02:22:51 Not sure how big of a deal this one is, but DeviantArt groups (some of the last pages with the old layout) are undergoing migration to the newer site design, with all groups being automatically migrated starting March 25, completing April 8. Announcement indicates certain group data (favourites, various group home page info widgets?) will be lost if not saved by active admins. 02:22:55 https://www.deviantart.com/team/journal/Convert-your-group-to-a-new-design-994388001 02:24:18 Was spooked to post this in the announcements channel, haha. Also using WBM on dA comments with new site design is apparently impossible right now (to me, a not very compsci person) (403s on individual comments, can't capture comments except for one on anything) 04:08:17 Petchea edited Bilibili (+201): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51855&oldid=51852 04:11:17 Petchea edited Bilibili (+84): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51856&oldid=51855 14:17:08 Exorcism uploaded File:Bilibili-logo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ABilibili-logo.png 14:17:09 Exorcism uploaded File:Bilibili-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ABilibili-screenshot.png 14:18:09 Exorcism edited Bilibili (+40): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51859&oldid=51856 18:24:52 Pedrosso edited SCP Foundation (+16, set IRC channel to #wikinot): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51860&oldid=49217 18:29:57 Could someone archive https://enderhost.cloud/ on archivebot please (no coverage) 18:38:47 nvm it's been done for me 19:36:17 If someone can archive this website: https://tubelious.xyz/ on archivebot 19:42:29 Exorcism: queued 19:44:11 "person stress-testing the website found an exploit in RSS.php that let them run SQL (database) queries" 19:44:24 "i'd had forgotten to have a more secure query in only that script when I was writing the rss feed file - everything else had been tested except for that specific php file" 19:44:25 oof 20:02:08 done 21:24:54 https://twitter.com/malwareunicorn/status/1766917014936043759 21:24:55 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/malwareunicorn/status/1766917014936043759 21:25:37 https://malwareunicorn.org/ - I think is the site. Can't check - on mobile at the moment 21:26:27 Script hell :-| 21:29:20 Also looks like the samples are already down. 21:29:44 :( 21:29:56 I get 403s on the ones I tried. 21:30:30 > Ugh. So someone reported my reverse engineering workshop resource storage as malicious activity. Now I can’t provide any samples or VMs. Tough luck. I guess I’ll be taking them down now. 21:30:34 The tweet, by the way 21:34:33 screenshot: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/WH8cQ/1.png