02:40:01 Japanese web content group (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuizKnock) will be taking down some of their Android apps at the end of April: https://www.portal.quizknock.com/news/9a67f159-7004-41f6-bcc3-bee5cf4a4d79 02:40:40 possibly all of them, actually. (they are all games) 02:40:57 uhh the list is there 02:42:09 piennu2: are there downloads outside the play store? 02:42:30 I don't think so, besides those shady APK reupload websites 02:43:40 I guess there is the Aurora Store too 02:43:52 https://auroraoss.com/ 02:44:40 so if someone here has an Android device, they could download using Aurora Store and then upload as an archive.org item 02:46:29 * pabs can't help though 03:07:31 oh, android and ios both 06:21:46 * Barto uses Aurora 12:06:02 can someone ask the bot to archive everything (including the videos itself) from https://www.youtube.com/@TheRadioFreaks/videos ? 12:38:06 AlexisJ - YouTube should be posted in #down-the-tube . Due to low capacity the video/channel needs to fall under certain criteria. Is there a particular reason the channel is being requested? I.e. death of owner, legal threat, news worthiness, etc? 13:46:36 Hello, 13:46:37 Is there any Firefox extension/tampermonkey userscript that saves "interesting" URLs for the purpose of feeding them to archiveteam? 14:11:59 albertlarsan68 - Not exactly. There's an Internet Archive browser extension that will allow you to submit specific pages to be archived in the Wayback Machine using Save Page Now. Has nothing to do with ArchiveTeam, but the archive basically ends up in the same place. 14:12:02 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wayback-machine/fpnmgdkabkmnadcjpehmlllkndpkmiak 14:16:49 I mean to "scrape" mediafire/telegram/other url-list needing project URLs from the webpages I browse 15:20:56 albertlarsan68, that probably doesn't exist because due to security concerns. Such an extension could theoretically end up submitting URLs you can only see while logged in somewhere 15:25:44 AlexisJ: Even one that doesn't submit automatically? 18:14:11 Does anyone know how Flatpak works internally? How can we archive the data behind https://flathub.org/apps/org.yuzu_emu.yuzu ? 18:18:37 no, but: https://github.com/flathub/org.yuzu_emu.yuzu seems to be some sort of build info? 18:22:21 Ack, #gitgud'd. 18:32:17 the install button links to https://dl.flathub.org/repo/appstream/org.yuzu_emu.yuzu.flatpakref, but that only mentions the flathub repo pretty much 18:32:17 here's also an install log https://transfer.archivete.am/bKo48/2024-03-04_18-31-12.txt 18:32:18 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/bKo48/2024-03-04_18-31-12.txt 18:35:53 going to attempt logging which urls it downloads via a http proxy 18:40:27 worth noting that the links on https://flatpak.yuzu-emu.org/ to https://flatpak.yuzu-emu.org/yuzu-nightly.flatpakref and https://flatpak.yuzu-emu.org/yuzu-canary.flatpakref don't work (yet https://flatpak.citra-emu.org/ which says those links no longer exist does work at https://flatpak.citra-emu.org/citra-nightly.flatpakref and 18:40:28 https://flatpak.citra-emu.org/citra-canary.flatpakref) 18:41:36 Yeah, I noticed that as well. I think that would have been a separate Flatpak repo unrelated to Flathub? 18:42:23 right, and https://flatpak.citra-emu.org/repo and https://flatpak.yuzu-emu.org/repo are 302 -> 403 indicating that something is/was there but we can't actually look at it 18:51:06 What's the best tool for archiving whole github organisations, currently? I tried https://github.com/josegonzalez/python-github-backup but it gave a vague error part way through (plus has many issue reports and unclear docs) 18:52:53 We can archive it into the WBM in #gitgud, but there isn't a good one that produces structured data and properly covers everything as far as I'm aware. All the ones I tried in the past are incomplete. 18:54:13 yeah, that's the conclusion i came to 18:55:09 i was thinking of https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu 18:55:25 since the owners seem to be planning to take it down 18:55:30 Yeah, we're aware of that. Already dumped everything last week, and a redump is in progress. 18:55:32 great 18:56:06 do you know if the GDPR backups that users can do for their own stuff is any good? 18:56:15 of course that's no good for other users 18:56:58 No idea. One way to find out... 18:57:43 i did one, it looks okay at a glance but can't tell for certain 18:58:08 guess it could be a good template for an unofficial tool. i.e. replicate the format and use it as a comparison point 19:04:15 someone should probably aggressively start archiving yuzu. 19:05:12 Already in progress (and already done once last week) 19:05:27 ayyy. 19:07:19 annnd the repo is gone. 19:07:21 that was quick. 19:11:10 oh damn 19:11:58 asked softwareheritage to do a copy earlier when I saw the settlement https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu 19:12:26 hexa-++ 19:12:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'hexa-' now has 3 karma! 19:12:43 hexa-++ 19:12:44 -eggdrop- [karma] 'hexa-' now has 4 karma! 19:12:57 they can't stop us all. 19:13:16 looks like my copy was a bit behind, commit dc94882c9062ab88d3d5de35dcb8731111baaea2 19:13:41 As mentioned in #gitgud, I dumped it into a bundle a bit under an hour ago. 19:13:48 That also includes PRs. 19:13:50 neat 19:13:50 ah :) thanks/sorry 19:13:59 JAA++ 19:13:59 :3 19:13:59 -eggdrop- [karma] 'JAA' now has 23 karma! 19:14:24 Wonder if it's possible to archive yuzu's discord server. Probably not :( 19:14:39 #discard 19:14:51 ooh 19:15:24 SunnyStarscout: most people prefer Discord History Tracker but I'm not exactly sure what people use around here 19:15:25 JAA: don't know if this is of any use, but here's the http proxy log for flatpak install (with deps from fresh): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/GgC5S/flatpak-yuzu.log 19:19:19 imer: Beautiful :-| 19:19:27 Thanks, I think I'll just throw all of those URLs into AB. 19:19:46 oh wow that's long 19:21:24 is stuff like issues/PR comments archived? 19:22:08 Maybe. #gitgud 19:22:46 It was queued, twice. It's not known whether it completed in time (or at all). 19:25:43 https://pastebin.com/PdU5LZWh 19:31:03 Oooh fuck Citra might be going down too. 19:31:10 :X 19:33:20 :( 19:35:05 Yeah, we also archived Citra last week. 19:37:52 Citra's twitter has deleted its posts. 19:39:43 might be worth doing ryujinx too 19:39:51 the competing switch emulator 19:40:17 Also done last week. 19:40:22 :-) 19:41:10 \o/ 19:41:14 JAA++ 19:41:14 -eggdrop- [karma] 'JAA' now has 24 karma! 19:43:31 i'll do ryujinx's discord after yuzu's (if anyone has a quick little 'how to' for 'forum' channels that would be handy for discordchatexporter, i haven't had a chance to dig into it other than in theory it's possible just not supported by the default 'export' and they don't want to add that in or something?) 19:44:26 discord is another one that doesn't have great backup tools... 19:44:31 afaik 19:44:45 #discard 19:44:47 hmm, looks like a lot of imgur links just 429'd on job 35i7ktorum0fv046solqdlji1 19:45:01 (yes, slow work day, watching the URLs scroll by is more entertaining...) 19:45:16 That's normal, sadly. Imgur has annoying rate limits. 19:45:19 Yeah, imgur doesn't like archivebot that much - I previously extracted those and threw them into #imgone though 19:46:02 hooray, thanks so much 19:46:23 I doubt there have been additional imgur images in the past few days 19:48:09 discordchatexporter works but needs love 19:48:20 (and also misses some content by default) 19:52:14 > discord is another one that doesn't have great backup tools... 19:52:19 i assume this is totally intentional 19:52:39 the garden is the only way discord will be able to retain users and keep people buying nitro (hence make money) 19:53:49 well i meant third party backup tools, but yeah discord doesn't make it easy 19:54:19 Again, #discard is the channel for Discord archival discussion. 19:56:20 whoops, sorry 19:58:19 has this been archived? repo for yuzu early access https://github.com/pineappleEA/pineapple-src 20:00:49 Seems like the main one has been archived https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu×tamp=2024-03-04T18:48:56.049617%2B00:00 20:01:18 https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://github.com/pineappleEA/pineapple-src×tamp=2024-03-04T19:59:46.537319%2B00:00 20:02:09 SunnyStarscout: Again, #gitgud 20:03:04 sorry 20:03:58 https://lethallava.land/notes/9qgxlj1w8q 20:05:06 May also be worth archiving... as it's related. https://pretendo.network/ 20:07:59 SHA-256 checksum for /home/user/notallyuzu.tar.gz (remote): 2f11c34370475f4c6faa91f49f6e91a7a9bbd694ff1e91a3967c89278b4a8973 21:46:21 SunnyStarscout: pineappleEA is not controlled by Yuzu devs, in fact, famously, it is controlled by somebody they had beef with in part because they wanted to offer EA for Patreons, but this person compiled it and made it public without payment 22:01:47 pixel: TIL! 23:33:15 was Cemu also archived? 23:33:49 Yep 23:34:13 Well, the GitHub repos were.