00:01:12 JAA: argenteam subtitles https://transfer.archivete.am/4mmNR/argenteam.net_subtitles.txt.zst 00:01:31 88755 URLs, I estimate 1.7GB total (but with such small files I'm sure header overhead will take over) 00:01:58 this is the way they are linked from the API and website, but they all redirect to another subdomain 00:06:46 Nicolas17v2 edited ARGENTeaM (+20, /* Archival */ webpages now being archived): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51263&oldid=51258 00:20:47 power out at IA one minute ago 00:20:54 yikes 00:21:12 https://x.com/textfiles/status/1732192819098292677?s=20 00:21:12 nitter: https://nitter.net/textfiles/status/1732192819098292677 00:21:16 * nicolas17 wonders if we should pause things 00:21:35 at least pause queuebot probably cc JAA 00:21:42 Why? 00:21:59 IA outage? 00:22:02 So? 00:22:36 /shrug 00:23:00 oh dictionary API is down, guess things will stall even if we don't fill targets... 00:23:13 Means the rsync target will accumulate data for now, and then the pipelines will accumulate data, and *then* AB will be in trouble. 00:24:06 do archivebot pipelines still upload to "fos"? (that's what the wiki said but it may be outdated) 00:24:14 No, not for years. 00:24:24 And even if they did, they wouldn't crash immediately. 00:24:49 We have 1-2 days worth of storage between the pipelines. 00:25:00 oh dat's a lot 00:25:20 AB isn't producing a lot of data in the grand scheme of things. 00:25:24 It's only 2 TB/d or so. 00:26:17 One of my uploads still hasn't noticed that IA is dead. 00:29:41 https://irc.project10.net/uploads/90b7450d24da0789/Chicken_no_head.gif 00:36:29 Looks sad: https://monitor.archive.org/weathermap/weathermap.html 00:36:39 But it seems to be returning now, slowly. 00:41:55 power pls 00:44:39 Also, no, the dict API isn't immediately a problem. 00:45:02 ✨caching✨ 00:48:34 :-) 00:49:47 =] 01:07:22 well, i broke my grab-site :/ 01:07:40 oh no 01:09:23 installation via pyenv+pip doesn't work because fb-re2 sets `extra-compile-args=['-std=c++11']` but current re2 actually requires c++14 01:12:11 (https://github.com/facebook/pyre2/blob/053612cd79dab923444454d0035835422e99a632/setup.py, https://github.com/google/re2/blob/7e0c1a9e2417e70e5f0efc323267ac71d1fa0685/re2/re2.h#L222, https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/blob/5dc2cc1a6a992e09d9cf930cdce7984640e2b7e0/absl/base/policy_checks.h#L68-L81) 01:12:59 can't work around with CFLAGS because setuptools puts extra_compile_args at the end, which takes precedence 01:15:08 is there a particular reason we're still using https://pypi.org/project/fb-re2/ instead of https://pypi.org/project/google-re2/? 01:15:36 in the blogger project we got a sudden spike in completed items and then it died again huh 01:31:16 I wonder what's the problem with network cost in korea 01:31:22 ingress or egress? 01:31:32 08:29 PM Twitch is shutting down in Korea on February 27, 2024 KST -- https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2023/12/05/an-update-on-twitch-in-korea/ 01:31:33 will they block streamers in korea or viewers in korea or both? 01:31:37 For those not watching main channel 01:32:54 Oh dear. #burnthetwitch will be getting a workout 01:34:26 I wonder what the bandwidth costs are for those using an AWS Korea POP compared to other regions? 01:38:08 "though SK has laws that makes the content provider pay the bandwidth cost iirc" 01:38:09 oh 01:38:18 nulldata: "Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam" is the most expensive category in AWS CloudFront 01:39:23 hey! fullpwnmedia here. long time no see. It has come to my attention that an australian breakfast tv network will cease in 20ish days. their network is known to delete everything that is tied to a show if it no longer exists. the show that is ending is Studio 10 and is run by the 10 Network. 01:39:43 Wait studio 10 is being axed? 01:39:46 not sure if you will be able to access this link but this is their page 01:39:46 https://10play.com.au/studio-10 01:39:51 yeah on december 22 01:39:58 it will cease to exist 01:40:43 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLCUbvRrQnApZldY6CTquTA thats their YouTube 01:40:54 https://twitter.com/studio10au?lang=en Twitter 01:40:54 nitter: https://nitter.net/studio10au 01:41:27 https://www.instagram.com/studio10au/?hl=en Instagram 01:41:39 Just threw the youtube channel into down the tube 01:42:00 10play will be behind geoblock tho I spose if you wanted to incur the wratch of IA you could use tubeup 01:42:09 I need all hands on deck to get this all archived. Especially the YouTube as it contains full length episodes 01:42:52 Youtube will be done via downthetube missaustraliana as soon as the bot decides to wake up. Instagram you will have to do manually. Twitter is a pain in the ass 01:43:37 I'm not so worried about 10play episodes as they also need an account. But I would like for the page to be atleast archived 01:44:33 Thanks flashfire42 01:46:51 I'm manually archiving each show until cut off through OTA (DTV) 01:47:22 I have todays show getting uploaded to my IA account 01:50:08 missaustraliana how are you uploading that? Tubeup? 01:51:44 What do you mean? I recorded todays recording with my set top box now uploading to IA 01:52:11 AH now I get you 01:53:20 now having struggles uploading as IA is throwing a fit and spitting out "there was a network problem" 01:53:42 oh yeah they have a power outage 01:54:29 It could be that OR i just realised that im throwing it the files that are not stored locally but on my intranet 01:57:03 Okay yeah nah its the power outage 02:00:48 flashfire42 is there another way i can upload or do i just have to wait 02:01:09 Not to IA 02:01:22 Shiz.. 02:03:49 "Citrix pulls the plug on its User Group Community" https://www.theregister.com/2023/12/05/citrix_user_group_community_ends/ 02:57:55 TheTechRobo about this video https://web.archive.org/web/20220103091055/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQktVBtbygI So does that mean I can't extract the video in wayback? Is there any other ways I can extract the video's content? 03:04:49 (me and Sanqui are talking further over PM) 03:06:32 Tech234a edited Deathwatch (+121, /* 2023 */ Add Discord attachment links date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51265&oldid=51261 03:07:45 cas: it's likely the video wasn't archived 03:09:02 rip, that would be unfortunate to hear 03:10:33 Nicolas17v2 edited ARGENTeaM (+46, Add archivebot job ID for subtitles): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51266&oldid=51263 03:11:43 It's a tall order, but I can't help but wonder if somewhere like common crawl might have it archived 03:12:17 I don't think Common Crawl is doing anything with YouTube videos. And they have long needed special treatment to archive. 03:12:21 well generic crawlers won't get youtube videos for sure 03:12:44 i don't think common crawl is doing video at all? 03:12:48 you need complex purpose-specific code to get the URL of the actual video file (like what youtube-dl does) 03:13:33 Nulldata edited Deathwatch (+434, Added 'In The Know' and Twitch Korea.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51267&oldid=51265 03:13:34 Inti83 edited Argentina (+282, /* List of At-Risk Websites */ - updating with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51268&oldid=51252 03:13:36 arkiver: even if it did, it would only work with like plain