02:21:42 Nulldata edited Deathwatch (+203, /* 2024 */ Added NewsHub shutting down in June.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51796&oldid=51786 02:30:36 Can someone please throw https://playstationlondonstudio.com/ into AB? Sony shutting down the studio. 02:57:19 Anyway, I've shared my thoughts before 02:57:23 JAA: I forget what that was :D 02:57:50 IIRC you said you preferred archiving support.apple.com as WARCs but what tooling for that doesn't suck? 02:58:13 if I'm bruteforcing all article IDs and many don't even exist, do I put the 404s in the WARC too? 02:58:30 nicolas17: Lower your standards! :-P 02:58:46 okay I'll use upstream vanilla wget /s 02:58:46 I'd do it with qwarc, but yeah, basically, there's no tooling that doesn't suck in some ways. 02:59:19 deduplication across the time dimension would be a must 03:00:16 Yeah, not well-supported by anything, I think. qwarc only does it within a single process. 03:00:35 Same with wget-at (since there are ugly bugs in the CDX reading stuff, IIRC). 03:00:50 wdym within a single process? 03:01:30 I have on several occasions run qwarc things for months where an item would sleep for the desired time to regularly retrieve something and then do whatever with it. That would get deduped. 03:01:51 oh ew 03:02:10 I thought qwarc could be re-run later and load an index to dedup against 03:02:22 It cannot currently, but that's planned, yes. 03:03:19 nulldata: is there a date or just "soon"? 03:05:16 pabs: 'Already', I think? People have been fired according to tweets posted in -ot earlier. 03:05:25 ok, doing 03:08:46 .kick fireonlive 03:10:51 nicolas17: What I'd probably do here myself is something like monthly qwarc runs. If it needs to be interrupted and restarted occasionally for maintenance, leading to some duplication, oh well. 04:11:57 we need someone to get the firmware of this controller. this site lets you switch your stadia controller into a generic bluetooth one through unlocking it. but its only up until the end of the year 04:11:59 https://stadia.google.com/controller/ 04:17:14 Got plenty of attention last year: https://hackaday.com/tag/stadia/ 04:17:52 cause hosting a static html page is too hard for google? hmm 04:18:01 i got one firmware filename 04:18:03 flashloader_fcb_w25q128jw.bin 04:24:56 i found them all 04:27:39 if you want you can make a .txt file with a list of urls, slap them on https://transfer.archivete.am/ and someone cna archivebot them 04:27:50 kk 04:34:21 there seems to be a few from a type of controller called gotham but the urls dont exist 04:34:29 https://stadia.google.com/controller/data/gotham_pvt_a_prod_signed.bin 04:35:46 oh odd 04:36:26 doing some research reveals that gotham is the wifi firmware. but no longer exists. gotham is the switch to bluetooth firmware 04:36:50 bruce sorry 04:37:01 doing some research reveals that gotham is the wifi firmware. but no longer exists. bruce is the switch to bluetooth firmware 04:37:27 ahh 04:38:07 so theoretically, if someone has the wifi firmware, they could revert back to wifi 04:41:44 https://transfer.archivete.am/IAqqx/stadia_fw.txt 04:41:45 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/IAqqx/stadia_fw.txt 05:46:36 !tell missaustraliana thanks! grabbed :) 05:46:36 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell missaustraliana when they join next 05:47:14 Pokechu22 edited Jira (+769, update archived issues script): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51797&oldid=51791 07:00:25 Lincactive is shutting down due to the owner getting stalked and other issues around that. https://lincactive.com could someone throw it into AB? 07:16:56 added 07:19:43 Ty 07:22:56 :) 08:05:43 Pokechu22 edited Jira (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51798&oldid=51797 09:48:35 https://daniel-lange.com/archives/186-Opencollective-shutting-down.html 12:16:26 Exorcism edited Niconico (-423, /* Scripts */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51799&oldid=51780 15:59:25 pabs: oh wow 16:00:46 "rapid growth" the killer of companies 16:06:46 I need to sleep now, but Mannie posted a ton of bankrupt company domains https://transfer.archivete.am/4puq3/bankruptcies-NL-2024-feb28-main.txt 16:06:46 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/4puq3/bankruptcies-NL-2024-feb28-main.txt 16:07:45 also these ones from lad need doing: cruisingexcursions.com shoretrips.com victorycruiselines.com aqvrefunds.com getanchor.io devourtours.com decpanels.com streetcoptraining.com trinitasfarming.com https://www.facebook.com/RenoCityCenter/ 18:36:20 NB, the shutdown is of the Open Collective Foundation, which is separate from Open Collective and Open Source Collective. Yes, it's confusing. 18:40:52 :| 18:41:01 OC is the platform, OCF and OSC are two fiscal hosts on OC. 18:41:10 ..oh 18:41:15 who hosts us? 18:41:19 OSC 18:41:34 ah so we're good then 18:41:51 Yeah, we're not affected. OSC explicitly reached out to confirm that, too. 18:42:02 awesome :) 18:42:04 https://opencollective.com/opensource/updates/regarding-the-announcement-to-dissolve-open-collective-foundation 18:42:15 i was thinking we'd have to go patreon or something @_@ 20:32:06 That's just a confusing situation with the names 20:39:59 Cooljeanius edited Deathwatch (+222, /* 2024 */ add the impending Vice shutdown): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51800&oldid=51796 20:40:00 Cooljeanius edited Talk:Twitter (+443, /* Death of Nitter */ new section): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51801&oldid=51341 20:40:01 Paul2520 edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+37, /* Installing and running with Docker */ linked…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51802&oldid=51366 20:40:59 JustAnotherArchivist edited Talk:Twitter (+15, Fix section order, add explicit ): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51803&oldid=51801 21:55:12 Petchea edited Mobile Phone Applications (-30, bulleted list): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51804&oldid=51787 23:33:55 Can someone please throw https://www.ea.com/ea-studios/ridgeline-games into AB? It has been snuffed out of existence by EA https://www.ea.com/ea-studios/ridgeline-games 23:34:12 https://www.ign.com/articles/ea-shuttering-marcus-lehtos-studio 23:40:45 Honestly might as well just throw anything gaming related into AB at the rate things are going so far this year 23:50:24 ea.com doesn't play nice with AB unfortunately 23:50:44 due to akamai being buggy