00:46:35 nicolas17: do you have any recommendations for the 'reason for download' form? 00:48:23 I've always been clicking "ETC", I don't think that's used for anything but metrics 00:50:01 I just added some 2.9GB files to the queue, I bet that's gonna have a high "failure rate"... 01:36:12 only 268GiB to go X) 01:52:41 someone send a bag of dicks to samsung opensource’s offices 02:05:35 nicolas17: I got 2 tasks with the same filename but different search query? G960FXXSFFUB3 and G960FXXUHFVB4 both have a file named SM-G960F_QQ_Opensource.zip 02:31:26 qwertyasdfuiopghjkl: yep x_x 02:32:01 there's even items with the same "version number" (so the search query gives you multiple results), I saved y'all from those by doing them myself days ago 02:33:25 https://opensource.samsung.com/uploadSearch?searchValue=A217MUBSBDWI1 03:11:11 nicolas17: BTW, there might be a bug with the samsung website where if you don't close the tab after downloading a file, click the link again and search for and download a new file, you might get the contents of the previous file with the filename of the new file? (at least that seems to be the most likely explanation for why I've somehow ended up 03:11:11 with a SM-A127M_NA_RR_Opensource.zip that is (according to sha256sum) identical to one of the previous SM-G960F_QQ_Opensource.zip s, but after searching for and downloading it again in a new tab I get a different file (which I assume is the correct one, since I tried it twice with identical results)). You should probably make the link open a new 03:11:12 tab each time, instead of reloading an existing one just in case. 03:11:50 i also had that issue 03:12:09 yes I have seen that bug, ugh 03:12:19 if you want a third confirmation, throw me an item in question and I'll throw back the shasum 03:13:33 I think if you actually click the link in the instructions it would reload the page and not screw up like that, but yeah maybe better to open it in another tab every time 03:16:01 also I wonder if I can rely on /uploadSearch now 03:16:19 it was broken/blocked for a while (gave 403 or even TCP reset) 03:16:31 but it seems to work now 03:21:47 I'm pretty sure the one time I did click the link in the instructions without having already closed the samsung tab before, was the time the bug happened, so not sure what you mean by "if you actually click the link"? 03:22:10 hm weird then 03:22:44 anyway I changed it to open a new tab every time 03:22:47 target="_blank" 03:25:50 nicolas17 may want to clear the "upload finished" text after a fresh get task 03:26:41 already did that a few hrs ago :) 03:27:07 ahh sorry 03:28:52 EsperNet is dying: https://pastebin.com/raw/v0AAX9vE 03:29:28 esper.net / irc.esper.net 03:33:29 i wonder if the owner of the domain poofed? 04:08:55 something like that, sounds like 04:09:36 further info was posted in #lobby there: https://gist.github.com/mrflea/5bc585d2b49182be0f9006d20f364471 04:10:46 aha 05:47:32 pokechu22: this API tends to return more subdomains, but sometimes misses some that subdomainfinder does find https://api.subdomain.center/?domain= 06:43:06 Hello 06:43:30 Hi 06:44:34 How can I download deleted websites? 06:46:21 which website? 06:46:28 look at web.archive.org 06:46:55 for downloading, check out https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader/ 06:47:29 How do I upload the deleted website to my website? 06:47:52 I don't know how your website upload works 06:49:04 I want to play games on the website but it does not open 06:51:17 click here https://www.freecivweb.org/ 07:31:23 in case anyone here wants to join the upcoming snapshot.debian.org meeting: https://framadate.org/debian-snapshot-plan-2 07:31:56 poll is closed, monday 2024-03-04 1700 UTC is the time 07:32:07 I think it will be on #debian-snapshot on OFTC 07:32:50 /cc arkiver JAA kpcyrd 07:33:14 notes from the last meeting: https://lists.debian.org/debian-snapshot/2024/02/msg00003.html 07:39:00 did we get a full 'snapshot' of it? 07:41:44 150T and +8T per year, so unlikely AT will grab it or host a mirror 08:04:57 ahh :c 10:23:24 fireonlive: I see you also got that esper notice 12:58:56 pabs: thanks 13:01:01 imo this is a good use-case for a p2p system because the existing snapshot systems have notoriously been single-points of failure 13:02:58 but I can't figure out how to launch one for the love of it, I got 1 node and 1 person keeping track of it (over tor) 13:48:19 morning... aw man now I have a backlog of 33GB to upload to IA :P 13:50:04 nicolas17: morning! are there more tasks to be released? 14:40:18 Hi 14:48:54 How to download unarchived url from wayback machine site? 14:52:33 urls that haven't been archived on the wayback machine cannot be downloaded from the wayback machine 14:58:00 something something education system these days 15:00:42 From which site can I download IPA for iOS devices? 15:02:43 nstrom|m: "Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" 15:35:53 lol 17:34:19 pabs: who or what is swh? 17:34:51 softwareheritage.org 17:42:34 qwertyasdfuiopghjkl fuzzy8021: how many simultaneous downloads did you do from samsung? Ryz wanted to know how far they could go :p 17:44:23 Once I had 6 downloading at once, the search page stopped loading for some time. 18:13:22 Huh, interesting o.o; 18:48:12 How can I download Rapidshare link? 18:52:38 nicolas17: "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." ;) 18:55:04 There was an old iPhone game but I can't find it. 19:04:42 game34: if it's not been archived it might be lost 19:06:19 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/RapidShare AT did do a project, but I can't comment on much else since this was before my time here 19:22:43 How can I retrieve files of archive org deleted website? 19:23:38 which website 19:26:01 https://web.archive.org/web/20130420045444/http://oyunos.com/ 19:47:58 https://web.archive.org/web/20130420045444/http://oyunos.com/ 20:02:48 JustAnotherArchivist edited Pixiv Chat (+118, Link to data, ref to [[Pixiv]]): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51817&oldid=47528 20:03:34 mad props for handling this so well JAA :) 20:03:44 re: #archiveteam 20:11:49 JustAnotherArchivist edited Pixiv (+566, Brief description of the 2022 situation, link…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51818&oldid=49750 20:14:27 imer: It's what anyone ought to do after fucking up, but thanks. :-) 20:23:52 Markass edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+206, divested.dev (no explicit error but new…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51819&oldid=51785 20:23:55 ^ Not sure if we want to start a separate list for these. They are very tricky to find. 21:00:59 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51820&oldid=51819 21:30:29 JAA: any idea *what* is going on with that site? 21:32:49 like what did IA do and in response to what kind of request? 21:44:34 JAA: Next time im expecting a video where you play an ukulele and say you are sorry :P 21:45:25 reference in sace someone missed this https://www.cbsnews.com/news/colleen-ballinger-apology-ukulele-blackface-youtube-miranda-sings-accusations/ 21:45:36 s/sace/case 22:01:34 nicolas17: See discussion here a couple days ago. 22:08:30 that_lurker: *facepalm*, I think I saw a reference to that before but never more. 22:08:41 Alternatively, 22:11:23 https://lounge.kuhaon.fun/folder/7d47604718f7f8af/8hrlw4.jpg 22:14:06 :| 22:37:41 is there a way to archive some AI/AI chatbot responses/conversations? has any minor attempt at this been tried? 22:38:14 why? :p 22:41:33 Share links, e.g. chat.openai.com/share/*, can be archived. They're script-heavy, but all the data is in the HTML. 22:41:47 And that's probably also the only thing worth archiving there. 22:42:12 Well, the model weights might be interesting for future historical purposes, but for the most relevant models, there's no getting those. 23:00:55 nicolas17: btw, could you mark SCG07KDU1CVC5 SM-A516J_JPN_12_Opensource.zip not done, so I can try uploading it again (seems to have gotten stuck at 10.32%) 23:02:57 do you already have an "idle" tab open? 23:03:06 yes 23:03:10 done 23:04:05 I disabled the Get Task button :p 23:05:42 uploaded 23:07:09 if an upload fails, I re-enable the upload button so the user can try again, but maybe I should add a cancel button for the case where it's "stuck" 23:07:42 was about to suggest that :) 23:12:28 need more work ;) 23:12:30 hm I think SCG07KDU1CVC5 had actually succeeded the first time, weird that the progress got stuck 23:12:56 nm just refreshed and see message 23:12:59 fuzzy8021: I'm traveling tomorrow and I want to leave this paused :P 23:13:40 boooo ;) 23:13:42 safe travels 23:56:30 lol I asked someone from korea how fast he can download from opensource.samsung 23:56:46 "Not fast, like 2-5MB/s" 23:56:56 ...yes that's fast