00:09:17 I've been good with 2 or 3 at once, haven't wanted to fly any closer to the sun 00:21:43 “What are the ``10 causes of website death'' talked about by an organization working on preserving digital data?”https://gigazine.net/gsc_news/en/20240314-websites-shut-down/ 00:22:04 “ Archive Team , a professional organization for digital preservation and web archiving, has listed 10 patterns as ``patterns where websites are shut down and content is completely deleted.''” 00:26:07 https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/14/24100984/cia-china-fake-social-media-spying not sure how this differs from what China and Russia do to us, which they'd call "disinformation" at the very least, but anyway 00:26:13 oop wrong chan oh well 00:31:10 https://y.yarn.co/04d513b2-99ba-4ba7-8f60-6d14ff2aeb9b_text.gif 00:47:33 Oh, we're professional now? I thought we were a bunch of random nerds on IRC. 00:47:47 ikr? 00:54:50 Larsenv - RE: Redump.org for pages behind the login, well, there are manual ways around that I suppose, right? 00:55:10 For the forum* 00:59:55 I don't think you can use cookies on ab 01:01:10 Oh, I meant something far more specific. Like maybe a custom scraper that implements local temp session 01:01:41 By passing login token so it has access etc 01:02:14 it couldn't go in wayback machine; but probably as an item that others could manually discover 01:03:06 fireonlive: Yeah, exactly. Better than nothing at all though imo 01:03:16 ye 01:04:08 I think there's too much manual human labor that has gone into Redump project for us to pass it by and throw caution to the wind. Which is why I've periodically thrown some of the subdomain into AB, too 01:52:45 JAA: calling us professional seems like misinformation and slander 01:56:47 Yeah, we have standards here. Duct tape must be involved. 01:58:32 🥵 02:30:04 Pokechu22 edited Jira (+7741, /* Status */ update list): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51876&oldid=51863 02:30:05 Pokechu22 edited Talk:Jira (+171, /* More Jira free version sites */ done): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51877&oldid=51816 02:32:22 "Anon.cafe will cease operation as of 15 March 2024, 00:00 UTC" 03:00:35 pokechu22 ^ fyi 03:28:42 JAA: hmm should imgur be listed in the wiki's Porn page? afaik that was one of the main reasons why archived it (imgur taking down nsfw images), so it's an example of "Times we Saved Porn" 03:29:34 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Porn 03:29:50 also tumblr 03:29:52 :p 03:30:27 yes good point 03:30:46 >Uploading porn to the Internet Archive may cause your account to be locked or banned, and/or your items to be removed 03:30:47 :( 03:31:00 rude 03:31:56 The internet is really, really great... 03:32:10 finding porn on the internet is like finding hay in a haystack 03:32:16 nicolas17: Yeah, that sounds fine to me. 03:33:51 pay no attention to the notfireonlive account 03:33:57 👀 04:04:25 aw crap 04:04:47 so this file that was seemingly downloaded via samsung-grab *twice* but also isn't on archive.org yet 04:04:58 it's a corrupted zip and IA rejected the upload 04:17:01 zip the zip? 04:19:03 I guess the right thing to do would be to complain at https://opensource.samsung.com/uploadInquiry?uploadId=11148 04:19:21 ye 04:29:44 but I'm not gonna put my email address into that form 04:40:18 time to get a throwaway/anon email :p 07:57:09 Could someone grab this. Contains the ddos bot configs of NoName. https://witha.name/data/ 08:01:26 on the queuing bot being - i have trouble ssh'ing in 08:01:50 :P and just as i write this it works of course 08:02:19 :P 08:02:50 hmm interesting, so the messages still went through (?) 08:03:03 JAA: could something have been up with h2ibot delaying sending out messages? 08:07:33 or is the bot on the irc side just going to loop the stream until the other end answers? 08:50:12 Yzqzss created PukiWiki (+496, Created page with "{{Infobox project | title =…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=PukiWiki 09:47:09 nicolas17: ill do it if let me know what file is broken 12:37:11 imer: https://opensource.samsung.com/uploadSearch?searchValue=A107FXXU8CVE3 12:43:50 huh, it does open that link you sent earlier, but if you go to that directly it just errors out. so fucking bad :< 12:44:02 downloading just to make sure and i'll send it off if its bad 12:44:16 eta 20min *rolls eyes* 13:22:32 just be in apac :p 13:31:04 Yzqzss edited PukiWiki (+75, add wikifarm: wikihouse.com): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51879&oldid=51878 14:35:47 Heya, I'm trying to debug something related to how the Wayback Machine handles JavaScript, since a site that we use seems to break on react 18: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/27405#issuecomment-1987309617 14:36:10 Where can I find something that'll let me see/simulate how pages are saved on IA, and how the wayback machine loads them? 14:36:14 To find out where the bug is 14:48:18 nicolas17: got distracted. done: "Your inquiry has been forwarded to the relevant department. If you don’t get any response in 24 hours, please send again. " 14:48:30 very tempting to spam them once a day :D 15:16:19 What's the process for archiving fandom.com? Does the wikibot have procedures for that? 15:16:26 I can't remember ... 15:33:07 rktk: you can run #wikibot as a normal mediawiki with --xml --xmlrevisions --images --bypass-cdn-image-compression 15:33:17 Thanks! I'll try 17:43:18 ShadowJonathan: https://github.com/internetarchive/brozzler I think? 17:59:05 pokechu22: thanks, I'll see if that exhibits a similar behaviour 18:54:10 Gumroad to ban adult content from being sellable/sold: https://twitter.com/nowapls/status/1768675868107264047 18:54:27 I'm not sure if it is #archiveteam worthy since it's not a shut down, but ow... 18:57:26 Here is the accompanying image incase you folks can't see it...: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIuYSurWoAMBsKP.png 18:58:14 The accompanying post is as follows: "Gumroad is going to ban NSFW content since tomorrow," "Yeah, they're giving people only 1 day to try to fix their situation with all their clients because them are going to lose all too 🫵" 18:58:33 screenshot: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/G66cS/1.png 19:12:14 arkiver: Hmm, not sure. I'm not aware of any issues on the h2ibot side, but I'm not actually monitoring the HTTP side very well. The logs don't indicate anything, but that might not mean much. 19:16:39 Ryz: 🤦‍♂️ 19:51:17 Yzqzss edited PukiWiki (+92, add wikifarms): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51880&oldid=51879 20:46:32 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+167, /* 2024 */ Add MINI²): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51881&oldid=51870 20:47:32 Pokechu22 edited Deathwatch (+30, /* 2024 */ mini2.info's attachments require a…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51882&oldid=51881 22:33:51 Markass edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+194, onerep.com): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51883&oldid=51834 22:33:52 Hasional created Talk:WikiIndex (+160, Created page with "==Is the site down?== I…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Talk%3AWikiIndex 22:33:53 Hiccup edited Deathwatch (+146, /* 2024 */ added Cohost): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51885&oldid=51882 22:33:54 JustAnotherArchivist changed the user rights of User:Hasional 22:33:55 JustAnotherArchivist changed the user rights of User:Hiccup 23:00:56 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51886&oldid=51883