01:25:12 JustAnotherArchivist moved Mailman2 to Mailman 2: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Mailman%202 01:28:58 https://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo sure looks like Mailman 2, but they removed the version number. 01:29:51 Ditto on https://list.pitt.edu/mailman/listinfo 01:35:23 https://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/mail/index.html 01:35:24 > At its new home, the general public (i.e., non-NASA users) is no longer able to access the web interface, including the list archives. 01:35:27 :-( 01:59:02 https://lists.webkit.org/mailman/listinfo also 02:34:23 JAA: why the space in the page name? 02:40:39 pabs: Why no space? Even the page itself starts with 'Mailman 2'. :-) But perhaps even better would be a subpage, e.g. 'Mailman/version 2' 02:41:41 cus page names should have no spaces in them :) 02:42:04 Mailman/2 would be fine, there is already a Mailman page 02:42:35 I'm kinda surprise that it showed as %202 there since normally mediawiki uses underscores (https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Mailman_2) 02:45:29 JustAnotherArchivist edited Mailman 2 (+10109, Add a few more): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51345&oldid=51343 03:54:44 JustAnotherArchivist edited Mailman 2 (+7823, And a few more): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51346&oldid=51345 03:56:45 JustAnotherArchivist moved Mailman 2 to Mailman/2: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Mailman/2 03:57:45 JustAnotherArchivist edited Mailman (+11, Update link to moved subpage): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51349&oldid=49907 04:03:52 page names with spaces get an underscore in their links yeah 04:46:58 Analysing the Seamonkey data on archive.mozilla.org a bit. 04:47:04 Here's the breakdown by subdir: /pub/seamonkey/bundles/ 4.72 GiB, /pub/seamonkey/candidates/ 1.36 TiB, /pub/seamonkey/experimental/ 6.89 GiB, /pub/seamonkey/nightly/ 127.26 GiB, /pub/seamonkey/oldnightly/ 4.71 TiB, /pub/seamonkey/releases/ 1.75 TiB, /pub/seamonkey/tinderbox-builds/ 18.63 TiB, /pub/seamonkey/tmp/ 57.59 GiB 04:47:27 I expected tinderbox-builds to be by far the largest. Didn't expect oldnightly to be that large. 04:47:56 (This is using the data from my listing of course, numbers might've changed slightly since.) 04:51:14 I *think* Tinderbox is a CI-like thing? Not entirely sure though. 04:51:59 Yep, it's exactly CI: https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=Tinderbox&oldid=1074075 04:52:32 We probably don't need to grab a build of every single commit. 04:53:12 I wonder how much the Tinderbox builds are in total of those 1.66 PiB I managed to list... 04:55:09 ... 04:55:23 last month I tried to download some builds and generate deltas between them to see if that made them smaller 04:55:31 and my results were awful 04:55:36 and I just realized why 04:55:43 debug symbols have internal compression nowadays 04:56:19 "ld --compress-debug-sections=zlib" etc 04:58:08 Ah, yeah, that would do it. 04:58:26 But also, binary delta stuff is virtually always awful in my experience. 05:04:45 Looks like the Tinderbox builds total something like 420 TB. Less than I expected. 05:05:13 Or more precisely, anything with /tinderbox in its path. 05:05:56 and also now I remember I tried to turn your file listing into sparse files and I ran out of inodes 05:06:09 :-) 05:06:16 Yeah, it is a chonker. 05:06:56 96867265 files 05:07:13 and ncdu would load the entire tree into memory anyway 05:07:16 which is less than ideal 05:07:56 Anyway, let's archive everything in /pub/seamonkey/ except /pub/seamonkey/tinderbox-builds/. 05:48:11 I feel like the list on [[Argentina]] doesn't yet cover all the ministries Milei wants to abolish. It seems too short for that. 07:21:24 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-11/chemist-warehouse-sigma-healthcare-merger-deal-explained/103213384 09:05:23 * Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions. 14:05:21 whoa trippy is trippy 14:40:26 JAA, re argentina: has someone run jobs for the sites added in https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Argentina&diff=prev&oldid=51291 ? 14:40:30 i don't see them either in the viewer or in /logs/recent 14:40:45 (unlike espacio memoria, which does appear to have been re-run after it came back up) 14:44:15 ah, just bad timing; i see them in #archivebot now. i'll add the job ids to the wiki page 15:09:43 job for https://www.espaciomemoria.ar/ does _not_ appear to have covered https://www.espaciomemoria.ar/memoriaencasa/inicio, based on its log; we may want to run that separately 16:34:36 thuban: Ah, ugh, it did grab https://espaciomemoria.ar/memoriaencasa/2021_educacion/ but since that's not on the www subdomain, it didn't recurse. 16:36:51 Started 19:29:25 Flama12333 edited Talk:Deathwatch (+324, /* war thunder was Transition. the old posts…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51350&oldid=37473 20:20:41 Vokunal edited Ex.ua (-20, Fixed some grammar, and date issue): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51351&oldid=51311 20:22:41 Vokunal edited URLTeam (+0, fixed EDT from -5 to -4): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51352&oldid=51337 20:23:39 "Vokun: EDT is UTC-4, not -5. (..." <- Thanks! 20:23:41 Pokechu22 edited Jira (+39, /* Not yet archived */…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51353&oldid=50964 20:47:32 good evening once again. since i researched how to archive an endangered forum, I keep noticing things that are worth to archive xD first of all, https://shop.alligatoah.de/ which currently is in a special form as the musician is teasing his carrer end (or change from rap to rock, no one really knows). secondly, https://rockstar.ch/ this swiss 20:47:33 rock magazin changed from print to online and now ceases operations completly. was known for their provocative articles and their award for the most annoying celebrity of the year (called "F*** You, You F**** F***-Award" xD honestly, great name^^). i am not really sure how much there is to save, but if anyone has time to queue them up: thanks a lot 20:47:33 :) 20:48:26 https://shop.alligatoah.de/sitemap_products_1.xml?from=8655228535112&to=8658952978760 seems pretty small, should be fine 20:51:18 polduran13: https://rockstar.ch/andrea-sarah-play-us-out/ "Deshalb ganz gross eintragen: Am 1. Dezember feiern wir in der Kir Royal Bar an der Zürcher Langstrasse noch einmal als wäre es 2009." - Google translate says "So write it down in big letters: On December 1st we'll be celebrating again in the Kir Royal Bar on Zurich's Langstrasse as if it were 2009." which doesn't 20:51:21 make sense to me. Is that supposed to imply a shutdown date (which has already passed) or something else? 20:52:44 pokechu22: 'Let's party one last time!' 20:53:31 The nuance of 'noch einmal' got lost in translation. It's more like 'one more time' than 'again'. 20:56:15 I've queued it, but the sitemap only lists 186 articles 21:13:27 exactly as JAA says :) they had some kind of final party to go out with a bang^^ and the amount of articles seems possible. they swaped to online only in march 2020 and reconstructed their website at the same time. each week seems to have like 2 or less articles, 1.5 years, makes approx. 150 articles. thank you for queueing both of them up :3 21:23:54 Switchnode edited Argentina (+694, add more jobs): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51354&oldid=51291 22:57:32 "As the plan progresses, the FreePBX community can expect to see the JIRA (issues.freepbx.org) and Bitbucket (git.freepbx.org) instances be phased out in favor of using GitHub. Again, as was done with success previously for the Asterisk project. Community members can also expect an announcement in the near future about access to the FreePBX forum 22:57:32 at community.freepbx.org." 22:57:48 issues is now 403 for all urls it seems, git is a redirect? 22:57:53 community seems to exist still 22:58:11 via: https://www.freepbx.org/the-freepbx-wiki-is-moving/ 22:58:53 an old git URL via google: https://git.freepbx.org/projects/FREEPBX/repos/pinsets/browse just redirects to the github root page 23:01:43 https://community.asterisk.org/ for asterisk, https://issues.asterisk.org/ redirects to github issues with other urls 404 (https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=15436) 23:02:47 i'll start AB for the two community links shortly 23:02:47 WitH SucCesS 23:02:56 (i assume it's just -i forums?) 23:03:10 <@JAA> WitH SucCesS < exactly :| 23:03:11 They only broke 15k+ issue URLs, great success... 23:03:50 Discourse, yeah, should work reasonably well. 23:04:12 The forums aren't small, so might need to ignore the per-post URLs. 23:04:14 sounds good 23:04:22 ah hmm 23:04:49 maybe no offsite as well 23:06:31 ah per-post like "!ig .... https://community.freepbx.org/t/.*/[0-9]+/[0-9]+" ig 23:07:23 Something like that, yeah. 23:07:50 ^https?://community\.freepbx\.org/t/[^/?]+/\d+/\d+$ 23:08:02 That show I'd write it. 23:08:29 much better :3 23:10:43 My grab-site crawl of https://www.intheknow.com/ finally finished earlier today without any further issues, it seems. 23:10:58 * fireonlive blames it being too loud in here at the moment 23:11:23 i'll no-offsite it so we go sanic speeds i suppose 23:11:48 Discourse does have silly rate limits, so yeah, might be a good idea. 23:12:14 why can't everything be blogger's rate limits :) 23:13:37 Eh, they do have annoying limits on the profiles. 23:13:43 ah true 23:13:57 I liked the LoL forums. I archived those at 2000 requests per second from 3 IPs. 23:18:41 niiice 23:20:00 augh 23:20:06 Apple published a support article and deleted it like an hour later 23:20:13 I need to automate feeding them into AB