script would detect unusual results and fail the item so someone else tries it, but it's hard to know for sure especially due to how blocking can be jankly implemented 21:34:26 < ArcticCircleSys> I'd love to go through and archive some old fan sites that have been mostly abandoned. Is there any particular way to automate that? 21:34:33 request them in #archivebot ? 21:35:17 ^ 21:36:17 thuban Oh yeah, I'll send some of them there. Thank you! 21:39:37 Tho tbf you could request them here too, (It'd be more convenient for non-operators to look up what's been requested since it'd be in the public logs) 21:42:43 There are logs of #archivebot as well, though password-protected and I need to get that up and running properly again. (Logs are being collected, but the web interface has problems.) 21:57:53 mhm 21:58:11 Why are they password protected anyway? 21:58:26 or, equally inquisitive, why aren't these? 22:00:39 password all the logs >:)