02:52:23 http://www.sorbs.net/ is apparently closing https://www.mail-archive.com/postfix-users⊙po/msg102408.html https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7202108788026335233/ 02:52:28 can someone do AB? 03:37:03 passed away: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BSDCan/permalink/10159552565206372/ https://freebsdfoundation.org/mike_karels/ https://lwn.net/Articles/977070/ 03:39:32 I vote for giving pabs AB privileges tbh 03:39:58 I have them, no time right no tho :) 03:54:19 pabby has ops even 18:04:15 hello 18:04:19 anyone here? 18:04:40 i need help 18:04:42 with warrior 18:04:50 i don't see radikal in warrior, can anyone help with that? 18:05:06 #warrior could be better channel for that. 18:05:41 Radikal? 18:05:46 yes, radikal.ru 18:05:46 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Radikal 18:06:03 Right, that shut down two years ago. 18:06:04 yes, i am trying to use the radikal project on warrior but it doesn't show up 18:06:23 There is no project for it anymore. The data is in the Wayback Machine. 18:06:32 then radikal-grab doesn't work? 18:06:39 No, because the site is dead. 18:06:51 aight well the vm was a waste of time 18:06:59 how do i download it then 18:07:06 Or maybe you misunderstood what the warrior is for. :-) 18:07:20 idk i just followed radikal-grab :D 18:07:35 Yeah, that's the thing that was used to archive (part of) the site back in 2022. 18:07:53 i have a video i want to extract from radikal 18:07:54 The data is in https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_radikal and totals about 520 GiB. 18:08:05 a friend sent a radikal link and told me i need radikal-grab for it 18:08:10 It's easier to access it through the Wayback Machine (which is currently broken though). 18:08:14 Then your friend is mistaken. 18:08:23 alright, canyou help with the link then? 18:08:30 Put the link in https://web.archive.org/ 18:08:47 Note that we only got a small fraction of the site because their servers were performing poorly. 18:09:28 https://radikal.ru/video/nJR4UMtffeX 18:09:30 The warrior is for participating in archival projects, i.e. things we are currently archiving. 18:09:43 here's the link i need 18:10:50 can i post images through pomf lain la? 18:11:06 https://pomf2.lain.la/f/agzio62s.png 18:11:22 https://pomf2.lain.la/f/01ovvqg8.png 18:11:25 here's what my friend told me 18:11:43 You would want to check whether https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://radikal.ru/video/nJR4UMtffeX returns any shapshots, but the Wayback Machine is somewhere between slow and dead at the moment. Maybe try again in a few hours. 18:11:58 got it. 18:56:36 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://radikal.ru/video/nJR4UMtffeX* 18:56:38 doesn't work 19:09:10 Yeah that means it was not grabbed sadly 19:23:05 i'm curious: how many of y'all here are professional librarians/archivists/other kind of ~information professional~? 23:24:38 bigbabyagave: kind of, I do some archiving work for Software Heritage (they archive source code). before that I did coding/sysadmin mostly 23:25:09 definitely not professionally trained in archiving though :)