00:56:05 should https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/TestFlight link to https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_testflight somewhere? 00:57:36 Yeah, the infobox template has a field for that. 00:58:33 data= ? 00:59:03 Yes 01:00:12 Nicolas17v2 edited TestFlight (+42, Add link to archived data): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51375&oldid=47450 01:02:12 Markass edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine/Partial exclusions (+35, paypal.com/paypalme/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51376&oldid=51195 08:03:19 slider.kz is closing down 08:03:47 Will throw it into ab shortly 10:38:01 okay so update on my 40g archiveteam memebox I have secured some 10dwpd endurance 3.2tb 12g sas ssds 10:38:19 and that should have been ot not bs 🙃 12:14:39 https://ground.news/ surprisingly, has limited coverage 16:27:05 Ok so there's this X/Twitter user taking credit for a archive team pipeline from 2015 16:27:30 https://twitter.com.com/teraleak 16:28:27 https://twitter.com/teraleak 16:28:28 nitter: https://nitter.net/teraleak 16:28:40 Does the link work 16:29:07 And I'm just here to not cause trouble but maybe tell him to not steal credit 16:30:23 you put an extra .com 16:30:34 https://twitter.com/teraleak/status/1736495915483988281 16:30:34 nitter: https://nitter.net/teraleak/status/1736495915483988281 16:30:43 problem solved i guess 16:32:15 But like fr I got so mad at the fact he's taking credit for a pipeline you guys did 17:16:07 'original leakers' lol 17:17:18 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1186022252521726084/1186355998919774399/image.png?ex=6592f31f&is=65807e1f&hm=2c233f2f7c8e20cdb9efbf7da8af1514e91e150327a53e408fdfeeab92e98bfa& 17:17:23 it wasn't even Apple's yet 17:17:24 smh 17:18:41 It was Apple's at the time of archival, to be fair. 17:18:53 Holy shit, "it's not clear how", what is your job if not to find out how, the source of it shows up on *google* 17:38:21 you say that like journalists still do journalism 17:38:32 "leak" 17:38:43 anyway, that is probably more for -ot 17:39:31 I'll conclude here by saying that my experience with journalists is that the majority of them just print what people tell them without any sort of real investigation. exceptions exist; they are rare, and usually burn out. 17:39:46 barely any more visitors to the repo at https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/testflight-grab 17:40:40 joepie91|m: there are a ton of websites out there that brand themselves as a journalism organisation, but they're really just a bunch of people blogging and vlogging 17:40:43 trying to figure out how to process the .ipa files instead of the plists... without having to write them to disk 17:40:47 the lines are a bit blurry nowadays 17:42:51 arkiver: that includes most 'reputable' media outlets, I have found 17:43:21 I might need my own zip parser to do everything in a single sequential pass ugh 17:43:51 joepie91|m: hmm not sure depends on what you would see as websites calling themselves reputable 17:49:16 arkiver: consider the NOS, RTL, Nu.nl, as just a few examples 17:49:31 all of these fall under that category 17:49:56 every major newspaper in NL except sometimes the regional ones, and specifically the investigative journalism departments of some national newspapers 17:50:17 none of them practice responsible journalism 17:50:52 if I had to name consistently journalistic 'mainstream' outlets in NL, I could only name two: the Correspondent and Follow the Money 17:53:41 FtM is a good one, yes 17:54:17 i like Nieuwsuur, they do some good more in-depth covering of topics. 17:54:21 joepie91|m: ^ 17:58:36 right, but Nieuwsuur is not in and of itself an outlet, it's more akin to an investigative journalism department 17:58:54 and it's, broadly, not a place that people consistently get their journalism from 17:59:54 that's what I was referring to with the 'reputable' media outlets also being akin to blogging; the journalistic parts of the system are a drop in a bucket of what boils down to ceaseless publishing of whatever anyone claimed (or, at least in the case of Dutch media, especially what the government/police claim) 18:06:40 not sure if i fully agree 18:26:00 Pokechu22 edited Steam (-6, move "how can I help" to be located under the…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51377&oldid=49494 18:34:57 ugh :/ 18:35:40 of course they have a discord linked lol 20:49:49 https://torrentfreak.com/internet-archive-digital-lending-is-fair-use-not-copyright-infringement-231218/ 22:06:34 Just putting these here so they're known of. https://www.svenskfilmdatabas.se/ https://www.filminstitutet.se/ https://www.filmarkivet.se/ https://nordicwomeninfilm.com/ First one is "Swedish movie database", second is the organisation for it, 3rd has movie archives and 4th is self-explanatory