00:09:43 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BtUSgPffbcaW4bMuGClYi8FGvaYmYyc1p4SkfpNty-U/htmlview A list of Yandex Disk links, spreadsheet found from https://siivagunner.fandom.com/wiki/Ripping . I don't know about the archive status or the legality of these song stems files. 00:56:08 there was a terrible storm in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, https://www.lanueva.com/ has news and photos about it 00:56:24 should I make a list of relevant articles to do a non-recursive AB? 01:01:26 That sounds reasonable to me 01:02:10 (since a recursive AB on a news site seems like a bad idea) 02:43:44 JAA: https://www.lanueva.com/nota/2023-12-16-20-48-0-fotos-y-videos-del-violento-temporal-que-provoco-destrozos-por-toda-bahia-blanca 02:43:51 has 02:43:57 I guess AB can't follow that? 02:44:13 (on SPN I guess it would execute the Javascript that turns it into an ) 02:44:26 AB should extract that normally, since it likes extracting stuff from data attributes too 02:44:42 oh good 02:49:25 https://transfer.archivete.am/QFklN/lanueva.com-20231216-storm.txt 02:49:25 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/QFklN/lanueva.com-20231216-storm.txt 02:54:59 Yeah, it extracted that and also https://pxcdn.lanueva.com/122023/1702770456117.jpeg?cw=83&ch=46 and https://pxcdn.lanueva.com/122023/1702770456117.jpeg?cw=168&ch=94 10:10:47 Exorcism uploaded File:Screenshot-moegirlpedia.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AScreenshot-moegirlpedia.png 10:11:47 Exorcism edited Moegirlpedia (+38): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51369&oldid=51335 10:14:47 Exorcism uploaded File:Screenshot-wikiapiary.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AScreenshot-wikiapiary.png 10:15:47 Exorcism uploaded File:Logo-wikiapiary.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ALogo-wikiapiary.png 10:15:48 Exorcism edited WikiApiary (+44): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51372&oldid=51328 10:20:49 Exorcism uploaded File:Screenshot-xeno-canto.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AScreenshot-xeno-canto.png 10:21:49 Exorcism edited Xeno-canto (+36): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51374&oldid=51330 15:19:47 Hello everyone. I am looking for an old deleted coursera course called "ECEN 5017 Power Electronics For Electric Drive Vehicles". I would be immensely grateful if someone can help me find it. Thanks. 17:29:39 welp 17:29:41 the storm reached me 17:29:47 that was the strongest wind I've ever seen irl 17:30:57 nicolas17: Stay safe, mate! 17:32:32 do we have anything functional for twitter archival? 17:32:36 https://twitter.com/sangarciacorre/status/1736391098140856741 17:32:37 nitter: https://nitter.net/sangarciacorre/status/1736391098140856741 17:34:21 https://twitter.com/pablezlo/status/1736299091942850669 17:34:21 nitter: https://nitter.net/pablezlo/status/1736299091942850669 17:34:22 https://twitter.com/martipueente/status/1736286981271720249 17:35:21 https://twitter.com/TransitoAereoAr/status/1736397747249463450 17:35:21 nitter: https://nitter.net/TransitoAereoAr/status/1736397747249463450 17:48:07 nicolas17: twitter archival? I run my own nitter instance at nitter.vloup.ch and it works quite well with twitterminator tokens :-) It's not advertised in their public github wiki, and that's the spirit of it. Just be careful about the 429 ;-) 18:57:21 Barto: well we could throw those nitter.net links into AB 19:26:59 I walked around the neighborhood and took 1000+ photos for Mapillary, there wasn't much destruction in this area tho 19:29:13 raw dog nitter.net doesn’t work with AB 19:29:27 but Barto’s does 19:29:45 phrasing 19:29:57 :p 19:57:59 muahaha 20:07:27 Would https://gamebanana.com/ be good to be saved? It's got lots of mods (such as portal 2 & HL2) It has very limited coverage but seems quite big. https://sitemap.gamebanana.com/index.xml (each sitemap in the index seems to refer to only 1 URL). If it's up to date that's about 19k pages 20:09:42 19k seems kinda small for something like that, hmm 20:09:52 It does 20:09:54 Although the site isn't in danger afaik, the coverage is limited and mods can be deleted at any time 20:10:25 Index (2,103,542) for members - that's a lot of users 20:10:38 Ah. The 1 page per sitemap applies to categories but not necessarily for others 20:11:18 mod categories. Yeah my main guess was way off. Must be much bigger 20:12:37 Wow, I've never seen that many sitemap files 20:12:57 Also looks like things are pretty JS-based: view-source:https://gamebanana.com/games doesn't have any games in it 20:24:35 What about pages that aren't search pages? 20:26:56 https://gamebanana.com/mods/483831 seems to be blank, depending on at least https://gamebanana.com/apiv11/Mod/483831/ProfilePage / https://gamebanana.com/apiv11/Mod/483831/Config / https://gamebanana.com/apiv11/Mod/483831/Posts?_nPage=1&_nPerpage=15&_sSort=popular / https://gamebanana.com/apiv11/Member/UiConfig?_sUrl=%2Fmods%2F483831 20:27:46 oh wow. So AB is a a no-go? Or do the .js files have necessary info? 20:29:13 AB almost certainly won't work I think 21:00:06 Quite long... https://transfer.archivete.am/WXonx/gamebanana.com_full_sitemap.txt.gz 21:00:20 0.7 million, hah. 21:25:33 The mod downloads appear to work off of a https://gamebanana.com/dl/{id} system. Where the ID can be gotten from the mod page url, https://gamebanana.com/mods/233183 so a full list of those is an easy one. 21:41:13 Is this shutting down? 21:51:26 I stated before it wasn't, rather that it's just low coverage 21:58:44 Can someone take a look at the archivebot job for forums.questionablecontent.net and see if it's worth upping the speed on the job? I think they managed to get the server migrated, it seems to be pretty stable. 21:59:16 Also might be worth looking into increasing the ignores on that job, it seems to go off on full-ass tangents of archiving some random other websites. 22:05:28 Yeah, archivebot saves outlinks and embedded images by default, and unfortunately a lot of old forum image hosts are dead :/ 22:06:22 I've bumped up the speed to 1s-2s, let's see if it's stable like that