00:00:54 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51830&oldid=51827 00:20:57 Bear edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+72, Merged my duplicate with existing "www." entry…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51831&oldid=51830 00:37:00 Bear edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+191, Deno, Market-Ticker (not excluded as of 2019)): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51832&oldid=51831 00:48:02 Bear edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine/Former exclusions (+137, unibo.it - excluded in 2014): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51833&oldid=51829 01:01:04 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51834&oldid=51832 01:05:54 did we grab telam.com.ar before it was shut down? 01:12:29 tzt: looks like there was a job on 20240302: https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/?q=telam.com.ar https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/202403021304579zj4w 01:20:44 idk why, but this popped up in my search alerts. so have a look if you haven't seen it already maybe? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fYI_XtT7sgQ?rel=0 01:20:57 "DEF CON 19 - Jason Scott - Archive Team: A Distributed Preservation of Service Attack" 07:00:30 JAA: would it be possible to get those complete notes online? 07:00:56 it would be good to have a possibility again to archive onions 07:01:08 it would not be used for other stuff thouhg 07:01:10 though* 07:01:42 Oh, I forgor to actually say it, yeah, I'll try to get those notes into the repo soon. 07:02:18 was this where we previously put the AB Tor WARCs in? https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_tor 07:02:52 Yeah 07:03:13 yeah we can push them to there again 07:04:14 among the things we archived back then https://web.archive.org/web/20170828222033/http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/ 07:04:29 ah! i was just about to ask if onions would be visible in the WBM 07:04:30 :) 07:04:37 fireonlive: absolutely 07:04:45 awesome 07:06:16 fireonlive: another https://web.archive.org/web/20170907044151/http://v4gn2k725iokfu4u.onion/ 07:06:31 * pabs wonders if we should let the Tor community know about this 07:06:43 :) 07:06:53 pabs: i think we can treat it as we treat normal AB 07:07:04 pabs: or do you mean the wayback machine viewable stuff? 07:07:22 https://web.archive.org/web/20170906085941/http://highkua2k3ytqdqs.onion/ 07:07:27 I mean that AB will be saving onions again 07:07:36 they might have some ideas of things to save 07:07:36 hmm, I2P would be interesting one day perhaps 07:08:01 oh, i was thinking of ipfs 07:08:14 two different things! 07:08:18 fireonlive: i never looked into I2P much 07:08:23 oh IPFS 07:08:25 * pabs wonders if IA will start sharing things over IPFS :) 07:08:26 yeah maybe 07:08:46 pabs: no idea, i didn't hear much about it 07:08:54 i saw an I2P link on https://web.archive.org/web/20170907044151/http://v4gn2k725iokfu4u.onion/ and confused it with ipfs for a moment 07:09:27 pabs: yeah on the tor community. at the same time, the general "internet community" would have ideas about what to archive on the internet with AB, and we're not explicitly advertising AB to the world 07:09:36 i think we could treat TorAB the same 07:09:42 true 07:10:00 if it makes sense to mention somewhere, we could go "hey, you might want to let AT know, they have a Tor archiving operation running" 07:12:07 could an existing pipeline be used for tor as well or would it need a new dedi i wonder 07:12:18 pipeline's server* i guess 07:13:17 probably best answered by JAA ^ 07:13:45 but i wonder if we can just disable the Tor one by default, and only enable it when explicitly given as pipeline to run on? 07:14:18 I'll have to look for the notes from the 2018 iteration. I think that did some iptables magic. Which *could* be made to work on an existing machine in principle, I guess. 07:14:29 for example as an parameter? 07:14:42 arkiver: Yes, that's how it worked in 2018. The Tor pipelines only processed jobs queued with `--pipeline tor`. 07:14:46 ah 07:15:25 that could work 07:15:54 maybe with a special !a-tor or so command for h2ibot which subsequently posts a `--pipeline tor` one 07:16:44 -p tor isn't too much to type that !a-tor seems needed? 07:17:12 Yeah, `--pipeline` = `-p`, so that's short enough, I'd say. 07:19:09 alright 07:38:23 SootBector: we'll likely look now first into getting a tor pipeline on one of the existing machine (or, well, JAA is going to check that) 07:54:56 arkiver JAA - another thing to consider is Tor exit node IP reputation varies quite a bit, so being able to rotate exit nodes or choose which country to exit from would be useful 07:55:29 the country stuff would be really useful for geoblocked sites that AB curren'tly can't access 07:57:46 pabs: IIRC, this kind of stuff is a massive pain to do programmatically. Last time I played with that, the only and poor solution to 'I need a new circuit for X' was 'restart Tor entirely'. 08:00:21 I think there are things to do that now. selektor for eg is a GUI. python3-stem for Python 08:00:47 hmm there's newnym, but it's not granular 08:00:53 > Stem is mostly unmaintained. 08:00:55 Sounds fun. 08:01:58 https://spec.torproject.org/control-spec/commands.html#signal 08:02:29 also https://github.com/torpyorg/torpy 08:02:58 oh, only v2 onions 08:03:51 Oh, you can't change the circuit for just a single site at all? TIL. 08:06:01 So we'd need a separate Tor instance per job to be able to control the circuit at that granularity at least, I guess. Ugh... 08:06:25 not up on the new stuff but i don't think so 08:07:09 Yeah, I don't see that happening soon. 08:08:37 yeah indeed.. 08:09:54 pabs: does that matter much for .onion addresses? 08:10:08 no, only for clearnet stuff 08:10:39 exit nodes aren't involved in onion services 09:26:22 needs kubernetes 13:00:57 hi all, how are you? I've been in and out here in regards to Argentina archive 13:01:33 So yesterday the main public news provider and archive Telam was taken down, most of it was archived by AB and others luckily 13:02:30 And now they are talking of taking down cine.ar, which has most nationally produced cinema. This site is behind Cloudflare so wasn't archived. It was spoken about here that you may have contacts in Buenos Aires to host a local ArchiveBot... Did anythingcome of it? 13:04:50 I think JAA mentioned they had contacts in https://www.cabase.org.ar 13:05:22 We have some automation in place to use as a way to download the content, but we don't have the space to do it 13:06:33 Just to reiterate, the site we are talking about is cine.ar - it has most if not all of the INCAA produced cinema, another organism they are taking down 13:11:34 looks like you have to register to watch anything? 13:29:27 anyone can register 13:29:43 Anyone in Argentina at least 13:30:02 I understand at least grab-site and wpull have an authn option 13:59:45 arkiver: JAA - great. ping me in any case if the install notes get updated - I have a server mostly sitting idle and would like to try installing just to see how things fit together. 13:59:52 re: selecting Tor exits/countries, an approach might be to configure a list in torrc each on its own SocksPort then have AB just change which port it connects to. 14:17:55 sending a different socks username:password (which can be anything) will give you a fresh circuit but not necessarily a different exit 14:41:55 manpage seems to say you can't select ExitNodes [countrycode] per-SocksPort, but a tor process could be spun up on demand with that option set on the commandline 15:09:47 tor --SocksPort 9090 --ExitNodes {ES} yes that works 15:32:20 and a map of exits https://hackertarget.com/tor-exit-node-visualization/ 16:01:58 queuing bot will now note when it is started and stopped 16:03:11 I have to go now will check logs for any updates, thanks! 16:07:08 there was also a big that caused slots to be hardly found, effectively making one job run at a time, that is fixed now 16:56:07 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/d6790cdce49fe76f/image.png < “Hidden Birds” site/wiki (from the “TeraLeak” (ugh)) to go down 16:56:34 oh and forum. not sure at the moment where they reside… 16:56:56 forum is discord here? :P 16:57:13 ah: https://hiddenbirds.ultra0.ar/ 16:57:27 :P 16:58:14 some day people will discover we archived a ton of imgur, label it a leak, put some stupid name on it, and advertise it as something new they found 16:58:38 fireonlive: they did make the front page of https://hiddenbirds.ultra0.ar/ pretty nice thouhg 16:58:44 ugh yeah xD 16:58:52 indeed! 17:02:32 *someone finds our wiki* “holy crap, leak motherload” 18:14:46 inti83: That wasn't me. 18:15:02 SootBector: Good info, thanks! 18:17:50 I'll investigate if changing ExitNodes is possible via commands to ControlPort 18:18:18 FWIW, integrating that into AB still sounds painful and unlikely to happen soon, but yeah, would be nice. 18:20:32 also found a feature where you append an exit's fingerprint and .exit to the URL's domain to set it on-the-fly. not yet sure if you can enable that for * 18:31:17 inti83: I can access cine.ar fine, but it looks like accessing the content may require registration. 19:07:26 "Rooster Teeth to shut down" https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1765424377166708930 19:07:26 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/geoffkeighley/status/1765424377166708930 19:08:35 more details: https://deadline.com/2024/03/rooster-teeth-shut-down-warner-bros-discovery-roost-podcast-continue-1235847264/ 19:10:03 8.9k videos on their main channel wow lol 19:34:24 threw the main channel to DTT but will have to return to it later 20:09:37 pabs: might be worth archiving all this, some mailing lists (such as agda and agda-dev) are public https://lists.chalmers.se/mailman/listinfo 22:03:16 + 3.1k on Achievement Hunter, + 4k on Let's Play and there's more besides… 22:39:00 lunik1: if you have a list of their youtube channels please do let #down-the-tube know 22:39:26 i haven't been able to return to looking up who/what they are quite yet 22:40:03 will do. won't be exhaustive but I'll send what I remember 22:40:26 what's the preferred pastebin to use? 22:41:00 https://transfer.archivete.am 22:51:42 for the channels directly you can `!ac -e "https://deadline.com/2024/03/rooster-teeth-shut-down-warner-bros-discovery-roost-podcast-continue-1235847264/"` 22:51:46 -e is "explain" in this instance 22:52:42 (anything can be added if it falls within the "scope" of #down-the-tube, explain is to say why it does: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/YouTube#Scope) but let's take further talk there