00:12:16 JAA: https://developer.apple.com/support/terms/apple-developer-program-license-agreement/ this was just updated (and WBM's last snapshot is being very useful for diffing), can you AB this new version? 00:13:14 nicolas17: no recursion? 00:13:44 nah, recursion there could go nuts 00:14:01 added 00:15:36 (to AB) 00:21:12 tech234a: Finally lol 00:23:49 ikr? 00:31:20 nicolas17: yeah I just saw that on RSS 00:32:29 About bsky, https://bskyreader.xyz/ could prove a point of archival of these early days until bsky opens up their browsing as well, right? 01:01:17 ETA for OneHallyu is 2023-12-25 23:00 now. Still a bit short, although the rate went up slightly to about 6.5k/h. 01:48:18 interesting change in the apple developer agreement 01:48:49 "Any litigation or other dispute resolution between You and Apple (other than a challenge to a patent right before a patent office) arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the Apple Software, or Your relationship with Apple will take place in the Northern District of California" 01:48:51 the part between parentheses was added today 01:51:32 https://nextcloud.com/blog/kiteworks-acquires-owncloud-dracoon/ 02:07:07 2023-12-22 07:40:17.228Z INFO None topic:32 done: 8812 requests, 2113734 tx, 4296426806 rx 02:07:14 This is part of why this is taking so long. 02:07:34 Yes, that's 4 GiB of HTML for a single topic. 02:08:13 It's the largest one completed so far, but there are others with even more pages. 02:17:36 potato server working up a sweat 04:29:31 nicolas17: perhaps relating to the Apple Watch patent thing? 05:35:03 is there a tool to pull a file from ftp and then upload it to the archive? 05:35:27 https://web.archive.org/save/ can theoretically do FTP, but FTP is a bit jank in general so it doesn't always work 05:40:57 got it, but i would like to upload it onto a user account. theres this weather ftp server with current information and i would like to mirror that and upload it 05:41:20 it updates daily so i would like to run it daily 05:48:50 I'm not sure about that unfortuantely 05:54:12 i think i will create it myself. but i need help with metadata on ia. is there any documentation on how i should format the file so it reads it correctly and sets the description and tags and stuff? 06:11:43 IA item metadata is set separately/manually as part of the uploading process 06:12:22 if you're using the CLI it's done like this: https://archive.org/developers/internetarchive/cli.html#upload 07:40:57 Monika edited YouTube (+271, Add information about TubeStats): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51409&oldid=51215 07:40:58 JustAnotherArchivist changed the user rights of User:Monika 08:10:03 Monika edited List of largest ArchiveTeam projects (+2, Project sizes as of Dec 2023): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51410&oldid=49754 08:31:06 Monika edited YouTube (+69, Update largest AT project and IA storage capacity): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51411&oldid=51409 10:34:34 Nemo bis edited YouTube (-3, add tubestats, remove random video): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51412&oldid=51411 11:48:33 I'm getting anxious about copyright law again. Could I be referred to how archival of copyrighted services (such as YT videos) is okay under such laws? 12:37:59 Nemo bis edited YouTube (-1, fix typo): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51413&oldid=51412 14:48:27 After having read the wiki, I'll clarify I'm not saying "but copyright" to any of AT's archival projects, only my own. 17:29:06 OneHallyu sped up a little since last night, and the ETA is now ~10:30 on the 25th (using the average over the last 3 hours). So maybe there's a chance it'll work out. 17:29:52 🤞🏻 17:32:01 Pedrosso: In many jurisdictions, there are copyright exemptions for preservation. Distribution is a different topic. 17:33:29 Awesome about the OneHallyu grab. As for copyright, I find it a shame that (as far as I know) you can't upload things to IA privately, waiting until the copyright runs out 17:33:58 See ya in a hundred years or so. :-| 17:35:13 Uploading it for preservation purposes is likely also covered by those copyright exemptions. Public distribution is restricted, and that's why IA may have to take things down if they receive a complaint from the rightful copyright owner. 17:35:38 Hence darked items, WBM exclusions, and so on. 17:36:19 You can upload access-restricted items if necessary. It's rarely necessary. 17:40:17 darked items? 17:40:39 items can be "darked" which removes them from public view, yet still exist in IA servers, so they can be restored in the future 17:40:58 but the feature could use improvements 17:41:13 Even you as an uploader can't access it. 17:41:38 for a while I thought, it would be nice if I could hide an item and set a date where it would automatically un-hide, which could be copyright expiration or could be something closer 17:42:10 then I realized if I dark an item, I can't un-dark it even manually, I have to email IA to do it 17:42:13 -.- 17:42:31 You can manually dark an item? 17:42:38 like, as the uploader 17:43:24 I requested creation of a collection, I think that gave me extra permissions for items inside the collection but also some limited extra permissions over all items I upload 17:44:41 Pedrosso: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/ccJu6/item-manager.png 17:46:09 and all this "As an admin," and "You are a trusted admin of the Archive! You may click the checkbox on a task row or rows below to perform an admin function on it." stuff made me think I had incorrectly gotten global admin permissions 17:46:17 but it's not global, it's just my items 17:46:54 Interesting. So as for grabs which are more likely to be copyright or get claims such as #down-the-tube, AT's idea is upload and if issues come up it just gets indefinitely darkened? 17:47:18 I *think* so 17:47:48 Sounds good. So, if I were to follow those same steps I would personally probably not be in legal trouble? 17:47:50 there's other stuff like commercial music CDs from the big record labels where IIRC Jason Scott said "do NOT upload that" 17:47:55 Usually not darkened but WBM-excluded and possibly access-restricted (which is not the same as darked). 17:48:52 nicolas17: Haha. Well, thanks for the info. Is there any comprehensive list like that, or just random statements? 17:49:52 I think IA has a lot of commercial music archived for preservation but not publicly accessible, because the RIAA and the big labels are not to be messed with, yet it's important to preserve 17:50:31 IIRC one time a music store closed down and IA bought their entire inventory? 17:50:51 nice 17:54:17 nice 18:52:22 overnight test: https://dl.fireon.live/irc/4d688082dd47872c/image.png 18:54:55 (957 crawls, refreshed: 227) 22:18:30 Would be interesting to compare it with the old version of the dashboard (pre i.van's changes) 23:06:37 Hello. May I ask, is there some unified tool that can be used to save POST requests (including formdata) into .WARCs? 23:14:54 wget(-at), wpull, qwarc can all do it. warcprox + the HTTP client of your choice, too. I guess there are more. 23:16:56 i think that's about it :p 23:18:00 It's plausible that Heritrix can be convinced into doing it, but it might be painful. 23:19:35 warcio can probably do it too but don't use it 23:19:41 * TheTechRobo braces for the trout 23:20:22 * fireonlive slaps TheTechRobo around a bit with a large WARC standard 23:21:19 I didn't brace for that one, ow... 23:21:27 :-) 23:23:51 Wget-AT would probably be the least painful 23:24:29 :d 23:24:31 Yeah 23:24:35 Wget-AT++ 23:24:36 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Wget-AT' now has 3 karma! 23:25:00 :D 23:25:03 Wpull requires dark magic to install and chants to use, qwarc is an opaque box, and warcio is... well, warcio 23:25:10 Not sure about heritrix 23:26:02 warcio-- 23:26:03 -eggdrop- [karma] 'warcio' now has -1 karma! 23:26:12 webrecorder-- 23:26:12 -eggdrop- [karma] 'webrecorder' now has -3 karma! 23:26:14 Is karma bot case sensitive? 23:26:31 hm 23:26:37 i think so yeah 23:26:43 !kfind A 23:26:43 -eggdrop- [karma] 33 matches for 'A'. top 10 matches: JAA: 10 arkiver: 7 A: 4 nulldata: 3 Wget-AT: 3 that_lurker: 2 Gooshka: 2 kiska: 2 nicolas17: 2 mojibake: 1 23:26:46 Webrecorder-- 23:26:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Webrecorder' now has -4 karma! 23:26:51 nope 23:26:52 oh i guess not 23:27:00 https://github.com/internetarchive/heritrix3 23:27:32 Er, i hope that clients dont treat NOTICEs as pings 23:27:55 Otherwise you just pinged 7 people :P 23:28:04 (hi everybody!) 23:28:09 s/treat/check/ 23:28:21 Some clients have options to not get pinged if more than N nicknames appear in the same message. 23:28:25 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/bd74f363a0838b55/hieverybody.gif 23:28:35 JAA: did you get pinged? 23:28:42 (Apart from now :P) 23:29:02 Nope 23:29:35 At least I don't think so. 23:29:46 I had the window open anyway, so... 23:30:14 Nope, doesn't ping me. 23:31:40 *raises hand* 23:31:55 oop 23:35:53 it didn't ping me / highlight the window as having notifications 23:36:08 but *when* I opened the window, it showed this channel as having notifications 23:37:18 Interesting 23:42:34 weird