02:02:17 Petchea edited Manyland (+108): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51806&oldid=51746 02:35:22 Petchea edited Manyland (+29, /* Subdomain */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51807&oldid=51806 03:34:34 a 03:36:28 b 03:44:07 is there an archive of vimeo videos? 03:48:12 it doesn't look like archiveteam itself has done a vimeo project 04:24:37 and AB doesn't seem to grab vimeo videos 04:25:28 AB can grab Vimeo videos via the embed, but the video file URLs expire rather quickly. 04:28:40 a whole new world of artistic archival just opened for me 04:28:49 😇 10:54:24 https://data.nicolas17.xyz/samsung-grab/ manual archival of opensource.samsung.com files let's gooo 12:07:09 ooo 12:11:43 no tasks available 12:13:03 fireonlive: You have this endpoint for searching instead of doing it manually by the way: opensource.samsung.com/uploadSearch?searchValue=A235FXXU3CWE4 12:18:44 PredatorIWD: oh for a while that was blocked, looks like it's back 12:23:04 nicolas17: Are you using some sort of filtering to prevent someone from uploading random stuff? 12:23:51 yes, but I probably shouldn't give details :P 12:27:38 samsung manager here, please delete this /s 12:28:36 What is the reason that the checkboxes shouldn't be used? 12:30:02 if there's multiple files in an item, using the checkboxes creates a zip on the fly containing the selected files inside 12:30:07 if there's only one file I think the result is the same so maybe I should remove that warning... 12:31:21 should we pass this URL around to FOSS/GPL folks? 12:43:26 I think me re-uploading the files to IA is already becoming the bottleneck :P 12:54:08 is it just me or is their site really only 200KB/s 12:55:00 300KB/s might have been the fastest I ever got 12:55:18 I think they are artificially throttling speed per connection 13:00:29 yeah, 100-200KB/s here 13:00:48 can I open this in multiple tabs? 13:01:38 yes, it's only limited by how much you may get confused uploading the right file to the right tab later :P 13:02:43 (I verify the file size so it's unlikely you'll actually manage to upload the wrong file) 14:55:38 I am uploading it slower than I was downloading :D 15:09:38 I am downloading at a good pace of about 600KB/s :D 15:11:18 ok I seem to have a bug somewhere, second time I see a file marked as upload-complete but the file is not actually there 15:11:45 lol 15:12:06 Fun times? 15:32:00 pok - if I'm reading this right it looks like the website was crawled on 2022-04-05 and was around 977GB. https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/2022040503045873hbs 16:18:27 I have been getting ~2MB/s, sometimes higher 16:19:28 I feel like it's less throttling and more location/distance thing 16:23:59 nulldata, I see it, thanks. 16:24:01 salih: are you looking for something specific? we might be able to give more detailed tips then 16:26:23 Hello 16:27:35 How can I download files from a closed web page? 16:28:03 https://web.archive.org 16:29:00 I cannot download files from some closed sites. 16:29:23 give a specific example so we can look into it 16:29:51 Okey 16:30:51 https://web.archive.org/web/20030401215444/http://www.geocities.com/vbturk/kelime.zip 16:31:53 probably wasn't archived at all 16:33:54 Which browser should I download to open old SWF games? 16:34:18 where did you even find that link? the vbturk site looks like it has always been empty https://web.archive.org/web/20040904095314/http://www.geocities.com/vbturk/ 16:38:47 https://web.archive.org/web/20030803222946/http://visualbasic.projesi.com/ 16:40:37 yeah seems that particular file was never archived 16:42:18 Ok 16:43:05 I couldn't find this program on the internet 16:43:15 rapidshare.de/files/16065002/kim500binister20.rar 16:54:28 I couldn't find this program on the internet 16:54:34 rapidshare.de/files/16065002/kim500binister20.rar 16:56:03 How can I recover the old website? 17:02:43 probably impossible 17:02:52 did you check the geocities torrent? 17:03:49 https://www.oocities.org/vbturk/ not saved there 17:05:27 How can I view geocities torrent? 17:07:31 oocities is the geocities torrent 17:07:40 it's not there apparently 17:08:15 I guess your best bet is to track down the owner of the site and ask them for the files 17:15:13 rapidshare.de/files/16065002/kim500binister20.rar How can I download this link? 17:15:33 salih - Could this be it? https://www.tamindir.com/indir/kim-500bin-ytl-ister/ 17:19:06 OK. I found it on the internet archive site 17:19:27 I don't believe there's a good archive of rapidshare files unfortunately. https://archive.org/details/archiveteam-fire?tab=collection&query=rapidshare 17:20:35 As for playing SWF files - could try https://ruffle.rs/ 17:23:29 Can someone look at this: Google ngrams. Just in case they end up on the Google graveyard someday. See https://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/datasetsv3.html 17:23:43 For the 2020 English 1-gram dataset, parts 20 and 21 (out of 24) seem to be missing. The 2-gram up to 5-gram datasets get exponentially bigger so hard to check by hand 17:24:15 https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/20200217/eng/* 17:25:30 salih - could also try https://flashpointarchive.org/ . If you really, really need Flash player itself and have an older browser version that's compatible with the plugin, you can install Flash player from https://gitlab.com/cleanflash/installer 17:25:35 AlexisJ: nice stuff 17:25:39 we should definitely get a copy of that 17:27:29 https://archive.org/details/archiveteam-fire?tab=collection&query=rapidshare How can I download from this link? 17:31:26 salih, https://archive.org/download/archiveteam_rapidshare_20150421191922 shows rapidshare_20150421191922.megawarc.warc.gz but if you're looking for files hosted on rapidshare I don't think you'll find them 17:31:50 that 39G .warc.gz is probably just HTML 17:32:16 or some random 0.0001% of the files on rapidshare, and it's unlikely *the* file you want is in there 17:33:06 JAA: a question for AB 17:33:25 http://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/datasetsv2.html and https://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/datasetsv3.html have overlapping links 17:33:42 could we get this as !a < list 17:33:46 with list containing these two URLs 17:34:00 will it then not get the binaries linked on both web pages twice? 17:35:11 * arkiver is afk for the night 17:36:06 arkiver, is there anything on v3 that's not on v2? 17:36:51 AlexisJ: not sure about that 17:37:07 a better thing to check may be to see if either v2 contains at least all of v3 17:37:16 or vice verse (i'd guess vice versa if at all) 17:37:29 then we can get one as !a < and the other as !ao < 17:37:55 I'll try to check 17:38:02 if neither of the pages contains everything of the other, we would need to get the difference explicitly, or see if we can !a < list for easy archiving of everything 17:45:46 arkiver, I thought there was an archiveteam pastebin 17:46:10 there is a kiska pastebin https://paste.kiska.pw/ 17:46:11 close enough 17:46:42 Is there a method to download Rapidshare links? 17:47:28 salih: hey, you got responses and people pointed you where you could start looking 17:47:51 if you have a more specific question you can ask it, but blind asking like you are doing is not the way to go 17:47:54 arkiver, https://transfer.archivete.am/vuGH3/diffv2v3 17:47:54 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/vuGH3/diffv2v3 17:48:00 diff of v2 and v3 17:48:35 i see 17:48:42 so the 20200217 stuff is new on v3 17:49:23 https://transfer.archivete.am/MmLob/diffv2v3href only href 17:49:23 looks like v3 contains the v2 stuff 17:49:25 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/MmLob/diffv2v3href 17:49:41 nice thank you AlexisJ 17:49:52 will start some jobs that should get this archived 17:50:16 thanks arkiver! 17:50:50 https://web.archive.org/web/20010211150834/http://www.superalan.net/oyun/pacman/index.html The game in this link does not open 17:51:41 seems the .swf was not archived 17:52:34 or hm 17:53:56 looks like on the first attempt to archive it in 2001, the file was already deleted from superalan.net 17:56:58 unrelated to the ngrams, I'm looking for some old podcast episodes of The Radio Freaks (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-radio-freaks/id391748021) which are seemingly lost forever. 17:58:12 There are only 10 episodes on the Apple page. But for example https://radiofreaks.wordpress.com/2016/04/27/radio-freaks-201-chanel-preston/ is not there, and http://www.bpsradio.com/radiofreaks/shows/04-27-16.mp3 was not archived 17:59:22 didn't have much luck on YouTube either, Google podcasts (scheduled for Google Graveyard next month) only 10 episodes also 17:59:41 https://web.archive.org/web/20100421052651/http://www.haydibil.com/kelime-oyunu/oyna.php I want to open this game, the swf file is available but it gets stuck. 18:00:36 Try ruffle.rs? 18:01:21 looks like it depends on another swf which was not archived, because whatever was used to do the archival can't run the swf to see what it dynamically loads 18:04:07 Nulldata edited Flash (+369, Updated to reflect past-tense. Added some…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51808&oldid=47862 18:04:08 Nulldata edited Flash (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51809&oldid=51808 18:08:35 I found the old game but it doesn't update. 18:35:03 Can someone please throw https://www.notredamecollege.edu/ https://explore.notredamecollege.edu/ https://thrive.notredamecollege.edu/ https://online.notredamecollege.edu/ into AB? It's closing at the end of the spring semester. 18:37:00 surely they have more subdomains... 18:37:36 Also, https://ndconline.ndc.edu/ https://alertus.ndc.edu https://innopac.ndc.edu/ https://mlib.ndc.edu/ https://moodle.ndc.edu/ https://moodle2022.ndc.edu/ https://my.ndc.edu/ https://opd.ndc.edu/ https://www.innopac.ndc.edu/ 18:37:57 pokechu22 - looks like they have 2 domains (at least) lol 18:38:01 huh: https://subdomainfinder.c99.nl/scans/2024-03-01/notredamecollege.edu - not many more on there 18:38:57 https://subdomainfinder.c99.nl/scans/2024-03-01/ndc.edu 18:42:12 https://www.edmtunes.com/2024/02/porter-robinson-cryptic-video/ it seems like a publicity stunt but maybe add his YouTube channel or something? 18:44:13 Supersapiens, a glucose monitoring platform, it shutting down. Their website has already been replaced by a shutdown message, but they have a bunch of working subdomains. https://subdomainfinder.c99.nl/scans/2024-03-01/supersapiens.com 18:46:42 mgrandi - Thanks for the tip! I've thrown the channel into #down-the-tube 18:49:53 https://www.supersapiens.com/en-EN/system/ is still up... and https://www.supersapiens.com/sitemap.xml redirects to it (via JS?) 18:50:44 hmm, the site is a bit of a mess 18:51:13 pokechu22 - Another one https://notredamefalcons.com/ 18:51:38 !ig 5v2tbnkioym09448bnhr4zkdz ^http://www.local528.com/index_print.cfm\?zone=/unionactive/calendar_day.cfm& 18:51:42 wrong channel 19:00:30 Hello. 19:02:30 sup home skillet 20:22:49 https://abookapart.com/blogs/press/a-new-chapter-for-a-book-apart <= publisher stops 20:51:42 JustAnotherArchivist edited Flash (+9, [[User:Nulldata]] accidentally a word): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51810&oldid=51809 20:52:04 i was so happy when flash was kill 20:52:42 Aait created Talk:Jira (+1321, Created page with "== More Jira free version…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Talk%3AJira 20:52:43 Mentalist created The Radio Freaks (+787, Created page with "'''The Radio Freaks''' is a…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=The%20Radio%20Freaks 20:56:08 JAA - I removed the word because it was Adobe who was blocking use with their kill switch. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/adobe-releases-final-flash-player-update-warns-of-2021-kill-switch/ 20:57:38 nulldata: I was under the impression that at least Chrom(ium|e) also actively blocked it. 20:57:59 But I see, fair. 21:02:46 Ah, the Chrom* block was a few days later. Plugin kill switch activated on 2021-01-12, Chrom* 88 with Flash removed entirely was released 2021-01-19. 21:06:42 Firefox followed a week later on the 26th. 21:08:44 JustAnotherArchivist edited Flash (+205, Clarify death timeline, add ref): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51813&oldid=51810 21:09:32 nulldata: ^ Better? 21:13:30 The Chrome 88 release notes don't even mention they removed Flash support. lol 21:20:46 JustAnotherArchivist edited Flash (+281, Add browser removal details): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51814&oldid=51813 21:22:07 pokechu22: See Talk:Jira edit above 21:22:19 Yeah, I'll look into it in a bit 21:26:24 https://jira-qa-vip-chiadc01-rprxy2-19.chi.ford.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa < nice uh logo there 21:26:54 same one on https://wwwqa-jira.app.ford.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa lol 21:28:48 FireonLive edited Talk:Jira (+35, slide in the name on the cert for…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51815&oldid=51811 22:20:56 Pokechu22 edited Talk:Jira (+831, /* More Jira free version sites */ looks like…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51816&oldid=51815