00:18:14 community.asterisk.org and community.freepbx.org started 00:18:47 sanity dump due to shit-fuckery 00:29:32 https://wiki.freepbx.org and all urls under it that i've tested go to https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/ , so broken links there too :) 00:31:11 (same for https://wiki.asterisk.org/ - just goes to https://docs.asterisk.org now. so e.g. https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+12+Function_SIP_HEADER goes to the root of some markdown? docs site) 05:47:37 Nulo|m: I started archiving the data repos you collected. Did you manage to get anything out of https://datos.pami.org.ar/data.json ? I'm just getting an error from everywhere I tried: 'La solicitud fue rechazada. Por favor, contacte a su administrador.' 05:47:53 Perhaps it's geofenced to Argentina or similar? 05:58:47 JAA: you mean a simple GET to data.json? 05:59:25 nicolas17: Yeah. Same on the homepage, too. 05:59:40 'curl https://datos.pami.org.ar/data.json' works for me from Argentina and from a DigitalOcean VPS in NYC 05:59:47 Huh 06:03:42 Ok yeah, found a US machine that works, but none of the AB pipelines or my other servers do (CA, CH, DE, FI, FR, UK). On most, it actually times out rather than giving that error. 06:04:51 weird 06:06:17 Can add NL and NZ to that list as well. 06:06:20 Weird indeed. 06:12:54 Also, http://andino.siu.edu.ar/data.json returns a 404. 06:14:26 confirmed 06:14:57 Thanks. Those were the only two that failed for me. 06:15:21 Of course, I can't rule out that some downloads might fail for similar reasons. :-/ 06:19:12 In fact, it's likely to happen because datos.gob.ar blocks most pipelines. 06:20:09 (infra.datos.gob.ar does not though!) 06:41:16 http://estadisticas.produccion.gob.ar/ is timing out. 06:45:14 http://www.trabajo.gob.ar/ as well. 07:39:24 fireonlive JAA https://issues.asterisk.org now redirects to an archive btw 07:40:07 ah good 07:40:33 noticed it a bit earlier - went to issues-archive but / goes to github 07:40:41 i !a'd issues-archive 07:41:44 freepbx doesn't seem to have such a setup (yet?) sadly 08:27:32 (issues-archive: https://issues-archive.asterisk.org/) 08:37:04 "Starfield Together" to be stopped development on, be made open source https://dl.fireon.live/irc/2228fdfe2fa8c001/sff.jpg 08:38:03 seems to be a 3p mod: https://old.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18dkxwu/ https://www.ign.com/articles/skyrim-together-modders-arent-making-a-multiplayer-mode-for-starfield 14:36:25 damn, that journalmetro.com crawl finally completed, 3 months later! 16:34:39 https://twitter.com/FntasticHQ/status/1734265789237338453 16:34:40 nitter: https://nitter.net/FntasticHQ/status/1734265789237338453 19:12:28 fireonlive: Starfield Together was released the other day, yes, as a branch on https://github.com/tiltedphoques/TiltedEvolution . Already archived. :-) 19:12:57 :D awesome 19:39:43 https://downloads.asterisk.org/ turned out bigger than I thought! then again that's also including I guess overhead... 19:39:56 * fireonlive eyes https://downloads.digium.com/ that's on the list soon 19:39:59 👀 19:40:34 they seem to be different in some ways at least? 😅 19:40:52 i want to run https://packages.asterisk.org/ first though 19:41:02 get them centos/deb/rhel saved :) 21:00:46 just remembered https://github.com/KoalaBear84/OpenDirectoryDownloader/ exists... might work better than rclone for size estimates lol 21:01:22 (what y'all using?) 21:05:13 curl, grep, and awk. lol 21:05:20 ah :3 21:06:13 JAA, the one-liner ninja 23:00:31 mhh, anything to do for it? https://lwn.net/Articles/954783/ 23:42:12 !status 23:51:36 🤔