01:46:01 https://blogs.sap.com/2023/08/31/a-new-home-in-the-new-year-for-the-sap-community/ - https://community.sap.com/ is moving to https://groups.community.sap.com/ in January, though it sounds like they are migrating the content with it 04:01:08 -+rss- Mohammad Alotol (From YC S22 Cohort) Killed in Gaza: https://twitter.com/teammanara/status/1734966168262148511?s=46 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38637240 04:01:08 nitter: https://nitter.net/teammanara/status/1734966168262148511 04:27:03 pokechu22: grab it anyway so the URLs still work? 05:03:14 Evanim edited ISP Hosting (+233, add US Internet): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51355&oldid=51326 05:03:15 Evanim edited University Web Hosting (+1330, add University of Waterloo and University of…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51356&oldid=50748 05:03:16 Markass edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+24, soyjak.party): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51357&oldid=51217 05:05:15 Not sure that Armstrong ref is on the right row in the [[ISP Hosting]] edit if someone wants to look into that. 05:14:19 i'll take a lookj 05:14:23 -j 05:16:03 the ref itself is not even a working ling 05:16:08 s/ling/link 05:18:48 baanboard.com is shutting down at the end of the year http://www.baanboard.com/baanboard/showthread.php?p=222497 05:19:19 That lurker edited ISP Hosting (-170, Deleted armstrongonewire.com ref as the site is…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51358&oldid=51355 05:26:20 ahh nevermind actually its just not loading in the EU 05:32:21 That lurker edited ISP Hosting (+79, Brought back the Armstrong link, but this time…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51359&oldid=51358 05:33:45 tzt: Yeah, it's on Deathwatch and running through AB. 05:33:48 that_lurker: Thanks 05:38:23 That lurker edited ISP Hosting (+6, Add closing ref tag): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51360&oldid=51359 06:00:27 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51361&oldid=51357 08:58:56 little coverage, https://minehut.com/ https://forums.minehut.com/ 09:42:28 Seems like archivebot finished up with Ponychan, any way to archive it continuously for anything remaining until it closes? 09:58:01 JAA I was checking through logs, sounds like you have something like that if I'm not mistaken? 10:01:07 DJ: I've done things like that before, but that's code specific to the individual site, and I don't have anything like that for image boards. 10:03:14 Ah alright no problem. Is it possible to use Warrior to do something like that? 10:04:05 In theory, yes, but it requires someone to write code, too. 10:04:47 And there's no real benefit to DPoS for something like this. 10:05:40 I see then, I guess I'll just hope nothing gets deleted in the meantime lol. 10:05:46 Thank you 14:00:01 k 14:03:59 oops 14:04:02 Would it be a good idea to rearrange the order of the command line argument of wget-at so that "--lua-script foo.lua" part is closer to the beginning so its easier to see what project a particular process of wget-at is running with btop/process viewer of choice that doesnt support horizontal scrolling? 15:00:09 angenieux: sure i could put that in with updates 18:14:39 I'm not sure how hard EA is on crawlers but https://answers.ea.com/ has limited coverage (relevant to the spore grabs) 18:21:49 Some of EA (particularly www.ea.com) is a mess, due to their CDN being jank (same thing causes issues with olympics.com). https://answers.ea.com may or may not be fine but the software it uses interacts with archivebot pretty poorly I think (lots of junky URLs due to JS extraction) 18:44:16 Megame edited Deathwatch (+190, https://www.urbandecay.co.uk/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51362&oldid=51339 18:53:18 Megame edited Deathwatch (+50, https://www.aqnb.com/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51363&oldid=51362 18:55:06 https://www.aqnb.com/ - "We will reopen the site temporarily for anyone who wants to save HTML pages, shutting for good on December 21, 2023." 18:55:16 wow 18:55:40 according to https://old.reddit.com/r/Archiveteam/comments/1883x6k/archive_needed_aqnb_is_going_down_on_december_21st/ - you have too contact the on facebook to ask 18:55:54 https://www.facebook.com/aqnbmag/ 19:06:19 More on www.ea.com and olympics.com here: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/ArchiveBot/issues/564 19:07:12 Megame: Oh, I figured it was a 'this will be back in a few days and then down on the 21st' thing. Ugh. 19:08:25 Happy to do the archival itself, but I'm not on Facebook. 19:08:38 JAA, me neither 19:09:33 They're looking for a place to host their collection - "The costs of hosting the site are too high, so we're looking for an institution, or otherwise, who can help keep this valuable resource free and accessible." 19:09:56 Maybe arkiver can check if IA is interested 19:10:00 Hmm, some email addresses on https://web.archive.org/web/20231110052940/https://www.aqnb.com/about/ 19:23:39 :/ that’s what i thought too 20:02:19 reviews.llvm.org will shut down at some point, they're moving to GitHub pull requests 20:02:33 someone is working on a read-only mirror https://hachyderm.io/@meowray/111577382558909919 20:02:53 I thought surely it can be archived in a way that Just Works in WBM 20:03:02 turns out there's XHR POST requests involved x_X 20:03:10 x_x 20:03:24 anyone else having issues reaching archivebot.com? 20:03:33 it seems up from one location but not for me.. 20:04:11 oh, it loaded..kinda 20:04:49 cc JAA, seems unhappy mayhaps? 20:05:08 gotta jet for an hour and a bit 👋 20:36:10 Ah, Phabricator, yeah. 20:36:50 fireonlive: Seems fine here now, and monitoring didn't trigger either. 20:45:14 Clicking on 'Show Older Changes' on https://reviews.llvm.org/D123235 results in `Unhandled Exception ("RuntimeException")`. Yay 20:50:52 Tech234a edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+1521, Add Warrior 4.0, EOL Warrior 3.0, 3.1, and…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51364&oldid=50583 20:53:30 JAA: oh yeah on top of that it's broken 20:53:31 but like 20:54:14 if the server worked fine 20:54:25 currently it's not giving me an exception 20:54:38 but it's doing a POST to https://reviews.llvm.org/transactions/showolder/PHID-DREV-u6d2cqb6uolt6c7s6g2k/?after=3528187"eTargetID=UQ0_1"eRef=D123235 20:54:58 with more parameters in the POST body 20:55:48 Hmm, I wonder whether GET ever worked... 21:02:43 one thing I noticed was that Alpine doesn't seem to keep old versions of packages around, and they also don't keep packages for old versions of Alpine around forever either (notice: the 2.x versions which are now missing: https://web.archive.org/web/20190924002318/http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/). It might make sense to archive some of that at some point. 21:04:09 Yeah, I also found that a few weeks ago while trying to reproduce my grab-site container image build. 21:08:16 oh weird 21:08:31 i’ll test again in a few, maybe it’s my end 21:08:57 i’m playing in traffic! 21:09:01 :3 21:23:51 Theoretically one could self-host an Alpine repo but that probably isn't worth it 21:26:12 oh, interesting indeed 21:26:33 very anti-thesis to say debian or ubuntu 21:26:48 unless they shuttle it elsewhere perhaps? 21:32:01 Tech234a edited Dev/Warrior (+1856, Add more details and latest updates): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51365&oldid=49764 21:42:57 thanks tech234a :) 21:43:02 Tech234a edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+78, /* Basic usage (virtual machine) */ Add note…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51366&oldid=51364 23:03:37 -+rss- Mitchell reflects as he departs HashiCorp: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/mitchell-reflects-as-he-departs-hashicorp https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38647484 23:03:43 hashicorp co-founder peaces out 23:17:05 https://www.poptropica.com/ shutting down December 29 per a screenshot of a Discord message I have seen on Telegram 23:18:07 Assume there will be a more public confirmation at some point