00:00:58 I mean, for Korea, it's kind of meh, but yeah. 00:02:16 JAA: I rarely got more than 300KB/s myself 00:05:46 nicolas17: I'm referring to how South Korea has the highest average residential internet speeds in the world. Have had for years. 00:06:13 by charging an arm and a leg for bandwidth to content providers? 00:06:29 https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/02/why-south-korea-global-broadband-leader 00:07:36 https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/08/17/afterword-korea-s-challenge-to-standard-internet-interconnection-model-pub-85166 00:09:22 Right, not how they got where they are though. 05:38:26 Pokechu22 edited Jira (+2531, /* Status */ update list): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51821&oldid=51798 09:15:47 https://github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder - find domains and subdomains 09:18:03 PaulWise edited Finding subdomains (+56, add assetfinder subdomain/domain lister): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51822&oldid=50781 14:35:06 Hey, quick question. I was checking in on my Warriors(Docker), but it seems, they all now require Basic Auth when connecting to the Warrior-Webinterface. Intended? How do I access it? 15:33:44 Medowar: Did you set a username and password in the warrior settings? 15:34:14 Nah 15:34:33 blank image, then set username and project. Thats it 17:58:51 Medowa: Try stopping the warrior container then running "docker system prune -a" and after that pull and run the warrior again. 17:59:25 Medowar ^ 18:31:39 FYI Flickr have updated the requirements on what types of non-profit can get free pro membership 18:31:56 and quite a few organisations no longer meet the rules 18:33:01 (the one I know of specifically is scouting organisations, but other orgs include clubs, educational institutions, government / political orgs and religious orgs) 18:33:15 full list at: https://www.flickrhelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404058120212-Discounts-for-non-profit-organizations 18:33:32 but there might be quite a few accounts loosing their photos over this 19:14:24 I guess let's revive #flickrfckr? 20:57:28 http://lj.rossia.org/ - alternative to LiveJournal by Mikhail Verbitsky. Banned in Russia, though many users are from Russia. Probably should be a part of LJ project.More information https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/LJ.Rossia.org 21:36:06 JustAnotherArchivist edited Votes in Switzerland/2024-03-03 (+1016, + Zürich): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51823&oldid=51748