00:00:56 fireonlive: wait what did you archivebot? the release notes page? 00:05:42 nicolas17: te 00:05:43 te 00:05:44 ye 00:06:00 probably won't work, it's a JS-infested SPA :P 00:06:06 maybe I should SPN it 00:06:58 Switchnode edited Template:CTA URL lists (-129, move category link to hat position; tighten up…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51461&oldid=51240 00:13:33 rip 00:14:17 much nicer, re: CTA URL 00:43:05 Switchnode edited URLs (-74, replace CTA... carefully!): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51462&oldid=51456 00:55:08 Switchnode edited ARGENTeaM (+0, private donkey kong?): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51463&oldid=51452 00:55:57 @jacksonchen666:hackint.org: You beat me to the 0w0.is and gender.systems shutdown lol 00:59:21 pls add to deathwatch 01:13:11 Switchnode edited Deathwatch (+339, /* 2024 */ add 0w0.is and gender.systems): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51464&oldid=51457 01:17:18 Damnit I just edited that too :( 01:17:55 Is there a reason for an edit moderation queue on the wiki? 01:18:09 tomodachi94: just drive-by spammers 01:19:12 what do we even do with mastodon these days? still totally borked in archivebot, right? 01:32:38 yeah it’s fucked in AB since v4.? 01:32:43 no known 01:32:47 procedure at the moment 01:39:17 That's unfortunate 01:41:04 yeah :/ 01:41:12 thank the devs who removed the no js fallback 01:51:37 [tell] Doranwen: [2024-01-03T19:28:09Z] do you have a wiki account? 01:52:30 fireonlive: No, I haven't gotten one yet. I've hardly edited wikis so it takes eternally long looking up the syntax because I don't know it yet. Which means I tend to avoid doing it, lol. 01:52:47 ah :) 01:52:56 I know that feeling 01:53:28 we can always supply a little fixes after tho 01:54:14 Yeah, I need to just get around to it… eventually… there always seems to be something more important, lol. 01:55:24 ye :$ 01:55:26 :) 06:25:37 Pedrosso: it seems that my steam workshop downloader works fine with portal 2 08:20:30 i have a few bugs i need to work out, such as deleting files as they get downloaded so you aren't duplicating space within the "steamcmd" folder and cleaing up the code but it seems to work 09:07:13 example log of it running for 1 page of the workshop (30 items): https://gist.github.com/mgrandi/a1f7dfeae765890e91b987debadf3d09 10:09:13 Well, that's great 11:49:17 OrIdow6 edited Google Drive (+376, Pubhtml pages): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51468&oldid=51399 11:57:20 OrIdow6 edited Google Drive (+153, /* Notes */ /pub): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51469&oldid=51468 13:35:47 https://twitter.com/TafferKing451/status/1742646316927459685 13:35:47 nitter: https://nitter.net/TafferKing451/status/1742646316927459685 13:36:40 More layoffs at 3D Realms and Slipgate. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to throw them in AB. 13:37:05 https://3drealms.com/ 13:37:22 https://www.slipgate-ironworks.com/ 13:38:31 Also https://twitter.com/SlipgateIron https://twitter.com/3DRealms 13:38:31 nitter: https://nitter.net/SlipgateIron https://nitter.net/3DRealms 13:57:59 nulldata: i took care of the websites 14:02:30 Thanks! 14:12:44 !tell Megame I was able to obtain a list of subdomains for https://cgsociety.org/ (If you want to put them in the archivebot): https://chibi.mint.lgbt/s/oBrR9I7jVS2Y 14:12:44 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell Megame when they join next 15:02:01 If someone with AB would grab http://www.vbas.org please, and let me know. 15:02:19 I guess setting that up broke the https redirect, so I'm hoping to put it back to normal soonish 15:04:41 ctag: let me test this :-) 15:05:58 is the ftp still working? 15:08:53 Uhhh, probably not 15:09:03 dayum 15:09:19 I do have a backup of it somewhere around here though 15:09:41 We made a big push to migrate to google drive this past year, to make files more accessible to regular membership 15:09:58 So most of it should be over there too 15:11:14 That FTP server is still running though. It's a 32-bit SuSe Linux machine that we got from government auction around 200(2?) 15:11:25 4x500GB Raid 15:11:37 lol, the trusty old beast 15:11:38 Was hot stuff back in the day, I imagine. 15:11:58 But it's never needed any maintenance. Has just ran under a desk for 20 years straight 15:13:17 yeah, cant reach it from here 15:14:24 Hmm. Try ftp.vbas.org? 15:14:32 I don't have an ftp client at this computer 15:19:46 Nope, there's no ftp daemon running anymore, I just checked. We switched to ssh-rsync and filebrowser apparently. 15:20:47 The blog is broken too, Hrm 15:28:22 :D 15:28:27 Blog should be fixed-ish now 15:28:39 Looks like a lot of image resources are missing though 15:29:12 I wish we had a copy of the website pre-2011 :-/ Oh well 15:34:59 ! There's versions in wayback machine back to 1999! 15:35:21 I'm gonna go tell our society historian haha. How have I not checked that before 15:37:08 Barto: can you archive this website with AB ? https://0w0.is/ 15:45:33 Hrm. The version that I'm trying to save seem well preserved on wayback machine. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to save another copy now. 15:45:52 My original goal was to keep the old site available as an archive on-site for our organization 15:46:16 Is there a way to retrieve warcs from wayback machine? 15:55:07 i let others do Mastodon Exorcism 15:59:22 👍️ 16:11:18 Barto, I think I'm going to yank that url redirect. I'm less sure if it's a good idea to archive it on IA like this. 16:14:01 "Barto: can you archive this..." <- note, mastodon content should only be archived with consent 16:14:18 or well, fedi content* I suppose 16:39:17 Can someone throw this into AB? A well known GTA modder is leaving the scene. https://zolika1351.pages.dev/ 16:42:42 joepie91|m: i dont have the history on this, so i cant make any comment on why we do it this way 16:44:17 Thanks Barto! 16:44:35 nulldata: not sure when i'll do twitter, but it's in my account list 16:46:43 He has a Discord too, but invite links are dead - I am still in it though. If I have get a moment later I'll look into archiving it. 16:47:40 #discard :-) 16:49:00 Barto: what do you mean "this way"? 16:57:31 arkiver: the fact that we dont usually throw mastodon instances in AB. 17:01:21 can add the twitters to the queue at https://pad.notkiska.pw/p/archivebot-twitter too 17:11:36 good idea. will need to do a bit of cleanup and check capitalization of handle firsts 17:11:39 first* 17:12:03 :) 17:17:02 after a website is excluded from the wayback machine, is it possible to download snapshots of the site? 17:20:16 is it true you can still find the WARCs in collections? 17:31:10 fireonlive: added, i think you can add case ok to all of them 17:32:42 it's a mix of space stuffs, gabonese handles, owasp drama, hacked company handles, swiss catholic groups, and some other proactive shit. 17:58:55 thanks :) 18:14:15 aprego: Depends on how the site was archived 18:14:38 TheTechRobo: SavePageNow mostly 18:22:12 aprego: I think savepagenow WARCs are *always* inaccessible in order to support the *possibility* that they may get excluded from wayback machine in the future 18:27:06 i guess it's over 18:55:43 Testflight Crashland Project was taken down off Internet Archive and Wayback 18:56:58 damn 19:21:33 "Where do all the saved files go? Files are ultimately uploaded to Internet Archive on the archiveteam collection." we kept the warcs, right? 19:25:27 Dango360: you mean for testflight? 19:25:39 it's possible the warcs are still on IA's servers but they are not publicly accessible 19:25:54 it is my understanding that that is IA's policy yes 19:26:04 oh. 19:26:19 sad news :( 19:26:37 i was just coming here to relay that the discord said to "Under no circumstance, for any reason, upload another copy of the data to the Internet Archive/archive.org." 19:26:44 and was confused as to why, but now I know 19:27:14 s/said/pinged @here/ 19:32:39 which discord? 19:32:59 "TestFlight" 19:33:01 one sec 19:33:11 "kids talking about the testflight leak" discord 19:33:13 i'll PM you to keep it out of here 19:33:14 yeah 19:33:57 this whole testflight 'leak' thing is a big can of shitfuckery that was presented in bad faith from the discovering party and then clickbait media being clickbait media ran foaming at the mouth with it 19:34:01 from what i understand anyways 19:34:07 (it was never a leak) 19:34:40 at least some tried to rebrand it later to something else, but i don't think it stuck 20:43:08 Exorcism's gender.systems subdomain list at https://chibi.mint.lgbt/s/PddyAUliT1qk (from #archiveteam earlier) in plain text rather than using the world's worst pastebin: matrix.gender.systems chat.im.gender.systems matrix.im.gender.systems im.gender.systems read.gender.systems 20:44:36 "" 20:44:37 ah 20:45:58 Ditto for https://chibi.mint.lgbt/s/oBrR9I7jVS2Y from here earlier: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/10tKkw/cgsociety.org-subdomains 20:46:49 Imagine requiring JS to literally just render a few lines of plain text... 20:47:52 the future is here :D 20:58:46 fireonlive, JAA: there is also the RAW version 😭 : https://chibi.mint.lgbt/api/snippet/oBrR9I7jVS2Y/raw 21:39:22 Barto: I don't know the exact history of how things went with mastodon stuff *in archiveteam* but as a general rule, fedi instances tend to be deliberately ephemeral and not friendly towards scraping 21:39:42 and heavily focused around consent 21:41:11 fedi instances tend to be closer to someone's living room than to a public square 21:43:12 I wasn't there for the incident that prompted that rule but I do think that enough time has passed that it can be written up about on the wiki 21:52:20 List of Geonames sources, may be useful for saving government content around the world https://www.geonames.org/datasources/ 22:24:05 given a .warc, do I have any chance of compressing it back to the original .warc.gz? like gzipping each record in the same way wget-at does? 22:24:55 I'm not aware of tooling for that. Bit-identical output would likely be virtually impossible. 22:25:19 https://static.space/ < interesting/strange 22:25:29 via https://static.space/sha2-256:d5b215dd588bda164aca31a2eb08aab56ac64bc03cef24e3b67e35654316a446 22:25:45 It's one of those things I intend to support in my WIP tooling though. 22:28:21 Switchnode edited Template:CTA URL lists (+24, additional fixes): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51470&oldid=51461 22:42:53 joepie91|m: that is kinda why i said i'd let others do it, hoping they have a better view on the mastodon event. Same with the process to take if we want to crawl it, others may have a better experience than me.