00:00:07 pokechu22: It wasn't finished, there were a bunch of threads that were hidden by some accidental fuck up with some forum setting. The administrator made them public again and they were going to be scraped, but it kind of stopped there 00:00:32 Oof, ack 00:00:35 Terbium: Yeah, and even more important, anonymously 00:00:50 Moving it offshore after getting hit isn't too hard 00:01:26 Putting the genie back in the bottle when the operators can be identified is impossible 00:03:54 https://overkill.wtf/suyu-emulator-removed-from-gitlab/ 00:05:40 Oof, well, that didn't take long. 00:05:59 Who could have seen that coming? 00:06:08 Oh wait, everyone could 00:10:48 icedice - eh yes and no. Ryujinx and other emulators are still up. Nintendo's arguments for Yuzu seemed mainly around the team also making available separate tools to extract keys and helping people to 'obtain' them. Suyu as far as I'm aware wasn't doing that. 00:12:01 Suyu is a fork of Yuzu and Nintendo got Yuzu banned 00:12:09 I think it applies to forks as well 00:12:38 yuzu had bigger issues than the key extraction 00:12:51 I'm aware it's a fork. The fork didn't contain the tools that were the main crux of Nintendo's argument. 00:13:45 yuzu had a Patreon that gave patrons access to early access patches with optimizations for games that weren't out yet + the ROMs themselves 00:16:15 ...and? The team =/= the code. Suyu is a different team. Further discussion should probably be -ot 00:17:17 Yeah, you're right 00:17:26 Looking at it it only applied to the original devs 01:05:02 https://aftermath.site/kotaku-eic-resigns-over-new-editorial-edict 04:31:28 pabs: no it's not distributed as advertised 04:31:43 to be honest i have gotten a pretty negative opinion of the whole thing after the last few years. 04:32:05 i see it as largely a marketing gimmick by now 04:32:54 of course _the idea_ behind it is good - but the internet cannot exist at the size/scale it exists at now if it were to be run fully and truly according to "web3 principles" 05:11:13 rewby: can we also have a target for DeviantArt please? it'll not be a ton of content - they're deleting affiliations and favourites, which means we'll 'just' get a bunch of HTML and a few small sized images 05:11:17 not the entire site or anything 05:11:21 this one would be 05:11:33 archiveteam_deviantart_ 05:11:37 deviantart_ 05:11:45 Archive Team DeviantArt: 05:11:50 channel is #devianttart 05:12:24 /join #devianttart 05:12:28 >_> 05:27:03 nice 05:31:03 JustAnotherArchivist edited Talk:URLTeam (+81, Fix unsigned edit): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51920&oldid=51913 05:32:03 JustAnotherArchivist edited Talk:Deathwatch (+89, Fix unsigned edit): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51921&oldid=51914 05:33:03 JustAnotherArchivist edited Talk:Tumblr (+183, Fix unsigned edits): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51922&oldid=51915 05:34:14 I think this might be the person Arkiver is looking for :P https://twitter.com/SquidHominid/status/1771027726490865880 05:34:49 They are part of https://archiveofpimps.com/ 05:37:07 thanks nulldata ! 05:40:44 yeah so seems like it stopped 05:40:45 or they finished 05:41:26 various processes are now uploading backlog, may take a day or so 05:41:44 after that all should be good again and we can resume Archive Team projects as well 05:51:06 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+173, Move Realtek FTP to correct section and rewrite): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51923&oldid=51919 05:57:01 what happened? 05:57:38 'Sorry for uploading 30TB in a day and breaking your ingest system.' oh huh 06:49:01 fireonlive: they uploaded a ton of video in parallel, which ate up nearly all the connections available for taking in data 06:49:15 meaning no room for other processes, leading to backlogs and slowdowns everywhere 06:50:46 ahh, oof 06:51:04 that would be quite a bother yeah 09:31:56 Hilariously 30T/day is less than 3gbps 09:32:17 And like, I do more regularly 09:32:22 The trick is big files 09:32:29 Otherwise the task queue explodes 09:32:46 And limited parallelism otherwise you explode the ingest 10:24:08 rewby|backup: yeah, a ton of parallel connections at low speed will clog things up very fast 10:24:31 which is a problem we can have as well at Archive Team - but we don't have it much i believe (big thanks to rewby|backup ) 10:25:09 perhaps they have a slow connection to IA, so their solution was to "100x the number of uploads" - effectively making other uploads impossible due to a limited number of slots at IA 10:37:42 arkiver: I know. I've clogged up the IA several times that way. :) 15:19:18 Google jamboard will be discontinued at December 31, 2024: https://support.google.com/jamboard/answer/14084927?sjid=3721008187446551165-NA 15:30:00 arkiver: huh. I was not aware of the intake slot limit - I've definitely done a bunch of parallel uploads in the past to compensate for the awful connectivity 15:30:11 this seems like something that should probably be fixed? :p 15:31:04 there's a lot that should probably be fixed 15:31:18 until then we should keep it in mind 15:31:21 (like with something in front of the current API that buffers up uploads, or so? as the easiest option) 15:31:27 a few parallel uploads is fine, hundreds is not 15:31:36 (also tens of parallel uploads brings you in dangerous territory) 15:31:48 right 15:31:54 noted 16:21:03 Arkiver uploaded File:Deviantart-icon.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ADeviantart-icon.png 16:39:06 Nulldata edited DeviantArt (+730, Added information about the Groups redesign and…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51925&oldid=50981 16:45:45 nulldata: I think the {{upcoming}} goes in the archiving status 16:47:07 Nulldata edited DeviantArt (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51926&oldid=51925 16:47:27 :) 16:48:39 Signify kills Hue labs in June 2024: https://www.philips-hue.com/en-us/support/article/huelabs/000003 17:45:16 Is there any way of getting the video file out of https://web.archive.org/web/20111016144108/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG_F5Z7PboM ? 17:45:34 I'm pretty sure it used to viewable at that link last year 17:45:44 Though my memory could be wrong 17:48:29 icedice - Do !wb bG_F5Z7PboM in #down-the-tube 17:50:44 Thanks nulldata 17:50:53 Is that a permanent link? 17:51:03 Or does it change after some time? 17:51:30 (I'm just thinking if I need to reupload it to Catbox to show it of to a handful of friends) 17:51:36 * off 18:14:41 The link is permanent. A handful of friends is fine, but if you're going to post it more widely I'd re-host it elsewhere as IA can be slow at times. 18:25:46 I put it on Catbox already 18:26:05 Probably doesn't hurt to have it hosted at more places than one for redundancy either 18:26:16 Plus easier to download from Catbox 18:48:30 Nulldata edited DeviantArt (+166, Project has started.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51927&oldid=51926 20:00:41 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+4): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51928&oldid=51241 21:33:45 icedice: Note that you can also use URLs like this: https://web.archive.org/web/1oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/dQw4w9WgXcQ . That's what I use on my YouTube video finder. 21:41:56 I haven't fully gripped all of the URL structure there, but I'll look into it if I need to access an archived YouTube video again 21:41:59 Thanks 21:43:14 god fucking damn it TheTechRobo