00:12:33 https://twitter.com/w3cdevs/status/1732745763426369625 00:12:34 nitter: https://nitter.net/w3cdevs/status/1732745763426369625 00:12:35 lol 00:34:53 xP 05:23:09 hello - I 05:23:14 oops 05:24:14 Hello - I'm pretty sure this isn't the right channel, but I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I have a pile of ~100 shareware CDs I'd like to make sure have been uploaded to the internet archive. Is there a guide to do that or something? 05:29:50 temporary: this channel probably works for that, though I don't really have any advice on it. (There's also #internetarchive, but for a general question here is fine) 05:30:52 https://archive.org/details/cdbbsarchive is probably a good place to look for examples that have been uploaded before 05:31:23 Oh, and http://redump.org/ (though redump has more stringent requirements about what CD drive is used to dump the CD) 05:31:40 one time I ripped a CD from an old DOS game 05:31:47 then I found it had already been archived 05:31:53 (after uploading mine -.-) 05:32:04 but the files were different so I thought maybe different version 05:32:48 That's one of the goals of redump - one consistent way of dumping CDs to make it easy to verify that what you have matches something that's already known about (or is a new revision that hasn't been seen before) 05:32:50 I compared them and the *only* difference was one had 2048 extra bytes of zeros at the end... I wonder if that's a different disc press or a drive/software difference when ripping 12:16:44 Bzc6p edited Szuperinfó (+2, grammar): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51280&oldid=43676 12:20:45 Bzc6p edited Szuperinfó (+58, fix typos; forecast): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51281&oldid=51280 14:24:51 is there an easy way to archive all repos (and ideally all data) inside a github organization? 14:26:54 Nulo|m: ask that in #gitgud, they may create the job for the software heritage project 14:27:08 thanks! 18:19:15 today there was a news article about the closure of argenteam that made me realize archiving the forum is more important than I thought 18:23:03 Nicolas17v2 edited ARGENTeaM (+6, Describe it as a "fansub community". The term…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51282&oldid=51272 18:42:29 ETA 2 hours to scrape every forum thread ID (I could probably use more concurrency but I don't want to anger admins) 19:34:10 wow I'm getting a lot more 403 Forbidden than I expected 19:34:18 the private forum categories must have a lot of activity 20:35:07 hi besties 20:38:14 jsyk deathwatch is wrong for photography-on-the-net, it looks like its still going down 12/31/23 not feb 2024 as stated (urls redirect to a "catch all page" starting 1/1) 20:38:33 https://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?p=19579342 21:33:14 "@everyone Last call for Ghetto Smosh merch, all products relating to Smosh are going to be taken down soon http://ghettosmosh.store/" 21:33:36 (it's https they just suck at linking things) 21:38:03 Has that been AB'd yet? 21:42:44 not yet 21:42:49 shopify 21:45:06 did someone grab the GhettoSmosh X formerly twitter account 21:46:05 i did yeah 21:47:57 started AB on the store site we'll see how shopify likes it 21:50:22 It needs a slow request rate, yeah. 22:23:57 I don't think it looks like https://archive.mozilla.org/ would finish in time of the migration at the end of the year. Is that assessment correct? 22:24:06 the grab for https://archive.mozilla.org/ * 22:26:39 lol definitely not. 22:26:45 It was never going to. 22:28:00 I guess we should archive the Seamonkey parts specifically. 22:28:14 That was twenty-something TB I think. 22:33:22 i guess the not-releases and not-nightly should be prioritized? (from your link back when https://blog.seamonkey-project.org/2023/11/14/migrating-off-archive-mozilla-org/ ) 22:35:46 I think releases should be prioritised. But that shouldn't be the brunt of it anyway. 22:36:02 ah ok 22:38:17 https://archive.seamonkey-project.org/releases/README has some interesting history about mozilla's storage changes/seamonkey's infra changes 22:39:15 (isn't on amo) 22:39:27 Nice TLS cert 22:39:40 yeah, oof haha 22:45:47 JAA: https://paste.debian.net/1300663/ do you think we can run something like this through AB? 22:46:50 my script is gonna take 30 minutes to get all links (parsing HTML to get the number of pages etc), but I think I prefer to do something else during those 30 minutes than to speed it up :P 22:52:47 nicolas17: Yeah, that would work. 22:53:02 I scraped the threads with my login cookie 22:53:13 so I'm also filtering out the forums that can't be accessed without login 23:32:09 Nicolas17v2 edited ARGENTeaM (+4, /* Forum */ Found another forum ID): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51283&oldid=51282 23:48:14 Nicolas17v2 edited ARGENTeaM (+0, /* Forum */ Forum 63 is publicly visible): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51284&oldid=51283