00:17:17 weird cultural thing, the delete everything 01:31:08 Yeah 01:31:19 But it's a cultural thing? 01:35:42 seemingly lots of japanese folks doing it recently, is all 01:36:14 I suppose you as an artist could see it like "The point wasn't the product but the fun of the journey" But like... 01:36:14 No 03:00:42 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (-4): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51238&oldid=51228 03:14:44 > https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/29/23981363/mailchimp-shutting-down-tinyletter 03:14:44 Would this require a sign-in cookie for archival? I can't find any sitemap. Also new logins were disabled a few days ago 03:15:02 No, there are definitely public parts. 03:16:04 Awesome. 03:34:17 Should it be fed to AB then? 03:37:47 Discovery is still a problem. 03:38:30 Here's a random example that was run through AB before: https://tinyletter.com/feministlib/ 03:40:03 WBM wildcards listings should be enough? 03:40:50 It'd certainly be a start, but I doubt it'd be complete. 03:41:18 oh you mean discovery pre-archiving, I was thinking afterwards 03:41:35 Ah, yeah 03:41:57 hmm, bing scraping perhaps? 03:54:08 Pedrosso: I wonder if there are any other temporary accounts like this for the remake? 03:54:24 ? 03:54:38 oh the super mario rpg remake 03:54:41 the one you linked 03:54:57 Oh 03:55:12 I linked a lot of things recently so... Where exactly? 03:56:02 i mean in general 03:57:23 I don't recall linking any super mario rpg remake things. Either I have dimentia /j, you've got the wrong person, or it's in one of the URL-lists from other sites 03:57:35 could you send the link though? I'm curious now 04:01:40 https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/archiveteam-bs/20231130#c392803 ? 04:02:15 oops 04:02:26 yeah wrong person lol 04:04:18 DogsRNice: This might answer the question, might not https://nitter.vloup.ch/search?q=%23SuperMarioRPG 04:04:45 Also https://nitter.vloup.ch/search?q=%23%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AARPG 04:12:40 JAA: 2k results on bing site:tinyletter.com https://transfer.archivete.am/FrY6F/browser-bing-scrape-site-tinyletter.com.txt 04:12:40 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/FrY6F/browser-bing-scrape-site-tinyletter.com.txt 04:56:36 is it possible to look through the google sites archives for a specific google site 04:57:33 unsimply99: it's in the Wayback Machine, so you if you have the URL you can look it up there 05:05:47 Can someone please throw https://pbdwest.com/ and www.pbdgolf.com into AB? Related to the Open Hand Foundation scandal 07:35:50 JustAnotherArchivist edited Blogger (+3, Fix regex to catch blogger.com URLs that aren't…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51239&oldid=51212 07:56:54 JustAnotherArchivist edited Template:CTA URL lists (+146, Clarify regex type and add comment on…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51240&oldid=50376 08:48:03 Sanqui: The Webzdarma processing finished some hours ago, and I see that uloz.to is still up and serving files for now, so here's the full output (not deduped against the previous list since I didn't keep track of which WARCs had been done by that point): https://transfer.archivete.am/FjICx/webzdarma-uloz.zst 08:48:39 As mentioned, there were some errors, I could hunt those down, but this should keep you busy if you ran out of stuff. :-) 09:03:17 Approximately 116 of the 930 files had some sort of issue. 09:03:54 Which doesn't mean they're missing entirely from that output, but it might be incomplete. 10:24:30 JAA: Thank you! They didn't kill downloads yet so we'll process them 11:02:09 the google account wipe means older videos will lose almost all their comments, right? 90-9-1 rule and all. I just realized, too late... ? 11:07:41 Oh fuck 11:24:39 it's basically the social-networking era of the site disappearing. i know a lotof people don't care for yt comments but to me the videos feel 'dead' without their 'cultural context' 11:26:03 homepages, video threads and annotations, 12:02:02 uloz.to is dead 12:02:07 thanks to those who contributed links 12:32:13 RIP, hopefully you managed to save a good bunch 15:46:36 imer: I hear it's north of 30 TB. 18:51:28 https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/395024/stack-exchange-s-image-hosting-arrangement-with-imgur-is-ending-advance-notice 18:52:44 "Image links will likely insta-rot" - Kyle Pollard (staff) 19:06:41 “Imgur no longer provides an enterprise image hosting product” surprise. 19:07:59 Did anyone other than stackexchange even use that? 19:09:38 https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/291682 600GB in 2017 19:10:09 i guess they did it in 2010, but surprised they didn’t use a cname or something of a domain they themselves owned 19:11:25 did it -> started using imgur 19:54:08 someone needs to make a service that redirects obsolete URLs to archive URLs 19:54:14 in the browser 19:54:52 the wayback machine extension already does this 19:55:06 oh right, it replaces 404s doesn't it? 19:55:23 that's like a blast from the past1 19:55:28 s/1/!/ 20:00:28 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+4): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51241&oldid=51238 20:00:51 the wayback machine isn't always the best archive. it could just as well be something like nitter or invidious 20:01:43 I use https://github.com/dessant/web-archives 20:02:43 i used to use https://archivebox.io/ - but it uses webrecorder/warcio and therefore is bad :( 20:03:01 i'd like my warcs standards-compliant please 20:03:15 (by people who care about being standards-compliant) 20:04:53 oh! that's a viewer 20:04:57 i thought it was a creator lol 20:07:18 oh crap @ stackexchange 20:08:39 On the plus side, there's only one dataset we need to go through to find all of the images. 20:09:36 they're also 5-char IDs right? 20:09:48 should I prepare for another round of bruteforcing? 20:10:14 ew > Image links will likely insta-rot, I don't expect we'll get redirects from Imgur but I'll ask them 20:15:30 there goes matrix 20:30:26 nicolas17: yeah, hit a limit and it had to be raised 20:31:09 imer: you'd think they'd offer a cname at least after 14y lol 20:31:29 10£ vps with a redirect set up is breaking the bank 20:31:37 xD yep 20:31:38 $ € 20:31:40 pick your poison^ 20:32:04 both have a sad conv. rate to CAD atm :( 20:32:19 10 money units 20:32:21 isn't CAD always a bit sad? not as sad as aussie bucks but stil 20:32:21 close to 1:1 when? 20:32:26 ye 20:33:11 it was very briefly almost 1:1 or maybe it hit it with USD? but never too amazing 20:33:23 feels kinda lower lately though 23:47:29 success story: http://www.underhanded-c.org/ is tragically defunct, but archivebot got everything <3 23:47:57 (even though the last post post-dates the last targeted job--it must have been an outlink somewhere) 23:50:21 Awesome 23:50:26 :D