00:10:13 Hi 00:10:35 Now that Taringa is officially dead 00:10:56 When is the archive going to be released to public? 00:11:43 The data has been uploading continuously already, and most of it should be in the Wayback Machine. 00:11:57 Ok 00:12:12 I'm gonna use WM now 00:12:23 And also 00:12:49 Is it going to have a torrent? 00:12:57 Like with geocities? 00:13:29 keeping in mind we didnt get browsable html for a bunch of stuff since the actual data (api responses) took priority, some media is probably missing too 00:13:44 Ok 00:13:49 Thanks 00:52:45 are the WARCs publicly available? 00:52:49 I might try some indexing... 00:55:19 nicolas17: as of now, no 00:55:32 they're also still in the inbox 00:55:44 cc arkiver 00:56:18 oh there is no collection 00:56:24 ye not that i saw 00:56:58 some communities take care to document exactly which tape player, ADC, and settings (if applicable) they used to rip a tape 00:57:10 okay found the items 00:57:21 access restricted /o\ 00:57:34 ye 00:58:00 the dictionary too :) 00:58:02 I guess I can use WBM API 00:58:47 (dictionaries*) 01:04:14 FireonLive edited Current Projects (+31, Taringa! no longer rings): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51941&oldid=51931 01:07:37 nicolas17: it shut down frfr after UTC ticked to the 25th yeah? 01:19:17 Nulldata edited Current Projects (-4, It ain't shuttin' man, it's shut.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51942&oldid=51941 01:20:32 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/9e49129ef2801770/image.png 01:20:34 was waiting on nicky 01:20:36 xP 01:20:47 shoulda log dove 01:24:31 Hi 01:24:36 I'm back 01:25:16 How can I bypass the cloudflare part in WM? 01:25:57 I can't access the last captures of taringa's main site 01:28:06 Webuser274 - https://web.archive.org/web/20231127155822/https://www.taringa.net/index -- but you're probably not going to have much joy since the site used a lot of JS. 01:28:30 ...and they're gone before waiting for a response lol 01:29:56 [02:28] Webuser274 - https://web.archive.org/web/20231127155822/https://www.taringa.net/index -- but you're probably not going to have much joy since the site used a lot of JS. 01:31:02 webirc is.. fun 01:34:17 Also, #mataringa is the channel for the project. 01:37:58 fireonlive: I don't know exactly when it died 01:38:15 maybe you can guess it from the grafana stats? 01:38:56 ah np 03:06:32 is vbox7 still running? 03:08:24 nicolas17 - yes 03:08:35 Or do you mean the project? Then no 03:16:07 I started vbox7 and deviantart containers and my internet stopped responding, stupid fucking modem 03:16:58 arkiver: why do we use --no-http-keep-alive again? 05:02:20 optane is giving "@ERROR: max connections (-1) reached -- try again later", are we running any heavy project now? or is IA just backlogged? 05:14:00 Blankie edited The WARC Ecosystem (+210, /* Tools */ Add CDXJ Indexer): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51943&oldid=51675 05:14:01 LuaTheArchiver edited List of website hosts (+65): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51944&oldid=51646 05:28:05 -+rss- Canva acquires Affinity, its biggest acquisition, to compete with Adobe: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/canva-acquires-affinity-design-suite-004813952.html https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39824191 07:10:13 nicolas17: hmm, actually we could get rid of that... 07:10:46 arkiver: i thought you meant the limits at first ;) 07:11:48 no the --no-http-keep-alive 07:11:52 :) 07:12:36 nicolas17: it's out now from deviantart 07:13:43 that's been a bugbear 🐻 of nickky's for a little while so I'm sure he'll be quite happy 07:15:50 (for the other projects that use(d) it) 07:30:07 why _did_ we have that? 07:32:43 thuban: it was in in a previous project which i used as template for this one - and this was not checked and left in 07:32:53 so the reason being simply a mistake 07:33:07 right, but why was it in the previous project 07:33:19 i am not sure, i don't remember when it was first introduced 07:33:27 Tech234a edited YouTube (+512, Minor tweaks to info about removal of…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=51945&oldid=51763 07:33:49 will check other project now too if this is in for those 08:49:38 !ig e33vwt5xsqkadagnpsks1fl6r ^https?://laurensouthern\.net/wp-content/.*\,%20https\:/laurensouthern\.net/ 08:49:49 ugh i’m sorry, again :( 10:38:34 now you know why i don’t check in here very often :D 11:15:55 We've all done it haha, I just tried to write my code in #// 13:03:15 Would you say you string fuckedAround() { if (true) { return "Found out"; } }, AK? 13:18:14 arkiver: I think no-http-keep-alive causes lots of new connections -> lots of new NAT entries -> my stupid router gets angry and reboots 13:58:00 AbuseReportOverflowException nyany haha 13:58:43 lol 14:07:23 can archivebot archive a mastodon timeline? https://babka.social/@sickmatter 14:09:11 immibis: possibly, see https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Mastodon 15:27:04 nicolas17: yeah, sorry about that 16:27:56 "ArchiveTeam: 🤨📸" 18:11:19 immibis: No, Mastodon version 4 is script hell. 19:08:05 i wish they'd put a couple cycles into making it not that :\ 20:54:51 So I tried to qwarc the Gardeners' World forums that are going down tomorrow. Worked fine at first (well, from the second machine I tried), even at quite high rates, then Buttflare engaged, and now I'm solidly banned. :-| 22:55:01 re: #archiveteam .. 10 requests per minute for roblox's comment api o_o 22:57:28 per IP? do they have IPv6? >.> 23:02:57 looks like no 23:04:54 You can achieve 20 requests per minute by switching between CHI and ASH servers. 23:04:55 Get the load balancer IP from >ping www.roblox.com 23:04:55 Replace the .4 at the end with .8 23:04:56 For example, -> 23:05:29 .4 = CHI 23:05:30 .8 = ASH 23:05:47 ah! good spot 23:12:09 Gardeners' World is running again at a slower pace. If it holds, it should finish in time, I think. 23:12:48 cloudflare :( 23:12:56 fingers crossed