00:07:52 What is argenteam? 00:08:23 I torrent stuff that's in the clear, but that thing mentions subtitles, which gives me pause. 00:10:04 ctag: argenteam was a fansub website 00:10:33 I don't know what fansub means, one sec 00:10:53 they downloaded movies and TV show episodes in their original language and made their own translated subtitles 00:11:12 ctag: basically community-made subtitles for media, so the subtitles should be just fine afaik 00:11:31 Hmm 00:11:52 OK, I'll toss it in the grinder, thank you both for the explanations. 00:12:25 the website had magnet and e2dk links to the videos, and downloading/seeding those is plain old piracy, but the subtitles were made by the community 00:12:59 and now it was shut down 00:13:23 and they made a single 1.8GB torrent with *all* the subtitles they had 00:13:53 Ah 00:14:42 It's got plenty of seeders, I'm guessing archival involves more than just keeping the torrent active? 00:15:56 yeah the shutdown was today so there's probably a shitload of people downloading it right now 00:16:21 ctag: I already archivebot'd the website and subtitles and forum last month, I only posted it here now to get the shutdown notice archived 00:16:57 Ah, OK thanks 00:17:23 Does IA host piracy agacent material? 00:17:30 Or is this to get it saved but blackholed 00:36:24 Pokechu22 edited List of website hosts (+32, /* B */ bplaced also uses square7.ch): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51453&oldid=47760 02:45:15 learned about a mastodon instance that will likely shut down soon, no idea what to do about it.. https://woof.group/@aphyr/111683303140271139 05:02:50 manu|m: can you ask them if the instance should be archived? and add it to https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Mastodon 05:03:21 not sure if AT does do fediverse archiving, there was a bit if a backlash before IIRC 05:11:04 well, it was offline because the instance admin isn't reachable. there's probably not going to be a consensus among its userbase either.. 05:12:32 for the logs, the instance is https://bear.community/ 05:13:07 * nicolas17 covers fireonlive's eyes 05:14:01 :O 05:14:21 :D 05:22:51 archivebot can't mastodon vlatest anymore, so we'd have to something else 11:49:37 YetAnotherArchiver edited The WARC Ecosystem (+592, /* Tools */ Add more tools): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51454&oldid=51015 11:49:38 Igloos edited Deathwatch (+240, Added arcalive/b/genshin): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51455&oldid=51449 12:37:29 hey i'd like to archive an entire school's website for wiki-en reasons, i already tried to use archivebot but then it dawned on me that i need a second hand to authorize the usage of archivebot in the first place 12:37:35 sorry if i misspell anything im on a newer keyboard 12:44:35 on it 14:25:41 Hello everyone, has anyone archived the comments to this deleted livejournal post? https://web.archive.org/web/20191114140929/https://varlamov.ru/3267082.html 14:27:00 Hello everyone, has anyone archived the comments to this LiveJournal post? https://web.archive.org/web/20191114140929/https://varlamov.ru/3267082.html Thank you for looking into this. 17:54:29 Anyone know any good way to archive a podcast to IA? 17:54:43 s/way/tool 18:03:41 that_lurker - You can grab the RSS feed of a podcast if it's on iTunes using the details here https://superuser.com/a/782413 and then throwing that into something like https://github.com/lightpohl/podcast-dl or https://codeberg.org/janw/podcast-archiver 18:04:11 or if it's on SoundCloud or YouTube you could use yt-dlp to grab the entire user/channel 18:07:07 ahh podcast-archiver was the one I was looking for. Thanks 18:08:51 Though as for what switches to use and the kosher way to package it for IA I'm not sure. Probably could use some guidance from someone on formatting, tags, etc. The question has come up a few times I've thought about making a Wiki article. 20:32:27 FireonLive edited URLs (-19, remove CTA for now): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51456&oldid=51406 22:22:00 JAA: Is the steam workshop downloads grab planned to be done at some point? 23:00:37 @Pedrosso: steam workshop grab? Like the websites or files? 23:04:07 mgrandi: In this instance I mean files but getting the comments may also be good. https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/archiveteam-bs/20231219#c396229 23:10:43 I actually have code to get files 23:10:57 I downloaded the entirety of CSGO's maps before cs2 came out 23:12:48 I admittedly was lazy and just wrapped SteamCmd since I don't know of a way that you can get another games workshop items otherwise since it requires a license and other stuff 23:18:31 Pedrosso: No specific plans, but it's one of those 'I'd like to do this someday' things. If someone beats me to it, all the better. 23:19:40 I didn't exactly understand how you got the download links from the api 23:20:30 mgrandi: Did you ever find a way to get all the ids? My way has been very clunky of simply asking steam to search through all the dates and iterating through its search pages. 23:21:17 Good old fashion iterating the steam workshop pages 23:21:30 Ah yes, iteration. how many 404s do you get? 23:21:36 I didn't get any really 23:21:39 wow 23:21:53 Just on the workshop gallery pages , not each individual ones 23:22:18 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=730 like that 23:22:27 ohh 23:23:43 Would you be able to download and upload the p2 workshop items to IA? I have a list of portal 2 workshop item ids which is up-to-date up til the upload date here https://archive.org/details/portal2_workshopIDs_20231212 23:27:01 I can get that started , it requires windows so I can't easily do it on my server 23:27:46 Awesome. How will you upload it? Like, in item fragments? 23:28:04 But right now it's storing everything as rows in a database since it was easiest to get working fast, 7z compressed since there wasn't really a good reason to use warc since I'm not the one downloading it (SteamCmd is) 23:28:33 It can be changed to do whatever, or I can upload the code and you can run it as well 23:34:14 I am concerned about getting banned & rate limiting. Regardless, I would indeed like to see the code 23:34:34 You don't seem to get banned 23:34:47 I did run into a few rate limits but it seems like it correctly handles it 23:35:22 that's good 23:36:30 Since it's a command line program and they don't have good exit codes I have to parse the stdout which is fun 23:39:14 Let me look at the code tonight and clean it up and publish it since I've been meaning to do that 23:47:35 It also might need some adjustments since steam workshop is basically hashtag yolo , even within the Counter strike global offensive workshop, I found several different formats of "maps" 23:52:32 Oh wait, I do have a download script, I had just believed that you all had had better ways of doing it. 23:52:41 Only for the portal maps though 23:58:51 I mean the python code just automates it 23:59:22 But it also compressed it, creates a database of the files, is resumable , handles errors or if we get rate limited, dtc 23:59:34 That's better than my code at least 23:59:46 Mine just stuffs the files in a .tar file and is done with it