00:00:22 reason why I'm asking is this page alleges that the owner of divested.dev somehow had its history wiped from Wayback https://opinionplatform.org/divestos/changes-happen.html 00:00:46 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51784&oldid=51783 00:01:02 (e.g. trying to save web.archive.org/save gives the message "This URL is in the Save Page Now service block list and cannot be captured. Please email us at "info⊙ao" if you would like to discuss this more." but there are functional captures from elsewhere e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20231210231626/https://web.archive.org/save/) 00:01:07 It's not impossible. I've heard of 'please remove snapshots within this time window from the WBM' before. The data will still be somewhere, but not publicly accessible. 00:01:39 pokechu22: I've been wondering whether we should create a list of those on the wiki, too. 00:04:17 And perhaps we should record this kind of time window exclusion somewhere, too, although it's much harder to pin down than the other ones. 00:04:24 I guess we should do an archivebot job of divested.dev too 00:05:19 So is this a time window exclusion + server configured to error when WBM crawls/SPN? 00:05:56 I have no idea how to confirm what it is. But it feels similar to those time window exclusions I've seen before. 00:06:44 I think SPN got through based on its output. 00:07:12 The 'delay in registering' error might be *because* of the playback exclusion-ish thing. 00:08:17 yup I don't have high hopes of my snapshot appearing on WBM 00:08:26 I saw that same "unavailable for archiving" on a URL on http://www.bn-ent.net/ earlier today which I accidentally loaded (along the lines of https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.bn-ent.net/something where there were no prior captures) but now I'm just getting normal "not archived that URL" messages. (http://www.bn-ent.net/ is completely offline, so it's not going to show 00:08:28 the "available on the web" or "unavailable" messages) 00:10:06 anyways https://divested.dev and https://opinionplatform.org/ will run in archivebot (and I also put http://spotco.us in there but the site is dead so that won't save anything other than a note in a meta-warc that the site was dead at the time, which won't appear on web.archive.org) 00:10:56 sounds good 00:14:53 JustAnotherArchivist edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+45, Clarify irrelevance of www prefix and remove…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51785&oldid=51784 00:15:53 029414ifkf edited Deathwatch (+330): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51786&oldid=51777 00:15:54 Zs3o8jtr29 edited Mobile Phone Applications (+24, /* Android Applications */ APKPure is not so…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51787&oldid=51781 00:15:55 Boofdev edited Pomf.se/Clones (+416): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51788&oldid=49627 01:11:27 FTR: I'm going through vesz' list, doing the ones shutting down in Feb, or supposed to have been shutdown already 01:11:44 if someone else could put the rest in Deathwatch, that would be good 02:41:09 it's been a couple hours now and that snapshot I supposedly made of divested.dev still isn't showing up in WBM 02:41:36 I think it should count as an excluded website 02:41:58 could be added with a note explaining the weird exclusion that doesn't give an error but there's no snapshots 02:43:26 the archivebot jobs finished and data will show up at https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/7hjy0 https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/38c00 https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/bhwfy in a few hours/up to a day (and a bit longer for it to show up in WBM maybe) 02:44:55 Yeah, waiting for the AB data is probably the most reliable way to tell. 02:45:15 Oh I didn't know AB will show up in WBM 02:45:29 If all WARCs in the same item have been derived and the last ones show up in the WBM but divested.dev doesn't, we'll know. 02:46:03 Time to wait then 03:39:08 VICE has removed the rouge episode of CYBER 03:39:28 Has anyone else had issues with Hetzner locking their ip for "The IP address(es) was/were used to perform scans on other servers."? 03:39:45 All I do on it is AT docker files 03:40:15 nulldata: wew 03:41:34 too late :3 03:42:25 hmm doesn't seem to work on WBM/youtube 03:43:00 there's multiple captures, maybe one works 03:43:06 (I see some SPN captures) 03:43:35 https://shows.acast.com/cyber/episodes/the-end-of-vice still is live it seems 03:44:22 I get "The Wayback Machine does not have this video archived" 03:44:28 I thought we had archived the whole channel? :/ 03:46:18 pokechu22: that one also seems to work on WBM 03:46:36 I know at the very least I threw the specific YT video into down the tube 03:47:37 I know the episode was archived but manual saves can have bad discoverability... it's good to know at least one of its original URLs work on WBM 03:47:56 nulldata: oh, maybe it wasn't indexed yet? it's all quite recent 03:48:10 Yeah, I did some testing with https://shows.acast.com/cyber/episodes/the-end-of-vice in the WBM at the time to make sure it did play back properly 03:48:44 MVP 03:50:06 pokechu22++ 03:50:07 -eggdrop- [karma] 'pokechu22' now has 7 karma! 03:50:56 specifically there was a MP3 URL it tried to play that hadn't been saved (or hadn't gone into the WBM yet) so I saved it via SPN and things worked 03:53:00 i think the ab asset jobs haven't been indexed yet 03:53:49 (they're on ia but when i check urls from the log in the wbm it only shows spn captures) 03:55:53 also, anyone here who has background on "what is Vice" and "what exactly is being shut down"? we really need a https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Vice 04:01:54 pabs: i'll add vesz's list to deathwatch in a few hours if no one gets to it first 04:02:55 (in the meantime, if anyone wants to help find references for the shutdown dates, that would be helpful) 05:15:29 pokechu22: Looks like the AB jobs finished and files are up at those links, none of them show up in WBM yet 05:15:57 Yeah, it generally takes a while for things to show up on the WBM even after files are on archive.org 05:31:49 JustAnotherArchivist edited Imgur (+329, Add new behaviour on accessing image URLs directly): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51789&oldid=50521 05:33:52 ^ If anyone didn't get the memo yet: stop using Imgur for sharing images. :-) 05:34:32 They've definitely been doing that beforehand inconsistently 05:35:31 I've never seen it for requests without a Referer header. 05:35:46 Maybe they've been A/B testing at some point? 05:35:55 Anyway, #imgone for that. 05:52:53 JustAnotherArchivist edited Imgur (+201, Redirect is based on Accept header): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51790&oldid=51789 05:54:22 why do some users not have the warrior icon next to them in the latest uploads 05:55:47 Because they run the project images, not the warrior. 05:56:04 ohh the onces on gh 05:56:28 Well, the images are on our container registry, but yeah. 06:01:07 also, where does the warrior grab its urls from? 06:01:19 like im curious whats the url? 06:02:39 some API on the tracker I think 06:03:01 It gets items from the tracker, yes. 06:03:06 probably not one that's a good idea to use if you're not the warrior script that will actually process the URLs 06:03:22 Correct, please don't mess with that. 06:03:26 yeah im not 06:03:32 was just curious 06:05:02 The warrior retrieves a project list, you select one of the projects. On the project (warrior or otherwise), the worker contacts the tracker and requests items, then reports back once they're done and uploaded. 06:05:27 wait, another question. if a batch of urls isnt done, say power outage or loss of connection, does the batch go back into the pool or does it get marked done and wont ever be done 06:05:34 The project list is here: https://warriorhq.archiveteam.org/projects.json 06:05:53 It'll eventually get released and reclaimed by another worker, yes. 06:06:02 Details depend a bit on the project. 06:06:34 But usually, any item that hasn't been completed after some predefined amount of time (the TTL, time to live) becomes eligible for reclaiming. 06:06:40 URLs. thats what im running. the reason im asking about it is because i have the docker running on my laptop. 06:07:04 Don't know the exact config there, but it definitely does reclaiming. 06:07:16 Sometimes, we also manually release claims, which is separate. But that's rare these days. 06:07:38 like, personal laptop. so im moving it around, closing the lid. 06:07:43 etc 06:08:09 Are you running the container directly on your OS or using a VM? 06:08:21 through docker so on os 06:08:34 Ok, then clock issues should be minimised, I guess. 06:09:38 okay last question. how can i overcome the cors issue with socket.io? im trying to make a widget on my website that updates my upload stats in realtime 06:10:05 when using the tracker socket i get a cors error then 200ok 06:10:25 Oh brilliant, I get to reuse this from a few days ago: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/hymYo/cors.png 06:10:39 HELP 06:10:57 so theres no workaround with your socket? 06:11:52 I don't know. 06:11:58 All I know is CORS is a pain. 06:13:18 righto. thanks! 06:25:16 CORS is a security feature. If the socket owner doesn't want you to use it then you can't do anything with just a browser 06:36:04 the real answer is to proxy the socket.io from your own origin 06:36:06 :p 06:36:21 but yeah 06:58:04 Pokechu22 edited Jira (+2263, archived projects): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51791&oldid=51759 08:30:09 https://aaronmbushnell.com should probably get archived, yeah? 08:31:27 this is likely the same guy who killed himself in front of the israel embassy 08:34:06 deathwatch edit has been delayed for reasons, hoping to still get to it later today 09:02:29 hi all, i may have missed messages on feb 24/25/26. or at least my logs indicate some stuff may be missing. if i was pinged on those dates, please do ping me again 09:06:12 so, what is going on with subscene? 09:07:08 is more known other than https://forum.subscene.com/topic/attention-subscene-is-shutting-down?page=1 ? 09:07:45 JAA: do you know if we got the https://honeycodecommunity.aws/ forums? 09:23:35 the guy from https://aaronmbushnell.com says he is NOT the one who set himself on fire 10:52:51 OrIdow6 uploaded File:Poptropica shutdown hoax announcement.jpeg (Apparently faked shutdown announcement for the…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3APoptropica%20shutdown%20hoax%20announcement.jpeg 11:28:57 OrIdow6 created Shutdown rumors, hoaxes, and scares (+1034, I could swear there was another of these, but I…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Shutdown%20rumors%2C%20hoaxes%2C%20and%20scares 13:22:10 arkiver: On subscene, https://forum.subscene.com/topic/%D8%A7%D8%AD%D8%AA%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%B7%DB%8C%D9%84%DB%8C-%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D9%84%DB%8C%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%B4%DA%A9%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA-?page=1 and https://forum.subscene.com/topic/attention-subscene-is-shutting-down?page=1#post-db75d310-5815-48f1-a360-b120010e5f03 are both posted by staff and claim that a shutdown is being considered but has not 13:22:11 been finalized 13:22:27 Just searching, not heard of this site before 14:17:22 OrIdow6: thank you! 16:42:59 arkiver: Looks like there was an AB job for https://honeycodecommunity.aws/ in August, but that's all I know. 17:08:27 Could someone archive https://www.seriouswebdesign.co.uk/ with archivebot please (limited coverage) 17:41:43 Darken: done 19:56:29 Is Gitorious mirror dead? I need it for obscure Toshiba G900 Android kernel sources that as I know only existed there. 19:58:15 seems like http://gitorious.org/ is dead for me but I'd assume the data is also on archive.org somewhere... 19:59:19 it is not 19:59:47 and seems like archive died just in moment when i needed it 20:00:07 hmm, and https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Gitorious doesn't seem to indicate any other place where it's kept... 20:00:50 It's probably available at https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/search/?q=gitorious&with_visit=true&with_content=true 20:01:31 https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://gitorious.org/android-g900/android-g900.git maybe? 20:01:59 I see a few others in https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/search/?q=gitorious+G900&with_visit=true&with_content=true 20:03:19 yes, thank you, it is here 21:45:52 Petchea edited Tumblr (+65, /* History */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51794&oldid=51767 21:54:53 Boofdev edited Pomf.se/Clones (+521, Moved almost everything to the list of dead…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51795&oldid=51788 22:03:44 pokechu22 thank you 22:08:51 Darken = fireisbro? 22:10:17 Yeah I had to use a temp name because I couldn't sign into this one (has no relation to your name lol) 22:11:21 ah :3 22:14:12 Should have got access to this account sooner so I get more known here instead of using a different name/alias haha 22:14:39 hopefully I didn't mess up #telegrab lol, its still scanning all the new messages sent 22:14:54 nah, that's ok 22:15:05 it's a known issue and looks like it'll get fixed now :p 22:15:14 plus bot can process other stuff in the mean time 22:17:26 Gitorious has been dead or broken for at least a couple years by now. 22:18:21 And yeah, would be nice to get it all onto IA. 22:19:27 gitorious.. thats a name i haven't heard in a while.. 22:36:05 3 million =) 22:36:06 https://media.mstdn.social/media_attachments/files/112/005/827/240/011/501/original/54b30024c565454c.png 22:44:57 what are these stats for? 22:45:36 my website. its just for fun 22:45:43 ah 22:46:11 no real point. its so people can go "wow" 22:47:23 Number go up! 22:47:42 we do like numbers that go up here 22:50:26 i know its nothing like the billions others have, but for someone who has a passion in archival, its massive. 22:51:24 Uh oh https://overkill.wtf/nintendo-sue-yuzu-emulator/ 22:51:48 isnt yuzu open source? 22:52:19 Probably should start archiving anything related to Switch emulation and Yuzu 22:53:06 once a project is made, ill get all my machines to work on it 22:54:50 Anything unofficial vaguely related to Nintendo is always at risk of spontaneous combustion. 22:55:01 missaustraliana - it's not something a separate project would be created for. This is just throwing related sites into ArchiveBot and gitgud/swh 22:55:34 ahh 22:56:06 but do you think yuzu will collapse due to nintendo? 22:59:42 No idea - haven't read the complaint yet. Interesting the repo is still up. Either Nintendo hasn't sent a DMCA complaint for the repo itself or GitHub hasn't processed it yet. 23:00:12 ill download the latest commit on main branch 23:13:36 do we have a way of backing up github users? someone wants to run github-backup on the user/org? 23:17:26 #gitgud (already submitted yuzu-emu and related users) 23:18:31 https://flatpak.yuzu-emu.org/ and https://flatpak.citra-emu.org/ - is there something we can do with these? 23:18:49 ah fuck 23:32:55 worth grabbing ryujinx too 23:41:16 indeed; gitgud has it coming up and it's running in AB now 23:45:43 https://youtube.ryujinx.org/ redirects to a youtube channel - there's probably a channel for yuzu too that should be saved 23:45:45 and citra