00:40:39 NOT POPTROPICA 00:44:49 what was your character, flashfire42? 00:45:34 I dont even remember but I played it a bit as a kid I was more a club penguin kid. Or more accurately than that a trying to get around school computer network restrictions kid 00:47:10 ah :3 01:17:15 came here to see if you all were aware of the Poptropica news, glad it's been posted 01:18:12 so far it seems like there hasn't been much of an effort to save the new Haxe/HTML5 version, so that would be great to focus on 01:25:30 Hm, is that within Flashpoint's purview? 01:53:24 "Google Groups ending support for Usenet" https://support.google.com/groups/answer/11036538 01:54:00 existing content to remain apparently 01:58:01 interesting to note that there are two spaces between "content" and "is" in this sentence, suggesting that it was perhaps revised before being posted: "Most of the current Google Groups content is not Usenet content and will not be affected." 03:40:11 I have a URL that *looks* like an S3 bucket listing but it's not actually S3 03:40:36 any idea how I can convince the aws cli to use it? 03:40:59 https://transporter.amp.apple.com/ 03:42:38 --endpoint-url I guess? 03:42:40 it has transporter.amp.apple.com but there is no bucket called that on AWS S3, so it might be an S3 clone running on Apple's own servers 03:43:40 It's not GCP, Scaleway, or Wasabi either (although the latter two would be surprising anyway). 03:44:08 azure maybe? 03:44:24 I don't think Azure has S3-compatible storage. 03:44:35 ahh ok 03:44:47 Ive had the pleasure of not using them 03:44:54 :p 03:45:25 I like the do_not_remove.html file. 03:46:01 actually rclone might be more useful... but it's not working yet 03:46:57 me too! 03:50:49 lol I think the CDN is misconfigured 03:52:16 but Apple is perfect? 03:52:19 https://transporter.amp.apple.com/?delimiter=&max-keys=1000&prefix= this returns JSON 03:52:27 I don’t understand the words that are coming out of your fingers 03:52:49 nicolas17: Returns XML for me. 03:53:05 I suspect it's because something else requested it with "Accept: application/json" and it got cached 03:53:29 Right 03:53:31 and there's no "Vary: Accept" 03:53:42 nor manual configuration on the cache to tell them apart 03:53:44 And we're hitting different CDN nodes. 03:54:13 I got around it by configuring rclone to use max-keys=999 03:54:25 which won't be in the cache, unlike max-keys=1000 :P 04:09:59 < x-apple-obj-store-current-version-id: 472d87b0-43f8-11ed-97d4-d8c497b4526d 04:10:01 < x-icloud-versionid: 472d87b0-43f8-11ed-97d4-d8c497b4526d 04:10:46 seems this is Apple's iCloud storage server with an S3-compatible API 04:59:44 Poptropica shutdown is a hoax per https://twitter.com/Poptropica/status/1735509964381372710 04:59:45 nitter: https://nitter.net/Poptropica/status/1735509964381372710 05:00:52 This is why we ask for sources (and why I don't put it in #archiveteam when my source is an image floating around TElegram) 05:36:38 Tech234a edited Deathwatch (+178, /* 2024 */ Google Groups Usenet disconnection): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51367&oldid=51363 11:13:08 Hi. I need to archive the whole website https://113declaration.cec.gov.tw. It's the official property declaration of candidates for public office in Taiwan. 11:14:16 I didn't get any response from #archivebot. So I had to come here. 11:16:59 guest_cec86: looks doable, i've queued it 11:17:39 thuban: thanks 15:00:45 Hey I know this has been asked before but 15:01:30 How do I archive a Facebook page with all the assets like pictures and videos 15:02:28 I have tried facebook-scraper and it doesn't seem to work really well 15:02:41 (Stuck at login page even with cookies) 23:22:19 Well, as expected, the fan game got taken down by Nintendo per https://itch.io/takedowns/2402026 from https://linksawakeningdxhd.itch.io/links-awakening-dx-hd 23:22:39 Although curiously, there is a possibility to numerically process the takedown entries numerically via ArchiveBot 23:28:03 It makes me wonder how many entries are Nintendo in comparison to other takedowns: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://itch.io/takedowns/* 23:28:23 2.4 million takedowns in total? Whew. 23:29:17 Unfortunately there's gaps in the numbers so, much smaller, but still 23:29:45 But would be interesting to process 'em all accordingly 23:30:01 Here's a non-Nintendo DMCA request: https://itch.io/takedowns/26226 23:30:04 Yeah, maybe it's 2.4 million filed takedown requests, of which only the ones that were acted on are public. 23:50:21 That seems like a really high rate of bogus takedowns 23:53:59 -+rss- Cloudflare is experiencing elevated 5xx responses: appears to be down for many websites see https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38659404 23:54:07 That will mess with a lot of sites 23:58:50 cloudflarestatus claims it's fixed