01:16:26 JustAnotherArchivist edited Current Projects (+127, Add Taringa!): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51869&oldid=51691 01:16:27 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (-29, /* 2024 */ Link to Taringa! page): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51870&oldid=51862 01:17:26 JustAnotherArchivist edited Taringa! (+20, Datetimeify): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51871&oldid=51867 02:28:15 flashfire42, any plans to archive the forums before 2022? at least they've given a date range 02:28:26 I wonder if gagaDaily is being archived because someone posted on /r/datahoarder that the admin disappeared 02:28:42 It's a pop culture and gossip forum way beyond just Lady Gaga 02:33:25 rktk - already done https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/domain/gagadaily.com 02:49:03 I'm in contact with the person who posted there. 02:49:27 The AB job is still running and will take a long time. I've grabbed all public topics with qwarc. 02:57:06 :) 02:57:18 any word on the members only sections/etc? 03:01:02 what's AB? 03:01:12 nulldata, awesome ty. great bunch of pop culture preserved :) 03:04:47 AB = ArchiveBot 03:05:15 fireonlive: Nothing yet. 03:06:21 I doubt they can whitelist a UA or similar since the admin is gone, so unless they're willing to make them fully public, probably not possible. 03:11:20 ah yeah :( 03:13:08 Wed⊙12 < nicolas17> I have 30GB pending upload to IA, and the speed from home to my VPS is being *so slow* that I can't upload the relatively-small license-notice files that go with them 03:13:16 nicolas17: tell me you're not also on spectrum 03:14:31 fibertel argentina, I was having like 20% packet loss to DigitalOcean, I *think* it's fixed now? 03:14:48 ah, I've been getting like 50KB/s to my digitalocean lately, it's great 03:30:48 premium digitalocean network 😍 03:33:34 A++++++++++ tier 0 network! 03:47:54 PredatorIWD edited Zippyshare (+221): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51872&oldid=49925 14:13:02 Hello, just wanted to confirm is it a known issue that when running the archiveteam warrior in a virtualbox vm with more than one cpu core it always says cpu#1 or #2 3 4 etc stuck 14:13:02 I don't get the problem when I use 1 core 14:13:03 but if I use multiple then there's pop ups in the vm saying cpu stuck 14:21:51 Hello, could you save the links from https://files.catbox.moe/7rlnzu.txt ? It doesn't need to be a recursive capture since it is to update the backup of anon.cafe that you had done a month ago in https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/2024020620173690w04 14:36:24 Rotietip: yes, running now (job e41ca6nea3xwgr8lpslovxdpu) 14:41:31 Thanks thuban 14:43:15 you're welcome; thanks for the update! 15:02:09 https://data.nicolas17.xyz/samsung-grab/stats 15:09:01 nicolas17: back to app link is broken ^ 15:09:55 doh 15:20:22 nicolas17: total files remaining? or would that be non-trivial for some reason 16:09:39 thuban: I added number of tasks pending - and I'm queueing all remaining ones (still need to do "reclaims" though) 16:10:10 oh wow there's a 4GB one in the list x.x 16:14:12 nicolas17: sweet! 16:15:24 Yippee I got the 4GB one :D 16:36:20 nicolas17: Oh hey its downloading pretty fast :D 16:38:08 https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/4869a8bfa2ba24f2/image.png 16:38:09 :D 16:38:23 huh 16:38:30 weird 16:39:19 btw I added a few things (super late): warn if username is blank, warn if you close the tab with a pending task 16:39:59 btw what do you think of my 4 letter username :p 16:40:10 I facepalmed about it already :P 16:40:25 Its a work of art isn't it :D 16:48:29 nicolas17 I guess you can release the 4GB one and I could reclaim it 16:51:02 kiska: failed? 16:51:18 More like I refreshed the page :D 16:51:20 Ooops :D 16:51:56 done 16:52:10 that won't happen again :P refresh should show a popup 16:52:59 Oh hey a respectable speed from this potato https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/a4f2e7ab96b7d1b8/image.png 16:56:40 nicolas17: Apparently you just need to live in APAC https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/a2bba280cb1dc449/image.png 16:58:56 the one time aussies win? 16:59:00 :O 16:59:04 :p 17:32:24 Pokechu22 edited Mailman/2 (+34, /* Archived */ https://lists.sempervigilans.org/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51873&oldid=51418 17:32:35 no tasks available :( But I want to click watermelons! 17:39:12 Was tempted by "KiskasNameIsSilly", but we're out of items :P 17:58:24 lmao kiska nice name 18:50:20 nicolas17: Oh btw the "duplicate %" panel in grafana is a mean of the 5 minute interval 19:35:26 hm lots of IPs I don't have a username for actually 19:46:29 My IP's probably going to have changed by the time I get home 19:46:42 I don't know how often Bell does it 21:12:48 When i'm running a warrior i am getting alot of server couldn't be found or didn't respond errors. Could anyone tell me if it's normal to get these? I'm a bit concerned about it because i saw it fly through a few tasks doing nothing then stopped it. 21:14:06 depends on the project 21:14:15 it's the telegram one 21:50:06 qwertyasdfuiopghjkl is impatient 21:53:53 just trying to avoid wearing out my F5 key (jk) :) 21:55:51 (it's already worn out) 21:57:17 lol 22:13:00 (I'll stick to only checking manually now, so you can put that part of stats back :)) 22:38:24 Samsung just interrupted all my downloads for the third time in a row. I'll try restarting my router to see if a new IP fixes it. 22:53:52 nope, got interrupted again :( I'll try downloading less at a time 23:16:28 Pokechu22 edited Mailman2 (+0, double redirect): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51874&oldid=51344 23:17:29 Pokechu22 edited Mailman/2 (+107, /* Archived */ lists.sempervigilans.org was…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51875&oldid=51873 23:29:26 Samsung-- 23:29:26 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Samsung' now has -1 karma! 23:29:50 nicolas17++ 23:29:50 -eggdrop- [karma] 'nicolas17' now has 4 karma!