00:06:53 "I keep imagining an elevated 5xx response is a 599 when it should be a 503 or a 504." 00:24:48 lmao 00:46:41 -+rss- Noteable.io is shutting down: https://community.noteable.io/c/announcements-4da7da/noteable-is-terminating-its-platform-and-services https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38659315 00:47:30 "If you have any data stored on Noteable that you would like to export, please do so before January 5, 2024, after which time such data will be deleted." 04:48:15 Hmm, during my constant catching up with queueh2ibot on ArchiveBot scanning websites, came across this article: https://www.istanbul100bars.com/2023/12/access-blocked-websites-turkey.html - makes me wonder if there's a list out there of blocked websites or content from Turkey