06:26:45 spotted by HN, not sure if anything will be deleted though: "DVD Format/Logo Licensing Program will be terminated at the end of 2024" https://www.dvdfllc.co.jp/notice.html 07:21:36 are they going to publish the specs royalty-free then? 08:02:44 bahahahaha 08:32:08 PaulWise edited Finding subdomains (+47, Altdns): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51938&oldid=51822 11:22:24 if anyone has information about what those IS telegram channels are exactly on which they posted videos of the attack in Russia, please let me know. feel free to PM me or email me at arkiver⊙pc 13:10:10 arkiver: Not sure who runs the tracker or if there's a more appropriate channel, but it looks like something is afoot with taringa's 13:10:22 new items being confirmed but live updates not scrolling 13:13:11 nyany: The tracker websocket/live updates is best effort and is sometimes not functional 13:13:13 It's norma 13:13:14 l 18:05:55 Nulldata edited Taringa! (+5, Site is now offline): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51939&oldid=51908 18:31:00 FireonLive edited Taringa! (+1, securely offline): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51940&oldid=51939 18:32:26 lol 18:32:33 don't mind me i'm a butt slut for https/tls 18:32:37 :p 18:33:39 rip 19:04:56 immibis: Keep in mind my initial request was in this room because it was news vids on their respective websites, not on youtube (unless you plan to mass upload to youtube as private videos for automatic subtitling and translation? What could go wrong? excess video upload bandwidth, copyright strikes/account bans, etc? It's likely not the best translation engine now that better tools use transformers (i.e. chatgpt-type technology,... 19:05:01 ... not chatgpt or a chatbot itself, though even that will likely produce better translation now than youtube) 19:05:03 I've seen, in English, but more so in other languages, that some videos transcribe with a few too many errors for my liking and translated subtitles are even worse. Some videos don't even propose subtitles, especially there are no subtitles proposed for less common languages , including some european ones (at least on some interfaces, though maybe API hackery and knowing the right url or parameters will allow downloading, someone... 19:05:08 ... knows if ALL videos have automatic subs and translated subs available?). 19:05:08 But surely downloading all automatic subtitles and deleting video (and perhaps audio) is a worthy project and not too expensive to store, even if storage space is a limited resource for video. 19:07:02 well idk what you're proposing then 19:07:55 if you want good subtitles you need to spend several hours per hour of video manually polishing them 19:16:59 i believe eightthree just wants videos of private news organizations plus any collateral such as subtitles, thumbnails, descriptions, etc that already exist continuously archived 19:17:17 much like marion(sp?) and her VHS TV news archives 19:18:38 (hell why not public ones like PBS too) 20:14:06 audio is much lighter than video too. You may be able to keep the full quality audio. You probably still want a transcription for searching. 20:18:20 could be a future/different project's work perhaps 20:18:42 main goal would be onboarding the data as their stewardship isn't always the best or freely accessible over time 20:21:41 anyone having trouble uploading crawls to archive.org? 20:22:03 their downlink is still slow, so i'm curious whether that also applies to their uplinks 20:44:35 fireonlive: whose stewardship? Archive.org? 20:44:58 individual news organizations 22:23:59 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39821600 < dropbox? 22:25:05 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cgy6jg7cm5uucbk/AAASYR2ERjcGaBre1lntwnxqa?dl=0&preview=HOW+TO+DUB+FROM+COMPUER+TO+VHS+VCR+Tape.pdf oh, satire? 22:27:12 TIL vhs-decode: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39821489 22:35:39 Oh nice! 22:38:19 I wonder what the state of the art is for compact cassettes. 22:41:10 well I think there's nothing to decode there 22:41:27 the tape head gives you an analog audio signal 22:43:28 Right, guess you just need a good tape deck and then digitise the line out. 22:44:27 you might need some post-processing to compensate Dolby noise-reduction and such