00:09:07 PredatorIWD: you have 9 ongoing downloads? dayum :P 00:12:46 nicolas17: No, I just have a mess of tabs open since I switch back and forth when some of the 6 slots are open so it might seem weird on your end, but I still have the 6 downloads limit on the Samsung website. Also might be a couple of .zips that I didn't get to upload from a few days ago since the tabs closed when my PC crashed. 00:19:19 current arbitrary limit: backlog of files I haven't yet uploaded to IA + tasks in progress for your IP < 50 00:59:54 upload more faster, nicky! 04:44:40 Censuro edited 4chan (+1522, /arch.b4k.co */ mention potential integrity…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51864&oldid=49510 04:58:15 https://www.heise.de/news/Urheberrecht-Webseiten-Betreiber-haftet-nicht-fuer-Internet-Archive-9652937.html 05:02:17 queuing bot was down for some time, it's up now 05:05:51 . 05:06:26 Good point. 05:40:36 the wiki mentions that coub stored 360p versions of source videos from youtube, but they were later removed. does anyone know if they were archived in 2022? 07:45:02 Hi 07:45:11 I have a question 07:45:40 How is the archival of Taringa! Going? 07:47:38 It's not going yet, but we're looking into it. 07:48:23 I'm asking this because on it's heyday 07:49:03 2000's to around 2014-2015 07:49:39 Is used to be one of the most visited websites in Latin America overall 07:50:06 So there's a lot of content to be archived 07:50:22 Yeah, we are aware of its significance, just haven't had enough time yet to get a project going. 07:50:30 And is shutting down on the 24th of this month 07:50:34 Ok 07:51:02 I just hope they rescue it soon 07:51:07 Thanks 08:10:40 yeah it's being looked into, first email, hopefully soon response. in the meantime a project will come 08:10:52 but i smell trouble with the cloudflare stuff they have 13:51:13 let's make a channel for taringa, any ideas? 14:06:43 low effort: taringone 14:07:31 also low effort: taroutga 14:07:56 alternatively: mataringa? https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/matar#Spanish 14:08:04 i like mataringa 14:13:56 Turanga (Leela) 15:21:08 nice thuban 15:21:12 mataringa is nice 15:21:18 let's go with that #mataringa 18:00:48 nicolas17 how many more to do? 18:01:51 hm need to rerun my check of what's in IA 18:01:57 300ish? 18:03:00 adding 100 to queue now 18:10:14 thanks 18:13:09 * myself clicks cabbages and parrots 18:18:23 what about upside down dog heads? 18:19:12 Nulldata created Taringa! (+713, Created page): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Taringa%21 18:19:20 somebody reading this chat log in the future is gonna be _very_ confused. 18:20:12 Nulldata created Taringa (+22, Redirect to Taringa!): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Taringa 18:48:07 nicolas17: Do you like my nick on your Samsung thingy> 18:49:58 * fireonlive wonders 18:51:20 kiska: did you do 1 file 18:51:26 with a 4 letter username 18:53:03 was it fuck 18:55:28 power outage D: 18:55:51 if I disconnect: my UPS died 18:57:31 :( rip nicolas17 19:04:58 Damn, not a good day for people whose nick starts with an 'n'. 19:08:27 looks like nytimes replied to the wordle thing: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24464343-2024-03-06-nytimes 19:08:38 better link: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24464343/2024-03-06-nytimes.pdf 19:09:10 ah, that's just hte DMCA 19:11:03 The New York Times said "The Times has no issue with individuals creating similar word games that do not infringe The Times’s 'Wordle' trademarks or copyrighted gameplay. The Times took action against a GitHub user and others who shared his code to defend its intellectual property rights in Wordle. The user created a 'Wordle clone' project that 19:11:03 instructed others how to create a knock-off version of The Times’s Wordle game featuring many of the same copyrighted elements. As a result, hundreds of websites began popping up with knock-off 'Wordle' games that used The Times’s 'Wordle' trademark and copyrighted gameplay without authorization or permission." 19:14:03 nicolas17 Yes I did do 1 file and on the second one 19:46:13 RIP nicolas17's power, UPS, and lack of generator :( 20:06:35 https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/1012877/an-important-update-on-the-future-of-these-forums/p1 20:07:19 Yeah, still unclear what will happen to the AHQ forums. 20:07:48 But the 'everything after now will be lost' deadline has passed, good point. 22:02:28 rsync over ssh to my VPS, 50KB/s 22:02:30 wtf 22:02:41 ping shows 20% packet loss?! 22:10:46 oh god it's worse 22:11:01 it's actually 200KB/s but I'm using rsync -z 22:11:07 raw speed is less than 50 22:19:07 Should we do an AB on Taringa as a ' 22:19:29 'Just in case' 22:20:00 Vokun: I think there's cloudflare protection/captcha 22:20:08 Not really a just in case, but more like a shot in the dark in case we don't get a project running till it's a bit late. It's probably already a bit late 22:20:22 Oh rip 22:21:43 Cloudflare is a double edged sword. It either means it's going to be terrible and a lot of work, or it means they won't blink at a few PiB 22:24:43 #mataringa for Taringa 23:26:06 nicolas17: give a holler when you have more samsung items avail and I'll grab some more. apologies I did accidentally close the browser window on one this morning 23:26:21 will do 23:27:25 I have 30GB pending upload to IA, and the speed from home to my VPS is being *so slow* that I can't upload the relatively-small license-notice files that go with them 23:27:38 I'm filing a support ticket with digitalocean now... 23:30:44 want me to hold off on the 11 uploads i have? 23:30:52 nah 23:31:10 k only 2.69g 23:43:19 nice