00:07:30 OrIdow6: ia cdx has issues at present 02:02:43 There is a podcast called Call Chelsea Peretti that is still running and still releasing episodes. However, many of the old episodes have been hidden and rendered inaccessible to most casual podcast listeners. 02:03:47 They're not behind a paywall. They're just pulled off the RSS feed. The old episodes are actually still hosted on the server so I was able to download them. 02:06:03 I have a copy of them downloaded. Now, I'm not sure what to do. I don't know how to make the episodes accessible to people who might be interested in them. Chelsea Peretti doesn't have a subreddit or other fan community that I'm aware of. 02:10:15 i'd put them in an IA album on the minimum 02:11:18 https://www.reddit.com/r/brooklynninenine/ could be a canidate, as she was quite notable there 02:21:59 good suggestion, thanks 02:22:13 :) 02:26:28 We can also do an archivebot !ao < list job for the original URLs. It wouldn't be super discoverable but would mean that existing links on e.g. forum posts would continue to work, if there are any 02:34:11 It would archive the actual mp3 files, not just the HTML of the webpage? 02:37:16 This is the page with the links to all the mp3s: https://www.feedroll.com/rssviewer/preview.php?src=https://web.archive.org/web/20230608093559/https://feeds.megaphone.fm/call-chelsea&date=y&pc=y 02:37:46 If you have a list of MP3s I can throw those into it directly 02:38:33 If there's also a webpage that should be saved then that can be done as well (it might or might not automatically discover the mp3 from the webpage, so it'd be better to do both at the same time) 02:39:38 All I have is that webpage I just linked to and a folder on my computer containing the mp3 files. 02:42:49 https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/137Usa/traffic.megaphone.fm_call-chelsea_2020_and_older_podcast_urls.txt 02:45:27 will run all of those in archivebot 02:47:06 Oh, okay, thanks! 02:52:01 Does anyone know any software that allows you to automatically re-name mp3 files based on the title contained in the metadata? The actual files are named gibberish like "STA5235529605STA5235529605" but the metadata contains the actual episode title. 02:57:12 Ah, actually I figured it out :) 02:57:28 This explains how to do it: https://www.reddit.com/r/software/comments/wg2w7v/comment/iix7z99/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 02:57:48 I think I've done the inverse in the path with a python script of the interwebs.. too slow haha 02:58:18 s/path/past/ 02:59:26 are we planning anything for ambrosia.moe? 03:00:05 i assume not since fediverse/js-required, but shutdown is the 18th 03:29:58 IDK: the youtube ads thing was discussed on #down-the-tube 06:58:03 prcm.jp (プリ画像, pri-image, @prcm_jp), a japanese socialified image host (?), is shutting down at 12:00 (jst?) june 26: https://prcm.jp/information/443 06:58:31 https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/1depgw6/need_help_figuring_how_do_archive_part_of_a/ 06:58:33 oh 06:58:36 fuck 06:58:59 also shutting down are https://prcm.jp/talk and https://news.prcm.jp/ (but not https://novel.prcm.jp/) 07:06:36 everything _seems_ to work without js, but i'm not sure whether archivebot would be appropriate given the site structure (pics, users, albums, lists all link to each other but maybe not in a way that would be cleanly enumerable--someone who speaks japanese might be better able to figure this out) 07:15:45 (there's a /new but it only goes to 500 pages (6000 images); 'pic' slugs look sequential but i don't see a way of accessing relevant data without either the album name or an alternate slug of the form [a-zA-Z0-9]{7}) 07:21:07 (s/album name/album slug/; most seem to be 13 hex chars but a few are not) 10:34:10 i queued that list of 3000-odd images someone replied with on that thread 10:40:12 Where was the Niconico channel again 18:39:43 https://cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/14/media/infowars-alex-jones-liquidation-ruling 18:40:10 Well, I failed at making it not AMP: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/14/media/infowars-alex-jones-liquidation-ruling 18:52:25 !tell Arcorann #niconino 18:52:25 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell Arcorann when they join next 23:28:06 Just tried to access a video from https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_youtube and it looks like the files were locked 23:28:34 https://archive.org/details/youtube-jGgiCwWsktk I was able to load this just fine today but now it no longer works. Does anyone know what's going on? 23:33:23 jamesp: https://findyoutubevideo.thetechrobo.ca/ should direct you to the WBM where to download it if IA has it 23:34:18 most likely copyright/DMCA is the reason for the restriction 23:35:01 That is also still active on youtube 23:45:10 imer: Yes, and it also linked back to that same archive.org link as well. But otherwise it makes many videos inaccessible even if they weren't "taken down". 23:51:54 jamesp: The wayback machine link in the site imer linked gives you the video as well. 23:55:23 Yes I know, but there was also an archive.org/details link as I pasted above, that stopped working as of today 23:57:01 well the link works, but some of the items are restricted most likely because of DMCA or other copyright issue. 23:57:13 I looked at 1 random item under archiveteam_youtube 23:57:23 it was marked "restricted" 1.5 days ago 23:58:10 the video I linked above was just a few hours ago 23:58:21 I downloaded this video a few months ago: https://archive.org/details/youtube--oSlbyLAksM 23:58:51 How do I know when that was restricted? It was also under https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_youtube 23:59:55 Wayback machine would only offer the video under a lower quality, downloading from standard archive.org would provide the video in original quality with an mkv