00:08:36 nicolas17 i took the last 2 items fyi 00:10:08 hmm more popeped in 00:11:00 https://opensource.samsung.com/uploadSearch?searchValue=A107FXXU8CVE3 this zip seems to be corrupted 01:10:36 Yzqzss edited Bilibili (+942, add some information): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51852&oldid=51851 01:36:39 oh yeah I forgot to upload the one I had claimed cuz it finished while I was running errands, doing that now 01:39:44 I think I had some wifi problems, because upload speed to IA is a bit better, and download from B2 is MUCH better, now that I switched to Ethernet 01:42:12 wifi: gotta love it, gotta hate it 01:44:08 hi, how can i download all archives of a set of pages (searching by prefix) off of the wayback machine? is this the right place to ask? 01:44:27 wifi-- 01:44:28 -eggdrop- [karma] 'wifi' now has -1 karma! 01:45:27 Nulo|m: #internetarchive might be more appropriate, should be fine here though (not sure of the answer) 01:48:06 /join #internetarchive:hackint.org 01:48:10 oh 02:56:04 TIL https://open-archive.org/ 02:56:30 "Helping eyewitnesses preserve truth to power" 03:05:13 oh very nice 03:24:31 (they are hiring mobile devs btw) 05:06:56 https://bash-org-archive.com/ 05:19:17 L( 05:19:20 oops 05:19:20 :) 05:20:52 also, the cursed item: https://archive.org/details/bash.org.txt 06:17:28 https://github.com/tomnomnom/httprobe 08:53:21 https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/1b5ng90/best_way_to_archive_website/ 08:53:29 <:o) 08:56:01 Nice list of tools to tear apart for our WARC wiki page... :-) 08:56:29 :D 09:04:03 note to self: add https://github.com/mdsitton/SngFileFormat / https://github.com/TheNathannator/GuitarGame_ChartFormats to the file formats wiki (possibly also former to `file`) 09:05:18 -> #justsolve :) 16:20:55 idk if thisis mentioned but https://time.com/6898845/tiktok-ban-bill-us-congress-what-to-know/ 16:22:20 anyways is this page still maintained https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Alive..._OR_ARE_THEY 16:32:02 re tiktok, if anyone is into cyber warfare dystopia: https://fosstodon.org/@drewdevault/112015328926498494 20:04:57 Kuaza edited Discourse (+67, /* Active Discourses */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51853&oldid=51201 20:27:01 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+522, /* 2024 */ Add Big Farm forums): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51854&oldid=51805 20:29:38 > Will the new forum support BBCode? 20:29:38 > It will not. It supports markdown in rich text editor. However, all content posted in BBCode will be properly transitioned and migrated to the new forums site so that it is formatted properly. 20:29:42 What could possibly go wrong? 20:31:40 (From The Sims forums) 20:36:11 oh lord 20:37:01 properly is doing a lot of heavy lifting there 20:37:15 I can't tell what will happen to the 'AHQ forums'. It seems like there will be an entirely new platform (to launch in July), which suggests that AHQ is also slated for disposal, but I can't find anything explicit about that. 20:37:37 (The announcement thread: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/1012877/an-important-update-on-the-future-of-these-forums ) 20:38:06 AHQ = Answers HQ = https://answers.ea.com/ 20:38:08 Lithium-- 20:38:09 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Lithium' now has -1 karma! 20:39:47 also just throwing away posts after a certain date is… special 20:40:11 because of “data processing timeframes” 20:40:21 Well, it's EA. They can't afford not taking 4 months to process some text. 20:40:43 (oh and all media, which is also tremendously stupid) 20:40:50 haha yeah… 20:40:58 EA ruins everything :/ 20:41:01 Later they said images will actually be copied. 20:41:11 i want the old sims back 20:41:21 The even more special thing is that they exclude all content *before* an arbitrary date. 20:41:21 ah good, guess they got enough pressure 20:41:41 And make people 'nominate' older threads for migration instead... 20:42:13 oh… huh yeah. you have to nominate older stuff. 20:42:26 do they pay per thread?! 20:42:26 The intent is to provide forum users with a sense of pride and accomplishment for nominating valuable threads. 20:42:33 😂 20:43:15 if only the form had downvotes :p 20:43:24 EA-- 20:43:24 -eggdrop- [karma] 'EA' now has -1 karma! 20:43:27 This will do. 20:43:45 EA-- that's inadequate 20:43:46 EA-- 20:43:46 -eggdrop- [karma] 'EA' now has -2 karma! 20:44:10 oh yeah It doesn’t like text on the end 20:44:24 EA-nasir-- 20:44:24 -eggdrop- [karma] 'EA-nasir' now has -1 karma! 20:44:29 he insulted my messenger 20:45:20 how rude 20:47:06 companies' treatments of user data-- 20:47:06 -eggdrop- [karma] 'companies' treatments of user data' now has -1 karma!