09:19:44 im chucking studio 10 back down the tube as there was a few issues. but this time im going to upload it as an item 09:21:23 890 videos i have got locally. praying network doesnt die and or i run out of storage 09:21:59 missaustraliana usually I dont reccomend tubeup but that maybe be your best choice for uploading those items 09:22:17 oh? 09:22:42 im using that py script on the wiki 09:23:00 If you are gonna insist on uploading as items despite the fact they are going through down the tube you may as well use tubeup to make sure they go through as proper items. 09:23:49 oh bahaha im not throwing it down the tube i was just saying. im using tubeup and the py script 09:23:58 sorry for not clairfying 09:25:40 flashfire42 i passed it the channel, will it make seperate items for each video or will it be one big item? 09:26:21 I thought you meant #down-the-tube rather than using the turn of phrase. #down-the-tube will mean it is accessible through wayback 09:26:59 yeah nah i dont want that 09:27:16 i want it chucked into my profile 09:28:55 but will it? i want it to have a seperate item for each video 18:11:02 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38568076 18:11:46 Arch linux completed the bug tracker migration to gitlab. The old one will be closed 18:29:24 Looks like they already borked the bug list, so only the pages for individual bugs are remaining. Perhaps that static conversion already happened. 19:18:06 i've been looking for software to archive several sites for personal use. i found a bunch of options, but am not sure what would be the best. 19:18:57 bjorn3: grab-site is what I'd recommend. If the sites are heavily relying on scripting, it gets much harder. 19:19:23 does it support resuming an archive operation after i restart my system? 19:19:47 It does not. 19:20:25 Long-standing issue that's not easy to fix: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/grab-site/issues/58 19:21:20 i've only got a laptop which i shut down every day (and loses internet access whenever i travel to uni) and i don't know if i will be able to archive one of the sites i want in a single day. 19:23:36 i don't need js support at all by the way. they are old school web 1.0 sites that i want to archive. some barely use css even. 19:27:10 Right. I can't recommend anything for that setup I'm afraid. It might be possible with grab-site if you can use sleep or hibernation rather than shutting down (by first setting the delay between requests to a large number and then putting it into sleep while it's waiting, ideally), but I'm not sure. All my archival stuff runs on hardware that's always on. 19:27:38 Alternatively, we could archive them through ArchiveBot and you could download a copy of the WARCs from IA to your local storage later. 19:30:14 i guess i will give grab-site a go. 19:31:05 does grab-site actually need python 3.8 as the readme seems to indicate or does 3.11 also work? 19:31:19 debian bookworm ships with 3.11 19:39:16 i think it really does need 3.8. got an exception thrown. 19:40:17 Yeah, it does require 3.7 or 3.8. 19:40:55 I made a container image a while ago, if that's of any use to you. Though it comes without the web UI. 19:42:35 JAA: idk whether you saw this when i mentioned it earlier, but grab-site's pip install is currently broken due to fb-re2 19:42:51 i should be able to figure it out. just tried to avoid installing pyenv if possible. 19:43:05 thuban: I saw, and my container build has further issues on top of that. :-| 19:43:12 nice 19:43:27 well, google-re2 should work as a drop-in 19:43:29 bjorn3: pyenv is your friend. :-) 19:44:14 rustup is my friend already :) 19:45:00 (if i understand correctly what pyenv is, rustup is the same except for rust) 19:45:22 * JAA is unfamiliar with the Rust ecosystem, so no idea. 19:45:28 It's equivalent to rbenv in Ruby. :-P 19:46:06 Yeah, rustup sounds very similar. 19:47:21 is pyenv compiling python from scratch? 19:47:35 rustup downloads precompiled versions. 19:48:41 Yes, it compiles them. 19:49:48 that would be a nightmare for rustc. especially if you aren't using the precompiled LLVM builds. 19:50:26 didn't have any issues with fb-re2 when installing. 19:51:31 older version of abseil, i suppose? 19:52:14 don't have any debian package with abseil in the name installed. 19:53:07 might be named libabsl or sth 19:53:35 i have libabsl20220623 as package 19:54:53 yeah, older. fb-re2 is behind as of 20220706 https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/commit/97ab3dcfd6490434202e4ab00b2eaba9449e42a1 19:56:09 got web-grab working 20:02:17 bjorn3: If there's something that's not just of personal interest/importance, please feel free to let us know anyway for running through AB. That means it becomes available in the Wayback Machine and is thus useful to others, too. 20:37:18 sure, will let you all know if i find anything that could be relevant for others in my bookmarks. 20:53:30 how do i add a regex to the set of ignored urls? --igsets only accepts one of the builtin ignore sets afaict from the readme. 20:54:39 For archivebot you can't add a single regex before the job starts; you have to add it afterwards. Not sure if grab-site is the same way or not 20:56:25 i see 21:00:59 bjorn3: to add ignores before starting the job, write them to a file and use --import-ignores 21:01:26 does that overwrite --igsets? or append to it? 21:01:40 append 21:01:41 And after the job is started, you can edit the 'ignores' file with one pattern per line. 21:02:50 thanks! 22:58:51 https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1732669269526151418 < oh hey they also moved but didn't lock their account lol 22:58:51 nitter: https://nitter.net/w3cdevs/status/1732669269526151418 23:29:31 Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/12/google-podcasts-dies-april-2024-youtube-music-migration-tool-goes-live/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38573378