03:09:48 Usernam edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51415&oldid=51398 03:49:03 OneHallyu ETA is a bit over 12 hours. 03:50:43 JAA: with qwarc? 03:53:19 arkiver: Yeah 03:53:34 So it all depends on when they pull the plug. 05:32:19 Merry Christmas all! 🎄 ~ fireonllive 10:32:19 https://old.deceptive.design/main_page/index.html < they de-mediawiki'd the wiki? 10:32:21 lol 10:32:25 but kept the theme 10:37:24 FireonLive edited Mailman/2 (+48, add lists.ircd-hybrid.org): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51416&oldid=51347 13:31:49 fireonlive: seen a few like that 13:36:00 PaulWise edited Mailman/2 (+786, more): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51417&oldid=51416 13:41:01 PaulWise edited Mailman/2 (+20047, more, sorted full list): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51418&oldid=51417 14:01:24 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/21/arts/lord-of-the-rings-sequel-lawsuit.html 14:01:37 Tolkien Estate Wins Court Order to Destroy Fan’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ Sequel 16:51:47 OneHallyu is still up, and my grab should mostly finish in ~30 minutes with the exception of a few massive topics that ran into timeouts. 16:53:28 aw, yay! 16:54:28 how big are those warcs? :P 16:58:41 Yay 16:58:58 nicolas17: I'm only fetching topic pages, no media etc., so it's pretty tiny. 16:59:06 42 GiB currently 16:59:26 42GiB tiny, what a time to be alive 17:04:27 and that's compressed... What's the compression ratio? 17:06:16 Not very great, it's gzip after all. 17:08:16 around where is it? Is it like 30% 17:13:36 Factor 9 or so, it seems. 18:08:00 The retries for those massive topics are running and will take a while. ~49k missing pages from those. 18:08:28 10 other large topics are still running sequentially. 19:30:15 Average response time 81 seconds is fine, right? 19:39:22 x_x 19:42:20 Perfectly fine :D 20:37:07 Hey there, I randomly stumbled upon this chat room via the archiveteam wiki website for Vinesauce. I'm trying to find some old vinesauce streams that have never been uploaded to Youtube. Does anyone of you still own some, most links to archives seem to unfortunately be down nowadays. 23:08:41 I think this should be updated https://lounge.thetechrobo.ca/uploads/c2223f1cda468d73/image.png 23:19:50 Pedrosso - I assume you're referring to EFNet -> Hackint? 23:19:55 yep 23:20:49 it's questionable if that blurb should have usage instructions 23:28:03 nuke 'em i say :3 23:28:08 cc arkiver 23:33:26 whatever's best